Life After Prison

Chapter 1591

Chapter 1591

Chapter 1591

Chapter 1591

“My sincere apologies, Miss Rachel, please take the private room as a token of my apology for my

mistake,” Thommy said with a shaking voice as he hurried to greet Rachel respectfully while

keeping a distance between them as if an invisible barrier was keeping him three meters away

from Rachel.

“Act… Actually I will be moving to another hotel.” Thommy stammered and left with his sidekicks


“Mister Thommy, I will arrange for your deposit to be refunded to you,” shouted Arroy across the

hall as Thommy scrambled to leave.

“Oh my, what could you have possibly said to him that scared him to death?” Rachel was having a

good laugh as she saw Thommy escaping like a frightened rabbit. Was she some sort of monster?

“Well, not much actually. I’ve only made known to him that Miss Rachel is the hall master of the

Serpent Hall and what do you know, that was enough to have him chickened out immediately.”

Arroy smiled, secretly hoping that he would earn some brownie points with Rachel for diffusing

the unpleasant situation.

Rachel smiled lightly and mentioned, “So I suppose we can have the best private room this

restaurant has now that no one has placed a reservation for it?”

“Of course, of course! This way please, Miss Rachel. Let’s check out the menu. Oh, by the way, our

boss said that all the members of the eleven halls are entitled to a 20% discount on all food and

drinks,” Arroy said as he escorted Rachel into the restaurant.

After Larry left, Severin had nothing much on his hand, so he brought Sheila, Diane, and Selene to

stroll about in the city. They arrived at the Rising Dragon Hotel at nightfall. novelbin

Knowing that Severin and the rest were dropping by the restaurant, the owner had prepared an

extravagant welcoming party and greeted them at the entrance personally. He took every

opportunity to hand out his name cards to the Hall Masters and made sure all the security

personnel lined up with elaborate fanfare.

During the dinner gathering, Fiona knew Severin was approachable and easy to talk to now. She

had finally stopped being nervous and became much at ease.

When they had all returned to their residences, Severin thought for a while and decided to stay

When Sheila saw Severin coming, she frowned as she thought to herself, ‘It was hard enough to keep up with himself usually. Tonight, he had had quite a few drinks. The night was going to be harder and longer than usual.‘

“Why, why are you here tonight?” quibbled Sheila half–heartedly as she blushed and bit her pouty lips.

Seeing such a cute yet sexy Sheila, Severin closed the door, held her tightly, and said, “You know why I’m here,” and kissed her intently.


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