Life After Prison

Chapter 1609

Chapter 1609

Chapter 1609

Chapter 1609

“It’ll be fine, I think. Selene is immensely talented, and her attainment level is worth being proud novelbin

of too. She’ll be in a much better position if she’s with us,” Sheila responded without hesitation.

However, Sofia interjected and said to Diane, “You should consider this carefully though. If Selene

stays in South Link City, she’ll enjoy safety under the protection of the Shanahans. Both the

Shanahans and the Dracodeus Temple are formidable entities that no one would dare to provoke.

This allows her to have a secure environment growing up. Conversely, her safety isn’t guaranteed

if you bring her to the sect. Severin’s uncle–master might be able to offer protection as the sect

leader, but there will be plenty of geniuses and high–level practitioners within the sect. Severin’s

presence might incite feelings of jealousy, which makes it unsafe for Selene.”

After pondering for a while, Sheila said, “I believe it shouldn’t pose too big of a problem. Being at

the sect might not be as safe as staying in South Link City, but Selene will flourish if she remains

alongside Severin.”

Sofia nodded and added, “This is something Diane must discuss carefully with Severin. We have

just over a month left, and it’s important to find out Severin’s opinion.”

Diane concurred and said, “Your concerns are valid, Sofia. The sect may assign us tasks that we

are obliged to complete, and it’ll be difficult to bring Selene along with us in fulfilling our

obligations. Her low attainment level and young age may make it difficult for Severin’s uncle-

master to accept her into the sect.”

At that moment, the villa door opened, and Severin came out with the rest of the hall masters. As

soon as they exited the villa, Severin’s three wives immediately came over to him. Sheila, unable

to contain her curiosity, asked Severin, “You were in there for over an hour! Did you discuss

something important?”

Severin smiled and explained, “It’s nothing major. We’ll be leaving soon without knowing when

we’ll return, and I’ll be taking the twelve hall masters with me too. This would deprive our

organization of its leaders, so I tasked them with choosing new leaders and elders within a month.

The twelve halls will be united under Dracodeus Temple, and we can leave without having to

worry so much if we select new leadership.”

Sheila asked, “What do you mean it’s nothing major? Isn’t this issue of utmost importance and


After some contemplation, Diane asked Severin, “Are there any suitable candidates in mind?”


Severin smiled and clarified, “Some of the great elders can be exempted from the selection

process. They will assume the roles of Dracodeus Temple’s leaders to some extent. For the sake of

fairness, however, each hall will need to have at least one of its current elders serving as an elder

within Dracodeus Temple. Other positions, such as protectors or elders, will be assigned based on

their attainment levels. After pausing briefly, Severin added. “As for the position of Supreme

leader, we intend to choose from the younger generation, someone who is not more than thirty

years of age. They will compete in a combat tournament, and the victor will be qualified to

assume the role of the new supreme leader.”

Sheila’s eyes lit up when she heard about the competition. She asked eagerly, “Can we watch the

competition if we have time to spare?”


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