Life After Prison

Chapter 1614

Chapter 1614

Chapter 1614

Chapter 1614

Severin was no longer the Supreme Leader of Dracodeus Temple, and everyone needed some time

to adjust to the change.

“That’s it for today, everyone. Get some rest. Severin waved his hand, signaling that they were all free to head back home. “Be sure to come back here in another twenty days.”

“Sure thing!” The group dispersed promptly.

Sheila wore a smile as she turned to Severin. “Our attainment level has stabilized too, honey. Can

we further improve our attainment since we still have some time left?”

Severin smiled and replied, “Aren’t you satisfied with being a level three warrior emperor? It’s

pretty high if you ask me.”

Sheila pouted slightly. “It is high, but I’m still lagging behind Rachel and the others. They’ve

already made a breakthrough to level seven warrior emperor, and even Luke from Sus Hall is a level eight warrior emperor.”

Severin’s eyes gleamed with delight when he heard that. “Well done, Sheila! You’ve mastered the

Mind’s Eye technique! I had a look at their attainment earlier and saw how much progress they

made. Even Shirleen is now a level one warrior emperor.”

Sheila glanced at Elsa and sighed. “Elsa is really strong too. She’s already a level seven warrior

emperor. And let’s not even talk about Sofia! Sofia is now a level one saint. I’m jealous of them!”

Diane offered a reassuring smile and said, “Don’t compare yourself to other people, Sheila. We all novelbin

make progress at our own pace. Comparing yourself with other people all the time isn’t going to

bring you anywhere. You should be proud and content with your achievements. I, for example, am

very happy to have reached level four warrior emperor. This is a milestone I never even dreamed

of achieving!”

Elsa also chimed in with a smile and nudged Sheila playfully, “Yeah, Sheila! There’s no point in

comparing your progress with other people. I’m jealous of you for mastering the Mind’s Eye

technique because it’s something I haven’t managed to learn yet, but I’m still pretty happy that

I’m now a first–grade low–rank alchemist.”

Sheila’s eyes lit up when she heard what Elsa said. “At the rate you are at, you’ll become a first-

grade medium–rank alchemist in no time! I’m rooting for you!”


Elsa responded modestly, ‘It’s much easier to make progress in the first and second grades. The difficulty starts to build up when we go higher, and it’ll also be more challenging to make breakthroughs at those higher grades.”

Sheila nodded. “Safe to say, our husband is the most amazing person we’ve ever known. His

alchemical ability is now fourth–grade low–rank, so it won’t be long before he reaches fourth- grade medium–rank.”

“For all we know, he might have already made the breakthrough. He frequently keeps mum about

his progress, even with us,” Diane remarked with a smile.

Severin smiled wryly and said, “That’s not the case this time, though. I’ve made a lot of progress

after repeatedly refining pills over the past few days, but I still haven’t made a breakthrough yet. I

do believe I’m on the cusp of reaching fourth–grade medium–rank though, so it’s only a matter of

time until I achieve that.”

“Awesome! Once you become a fourth–grade medium–rank alchemist, you can use fourth–grade

medium–rank pills to accelerate your attainment. You will make even faster progress!” Sofia said.

with excitement.

Should Severin succeed in raising his attainment level even more, their position within the sect

would be more secure. It would also be less likely for them to be subjected to mistreatment.

“Sofia is right. Progress is much slower without the appropriate pills. I ate a fourth–grade low- rank pill a few days ago, and its effect was somewhat limited. I didn’t receive much benefit from it,

Severin explained. It went without saying that he was incredibly eager to progress to fourth-

grade medium–rank alchemist.


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