Life After Prison

Chapter 1623

Chapter 1623

Chapter 1623

“Right?! They’re all so beautiful! Our group is much bigger than theirs, so we might need to share

one of them between two or three of us,” the mustached man gulped and remarked with a

lecherous grin.

Yuka stepped forward after seeing their lewd looks. She said coldly, “I was wondering why you’d

come over instead of going on your way. Well, now we have our answer. You’re all a bunch of

wretched perverts. What a disgrace to your sect.”

An elderly man from the opposing party laughed and declared, “Haha, I like this one! Save her for

me later, haha.” novelbin

Yuka glanced at the man with disdain. “You want them to save me for you? You’d be better off

asking them to save you from me! You’re all fools for trying to cause trouble here. Do you have any

idea who you’re up against?”

Larry clenched his fist and glared at the enemy. “Save your breath on these idiots, Yuka. Let our

fists do the talking.”

Tch. I’m surprised a bunch of unaffiliated practitioners like you have the balls to threaten the

Stillroad Sect’s disciples!” Maron chided with a cold smile.

Severin did not want to rub a powerful sect the wrong way, but he could not tolerate the threats. being made to all his closest people. “Have you ever heard of Stillroad Sect before, Sofia?”

Sofia shook her head. “This is my first time hearing about them. Judging from the way they carry themselves, it’s safe to assume their sect consists of individuals with very high attainment. I

believe this sect is a very formidable one.”

Maron appeared quite pleased upon hearing that, as he seemed very confident that Severin’s group were mere uninformed casual practitioners. He did not have to fear the consequences of offending a certain sect because casual practitioners were unaffiliated with any sect and made for

easy targets.

With a proud face, he stated, “I’ll have you know that the Stillroad Sect is an established sect that’s

ranked as a second–tier sect. You’d be a fool to piss us off.”

Severin replied nonchalantly, “We have no intention of provoking you. The way I see it, several disreputable individuals from your sect have shamelessly shown up here to harass us.”

Maron was momentarily speechless, his mouth twitching in frustration.


The mustached man chuckled and taunted, “Haha, do we need a reason to come over here? My big

fists should be reason enough. And if we are shameless, there’s nothing you can do about it! You’re all going to die anyway.”

Severin maintained a cold smile that belied his indifference. “In that case, we won’t hold back.”

Larry clenched his fist and exerted his energy to emanate a formidable aura.

“A level seven warrior emperor! Maron! This guy is a level seven warrior emperor!” the mustached

man exclaimed in alarm.

Maron sneered, “What’s there to be scared of? Leave him to me. A casual practitioner like him will

never be able to match me in terms of combat skills. I’ll leave the others to you. Remember to kill

the men and that little girl. The only people we’re sparing are those beautiful women.”

The mustached man agreed readily. “Gotcha!”

Yuka, a level six warrior emperor, stepped forward and unleashed her spiritual energy.


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