Life After Prison

Chapter 1665

Chapter 1665

Chapter 1665

Chapter 1665

“Hold on. You’re a fourth–grade medium–rank alchemist?” Wuhlricht was stunned for a moment. He heard that Severin was a fourth–grade alchemist and automatically assumed that he was a fourth– grade low–rank alchemist. That in itself was already very impressive. It was news to him that Severin was a fourth–grade medium–rank alchemist!

Severin answered nonchalantly, “Yes. I am a fourth–grade medium–rank alchemist.”

Why didn’t you tell me that sooner? I was always under the impression that you were a fourth–grade low–rank alchemist! Your alchemical skills are incredibly high!” Wuhlricht was thoroughly taken aback after discovering Severin’s true grade.

There was a huge disparity between a fourth–grade low–rank alchemist and a fourth–grade medium– rank alchemist despite the slight difference in level. A fourth–grade low–rank alchemist’s pills were usually more effective for those with an attainment of level one to level three saints. Meanwhile, the pills crafted by a fourth–grade medium–rank alchemist were especially beneficial to those who were between level four and level six saints. The difference was noticeable, as the latter group was poised to become level seven to level nine saints. These were the most important groups for the sect, as there were expectations that they would reach the exalted status of a king.

Since Severin was a fourth–grade medium–rank alchemist, his abilities would be significant in expediting the sect’s ability to nurture many more such disciples. The sect’s progress would thus improve even more.

Severin then responded helplessly, “You didn’t ask.”

“Didn’t 1? I remember asking you just yesterday,” Wuhlricht responded with a bewildered frown.

Severin elaborated, “Well, your question was whether I was a fourth–grade alchemist, and I said yes. You assumed that I was a fourth–grade low–rank alchemist.” novelbin

Wullricht seemed dumbfounded. “Do you understand how important it is for a sect to have a fourth– grade medium–rank alchemist?”

“Very important, of course!” the elder chimed in

Wohlricht gave it a little more thought and leaned closer to Severin. Once he could ensure that no outsiders were present, voiced his concern and said, “I’m now reconsidering my decision to let you enter the Paradise Secret Realm. It’ll be a huge blow to our sect if something happens to you inside that place.”

Severin was taken aback and retorted with a wry smile, “Did you have to be so pessimistic? Weren’t you confident in my abilities yesterday? Why the change of tone right now? I’ve heard about the Paradise Secret Realm before but I’ve never had the opportunity to go there. I’m not going to miss out on the chance to experience it.”

Wuhdricht then explained, “I had confidence in you yesterday because I knew that your attainment level is quite high. Your strength will lower the risk that any untoward incidents might happen. However, countless other talented individuals will also enter the Paradise Secret Realm, not to mention the possibility of spiritual beasts that might possess an attainment level on par with a level one or level two royal saint. It would be wise to have some degree of caution.”

Severin pave an exasperated sigh and commented, “You seem to imply that I’m essential to the sect, but wouldn’t the Skyblue Sect still be a first–tier sect even if I’m not around?”


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