Life After Prison

Chapter 1668

Chapter 1668

Chapter 1668

Are you sure?” Rano’s eyes welled up with emotion. He never expected Severin to forgive their past actions and even hand them some pills

“Of course. They’re yours. I have quite a few on hand right now, and they’re better off serving those who truly need them. We’re all disciples of the same sect anyway. All I ask in return is that you train hard and devote yourselves to the sect,” Severin encouraged warmly.

“Thank you!” The group graciously accepted the pills.

“Okay then, you should all head back and start training. I don’t need to train much in the coming month, so I’ll spend my free time refining some pills. Now that I’m in the sect, you’ll receive these pills regularly, and it’s likely that you won’t have to wait long for them either.” Severin waved his hand and bid the group goodbye.

He could see that the individuals before him had recognized their errors and offered their sincerest apologies. There was thus no need to give them a hard time. Had he not given each of them a pill, he would not be able to allay their fears that he might still be harboring a grudge against them. By providing them with a pill, he would put to bed those assumptions and set them at case.

“Thank you very much. We will excuse ourselves then.” Rano thanked Severin and led the group away. Once they reached. forest, they removed the thorny vines from their bodies and tossed everything into the woods.

“I never would’ve thought that he would forgive us, much less hand us such valuable pills. His generosity is a virtue that we should all aspire to have.” Rano was a little emotional and felt that he had been too hasty in passing judgment.

Another disciple asked, “Do you still blame Ricky now?”

Rano chuckled, “Haha, not at all! If Ricky knew I was fortunate enough to receive a pill, he might regret trading shifts with me, haha!” novelbin

Upon their return to their respective residences, they isolated themselves and began to train with the pills that Severin gave them.

“I’m surprised that those guys would come over to apologize to you,” Sheila remarked.

Severin replied, “After knowing that I’m a sect elder and a fourth–grade alchemist, they’re naturally afraid that I would hold it against them for what they did. I never would’ve thought that they would do that to seek my forgiveness.”

Over the next two days, Severin brought his family around the sect and visited some nearby towns as well. On 14 August, Sheila and Diane went into seclusion to begin training and improving their attainment.

Severin then went to where one could acquire the materials needed for alchemy. When an elderly man saw Severin’s arrival, he promptly stood up and approached Severin respectfully. He extended his hand in a warm greeting, “Pleased to meet you at last, Elder Severin. I am Theodore Mallock, the sect’s protector.”

Severin looked at the man and accepted the handshake. “The pleasure’s mine as well. I’m running low on some materials, especially fourth–grade low–rank and fourth–grade medium–rank. I’m here to replenish my supplies.”


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