Life After Prison

Chapter 1711

Chapter 1711

Chapter 1711

Chapter 1711

Severin was momentarily taken aback by her question. He then replied earnestly, “Of course. I mean every

word. How can I possibly lie to you about that sort of stuff? Why do you ask? Have you already made a


Severin had asked that question half–teasingly, but Gilda nodded and answered with the utmost seriousness, “Yes. I’ve decided to give you a chance and try to accept you as my boyfriend.”

“Really?” Severin’s face lit up with joy, and he was beside himself with excitement. Gilda was a good

woman, and he had been hoping to gain Gilda’s acceptance. Diane and the others had already given their

consent, so he would naturally want to take responsibility for her.

Gilda smiled when she saw Severin’s ecstatic expression. She rolled her eyes at him and used his words

on him. “Duh! How can I possibly lie to you about that sort of stuff?”

“I’m super happy to hear that!” Severin was elated and went forward to reach for Gilda’s hand.

Gilda frowned and asked, “Are you sure that you can accept me even though I’m no longer a virgin?”

Severin smiled bitterly and responded, “How many more times do I need to reassure you again? Haven’t I

already told you that it doesn’t bother me? I’m genuinely happy, Gilda. Is it okay if I hug you?”

“No!” Gilda lowered her head and felt her cheeks turn red. Her heart was filled with a gush of sweetness.

Severin could tell from her shy demeanor that she wanted the hug despite her apparent protest. He

embraced her tightly, and her faint fragrance was so delightful that it began to make his heart race.

Gilda’s heartbeat quickened, and she was as red as a tomato after Severin hugged her. Even though she

had known Frederick for many years, they hung out far more frequently as kids than as adults. By the time

she grew up and understood the intricacies of romance, she rarely had a chance to meet Frederick. She would be lucky if she could meet him once a year, and the most they did together was spend time having a stroll around the sect.

Her feelings toward Frederick were more of a respect for his talents. He was nonetheless very attractive, and marrying him seemed to be the natural course of events because of their marriage agreement. In her mind, she was always destined to marry him and become the envy of many other women.

However, Frederick had never hugged her as Severin did, so she was surprised to feel her heartbeat quicken so much when Severin held her. Severin felt like the epitome of masculinity, fueling her unintentional wild thoughts even further. novelbin

“Why am I having these thoughts?‘ she wondered. She never had such lewd thoughts before, and she from girlhood Into womanhood. Memories of that particular fateful night began to flood in–she may

have been immobile, but she was fully conscious of her physical sensations.

Unbeknownst to them, four men had descended from the nearby mountains.

“Tsk, tsk! Look at you two lovebird’s hugging each other so tightly! This is hardly the appropriate place for such affection, don’t you think?” one of the men remarked as they all blocked Severin and Gilda’s path.


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