Life After Prison

Chapter 1777

Chapter 1777

Chapter 1777

Chapter 1777

After some thought, Wuhlricht said, “Probably not. Whatever happens in the realm stays in the realm.

Besides, they’re a very large sect, and they’ll become a laughingstock if they speak of that incident to any

other people.”

Severin nodded. “I think so too, We couldn’t have just allowed their disciples to kill ours without doing

anything, right? We have every right to defend ourselves. In any case, killing others and robbing them of

their treasures is a common practice within the Paradise Secret Realm. I don’t believe they have the

audacity to bring their men here and make a fuss over it. They’ll be making a mockery of themselves if

they do that.”

Rynold nodded in agreement, but he remained cautious over the matter. “They may not confront us

directly over this issue, but the rapport we’ve built up in the past has now shattered. If our disciples

venture into other secret realms or perilous locations to search for treasure, there is every chance that

the Horizon Sect’s disciples might target ours.”

Wuhlricht agreed with that supposition. “Indeed. I would like you to send word to our disciples and warn

them to be more careful around the Horizon Sect if they embark on treasure hunts or tasks. It would be

unwise to trust them blindly as was the case in the past. We would be in a precarious position if we

treated them as our allies.”

Rynold nodded. ‘Understood. I’ll relay the message promptly.”

At that moment, both Felipe and Samuel had arrived too.

Wuhlricht was surprised at how quickly they seemed to have completed their tasks. “Have

collected the treasures that our disciples acquired?”

you already.

Felipe responded with a smile, “There were so many items that we couldn’t sort them all out at once.

Samuel and I decided to gather up everything first and organize them later.”

Samuel then added sheepishly, “We were a little hasty because we wanted to know if Severin had

successfully brought back the miniature black tower. We know how important it is to us.”

Wuhlricht nodded. “It has been found. However, I will need to study it further to determine how it will be

able to guide us to “that place“,”

He paused briefly before emphasizing. ‘Remember not to let anyone know about this. It would be

troublesome if word gets out and the other sects catch wind of this. They might attempt to steal it from


Felipe reassured, “We’ll keep our lips sealed.”

He then turned to Severin with admiration and said, “You are truly remarkable, Elder Severin. Our sect leader has exercised his astute Judgment and made the very wise choice of entrusting you with this task.”

Samuel smiled and added, “And our disciples acquired a staggering amount of treasure this time. It’s several times more than what we had in the past. Something just doesn’t seem right to me. Even if many of our disciples returned with treasures, they could not have amassed so many spiritual herbs, combat techniques, and training exercises.”

Wuhlricht clarified with a wry smile, “It’s because they killed plenty of disciples from the Horizon Sect and the Highworld Sect.”

Felipe and Samuel exchanged puzzled and bewildered glances. Rynold then repeated what Severin, Heidi, and Tamara had explained earlier.

“I never imagined that so much would unfold in there. The leaders of the Horizon Sect and the Highworld Sect are probably bawling their eyes out right now!” Felipe sighed in relief and proceeded to laugh.


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