Life After Prison

Chapter 1809

Chapter 1809

Chapter 1809

Chapter 1809

Severin continued flying eastward for another ten miles when he spotted two individuals on a nearby

mountaintop. They were being pursued by a massive purple–furred wolf. The young man had the highest

attainment of the two as a level nine saint. The green–robed young woman, aged about seventeen or

eighteen, was only a level six saint. The giant wolf emitted powerful purple beams of light that put it on

par with a level one royal saint. The two of them were visibly struggling against the wolf’s overwhelming


Having seen the dire situation being faced by the two individuals, Diane suggested, “Weren’t we searching.

for someone to ask directions from? There’s two people right here.”

Wuhlricht and Felipe concurred.

“Diane is correct.”

“We should rescue these two individuals. Their attainment is, at best, that of a level nine saint. It would be

a rational move to save them and ask for information regarding the area beyond the vast mountain range.”

Severin immediately increased the speed of his flying sword.

Meanwhile, on the mountain, Rainier and his sister, Frostia, were desperately trying to evade the wolf’s

attacks. Rainier was a level nine saint, but he was barely a step away from becoming a level one royal

saint. Hailing from a second–tier family in Nontwo City, he ventured to the sacred lake to mine spintual

stones and increase his attainment. He would not have ventured into such a forbidden area otherwise!

Though the journey yielded plenty of valuable spiritual herbs, it also plunged the siblings into a life–or- death situation. Rainier regretted his decision as he watched the wolf close in behind them. He felt even.

more regret because Frostia had suffered severe injuries.

He said to Frostia, “I’m sorry. Take the herbs and find a chance to advance toward the sacred lake, I’ll

stall this beast for you! If you survive and train in the sacred lake, you might just secure our family’s future

if you can make a breakthrough to supreme saint!”

He attacked the wolf with resolve, but that was hardly sufficient to halt the wolf. Instead, it further provoked the creature, and the wolf roared before kicking up dust in a swift movement. In that split second, it was already charging toward Rainier’s direction.

The wolf’s claw seriously injured Rainier, throwing him backward. Free of those pesky attacks, the wolf

approached the siblings with its mouth agape and was prepared to devour them.

The two wounded siblings closed their eyes and accepted their imminent death. In their minds, all they

thought was, ‘This is the end of the line for us.”

As soon as they closed their eyes, they heard a rush of wind, followed by the wolf’s agonizing cries. When they opened their eyes cautiously, a decapitated and heavily bleeding wolf was lying before them.

Perplexed and overwhelmed by the sight, they were drawn back to reality only when they heard a melodious twinkling giggle from behind.


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