Life After Prison

Chapter 1812

Chapter 1812

Chapter 1812

Chapter 1812

Sensing an undertone in the other party’s suggestion, Severin exchanged a knowing look with Wuhlricht

and the elders. He then smiled and said, “We’ll be happy to take you up on your offer.”

Severin’s acceptance brought joy to Rainier. He continued, “I can see you are all royal saints, and I am grateful that you do not see us as beneath you even though you’re stronger than us. We are thankful for your saving grace. My family has a certain level of status in Nontwo City, and I’d be honored to grant you honorary elder status. Our honorary elders are allowed to bring their families to reside with us. They also receive hundreds of spiritual stones and pills each month, along with the opportunity to enter the sacred. lake. It goes without saying that they are also obliged to contribute in one way or another to the family’s

well–being in times of crisis.”

Severin accepted Rainier’s invitation readily. Given their recent arrival in this unfamiliar environment, their original plan was to visit Nontwo City and gain some insights into the city. The invitation from Rainier presented an opportunity to fulfill that goal, in addition to being bestowed the status of an honorary elder.

No one had any doubts about the plan. After giving each other a subtle nod, Severin said to Rainier, “We

appreciate your gesture very much, and we are happy to accept it.”

Rainier was elated after hearing that. He believed that the presence of those people, who all seemed to be royal saints, would help resolve the recent crises faced by the family.

The siblings became increasingly more partial to Severin, including Sofia and the women. After spending some time tending to their injuries on the barren mountain, the siblings led them all toward Nontwo City.

As they traveled several hundred miles eastward, they noticed that the mountains gradually decreased in height until a vast plain was revealed. Soon, Nontwo City, the siblings had mentioned, came into view.

When they arrived, they followed Rainier’s lead into the city and toward the Chorteau’s estate. It was clear that most people in the city had achieved a significant level of attainment. Warrior emperors, in particular, were everywhere! Severin and the group even encountered numerous individuals whose attainment could be compared to the level six up to level nine warrior emperors they had known from the Skyblue Sect.

The elders could not help but feel impressed as they saw that some three–year–old children on the street were already warrior emperors! Reminiscing about their arduous journeys to reach the attainment of a level two warrior emperor left an unusually bitter feeling in their heart!

“We’re in a pond full of big fish now. Even the little children are warrior emperors!”

The Skyblue Sect disciples would all be jealous if they saw what Severin’s group was seeing! Becoming a disciple came with the prerequisite that they must be warrior emperors, which necessitated so much of their effort to train! By contrast, even children were already at that level In Bleurealm!

The siblings who were leading the way did not seem to catch on to the elder’s remarks. Rather, they seemed secretly pleased with the group of unaffiliated practitioners and felt a sense of superiority and

delight at the group’s amazement.

Upon reaching the entrance of the residence, Rainier and Frostia were just about to inform the

gatekeeper when a harsh voice sounded from within the gate. “Well, well! If it isn’t the useless loser,

Rainier! Who are these bumpkins with you?”


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