Life After Prison

Chapter 1869

Chapter 1869

Chapter 1869

Chapter 1869

After the second round concluded, Kiyu stood up and announced the list of people who had qualified. The individuals advancing from that round included the seven contestants from Severin’s side, as well as two others from the Lischalts–Jangar, and the great elder, Germain. In what could be interpreted as a stroke of bad luck, the Gahrrs failed to secure the last remaining spot, which went to the honorary elder.


Following the announcement that Severin’s group had advanced, the crowd erupted in an animated discussion.

“How did the Chorteaus get so lucky? Seven out of their eleven participants qualified for the final round!”

“I heard that Wuhlricht and others are all Severin’s closest friends!”

“Tch…where did they come from anyway? Their strength is insane!”

“They secured seven places even though the second round had just ended! Won’t the Chorteaus get

eleven spots at the sacred lake once Severin clinches first place?”

“Severin might be strong, but there’s still no guarantee he’ll get first place!”

“He still has to go through Jangar, and they haven’t gotten the chance to face each other yet!”

Amidst the varied reactions in the venue, the news about Severin’s group successfully advancing made some envious of their luck. Others were optimistic of Severin’s progress, but some dismissed his

chances. However, those discussions had no bearing on what was in store for them in the third round of

the tournament.


The third round differed from the previous round in that it was aimed at determining the top three positions. The ten individuals who had passed the second round already had access to the sacred lake, but the first–place finisher would secure four spots, and the second–place finisher claimed three. The competition thus became more intense in respect to those coveted positions.

Severin, having calculated that his group had seven places in the bag, discussed an appropriate strategy with Wuhlricht. Thirteen spots were needed–twelve for Severin’s group, and one that Severin had agreed to give the Chorteaus.

Wullricht said, “We have seven spots now, so all that’s left is six more. You should aim for first place, while we do our best to get second and third.”

“Great plan!” Severin agreed readily. He was confident that Wuhlricht and the rest of the group could handle the situation.


Atop the viewing platform, Kiyu cleared his throat before announcing the start of the third round. As participants drew lots, the Lischalts bad luck streak seemed to begin as the Germain drew Severin. Meanwhile, Jangar faced an honorary elder from the mayor’s mansion. The rest of the matchups were between Wuhlricht and the other elders

“Fate must be on our side, Severin! Wutricht remarked, much to Severin’s amusement.

As the tournament commenced, Wuhlricht’s matchups unfolded like a farce, with one opponent surrendering without a fight. The somewhat scripted nature of their matchup made many spectators envious. Meanwhile, the Lischalts–particularly Jangar–were frustrated at the outcome of the pairing.


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