Life After Prison

Chapter 1969

Chapter 1969

Chapter 1969

Chapter 1969

“Thank you for your generosity. I’m very thankful for everything,” Severin said, bowing to each of the peak

masters. He was aware that those gifts were bestowed upon him in an attempt to win him over, given his breakthrough to the seventh floor of the Alchemy Tower and his remarkable feat of topping the Alchemy

Tower’s ranking. Seeing as they had shown such courtesy toward him, Severin felt a sense of obligation

and resolved to visit each of the mountains without favoring one of the other.

The onlookers could only watch in envy as Severin accepted the gifts gracefully.

“We can never hope to reach the heights of a prodigy’s abilities!”

“Is this what it means to be a genius? The unsmiling peak master are now grinning from ear to ear in front

of Severin!”

“I’m so jealous. I wish I was as amazing as Severin!”

“Keep dreaming. Severin is a master alchemist, and he also possesses the Chaotic Constitution! That

constitution is a divine constitution!”

“Shyam and Emery failed to challenge him, and it’s quite possible that Celeste would not be able to rival

him either.”

“Karl, the first core disciple, might be the only one who could match Severin’s level.”

Severin paid little attention to the chatter in the crowd. After collecting the gifts, he ascended into the sky and returned to Pearl Light Isle. He greeted the men engaging in a game of chess in the courtyard before swiftly entering his room to continue another session of seclusion. He wanted to leverage the information he had received from Aleix to train himself in crafting several sixth–grade high–rank pills. His goal was to cement his abilities as a sixth–grade high–rank alchemist.

While Severin immersed himself in his seclusion, a floating island several dozen miles away from Pearl Light Isle emanated a spiritual glow. White cranes soared in the air, and a radiant rainbow decorated the sky above. An unassuming young man in a simple robe sat at the hall in the center of the island. The young man exuded a dense spiritual energy, and his skin seemed to glow with a dense energy. Every single one of his movements appeared to spur the heavens and earth into motion, making one feel as though one were in the presence of a deity! His radiant yet indifferent–looking eyes possessed an enthralling quality.

The young man’s servants promptly bowed in salutation.

“Congratulations on becoming a paragon!”

“May you soon ascend to the position of junior sect leader!”

Riley, the third core disciple of Grandiuno Sect, dismissed their flattery with a wave of his hand. He had long gotten used to such adulations. He sat upright, and his body seemed to be surrounded by the constant flow of the surrounding power. The fluctuations were so strong that it nearly caused a distortion in the space around him.

Riley looked at the lead servant and asked, “Who achieved the feat of getting the Alchemy Tower to chime nine times?”

“It was Severin,” the servant replied, “the sect’s sixth core disciple. We were told that he had entered the seventh floor of the Alchemy Tower this morning and surpassed Celeste!”


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