Life After Prison

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

“How many guests do we have? We should prepare two mansions for their stay!” Zachariah Ballard said excitedly.

“Then I’ll take my leave!” Claude Emeraldo saluted and promptly left.

The servants of the Ballard family working nearby were surprised when they heard the War Chief was visiting. The news quickly spread among the other servants. The next day, the other families in Brookbourn heard about the news.

“My goodness! The War Chief Valerian Sutcliffe is visiting! I heard the families are inviting him over for dinner! It would bring a great reputation to have him as a dinner guest! That renown will also bring in good business!”

Having heard the news, Catherine Shanahan discussed it with Diane, Severin, and the rest of her family.

“War Chief Valerian is coming?” Severin muttered to himself.

He knew Valerian could get his men to escort Keagan and Linette. There wasn’t any need for him to do it himself. He was a little surprised by how things turned out.

“Yeah. It’s rare for a celebrity to visit our city!”

“Should we also send him an invitation? The other families are doing it too. I bet the War Chief will be staying for a few more days. It’ll be great to have him over for dinner!” Catherine sounded a little overwhelmed.

With a smile, Stanley was the first to comment. “Grandmother, our family may be doing well recently, but aren’t we getting ahead of ourselves? The Brookbourn Mansion and the first-tier families are more qualified to invite him over. Even after our recent acquirement of the Chavezes’ estate, our family is only second-tier at best. We aren’t even in the same league with the first-tiers!”

“That’s right! We don’t stand a chance! Let’s not get in their way!” George chimed in. Catherine’s face turned angry. “You think you know better? Even if it’s only a one-percent chance of success, we should always give it a shot! Besides, even the third-tier families are trying too! Why shouldn’t we?”

“Grandmother’s right. We should give it a try!” Diane nodded.

“We should send Diane and Megan to invite him. Maybe he’ll fall for their charms and come.” Felicia said.

“You think the War Chief would fall for that kind of trick? Someone famous like him has no shortage of beautiful women trying to please him. Do you think he’ll accept our invitation because of your beautiful daughters?” Stanley sneered.

“We wouldn’t know unless we try, right?” Megan protested, “I’m going to prove you wrong! It’s harmless to try anyway!”

“That’s right! We’re going to try tomorrow!” Diane chimed in as well.

Proud of his wife, Severin smiled. “Okay. I’ll drive you two there tomorrow morning. Let’s catch a glimpse of the great War Chief!”


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