Life After Prison

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Claude Emeraldo was relieved when Severin accepted his gift. However, he also knew Severin was just being humble when he extended his friendship. After all, Severin didn’t need his help. Knowing that Severin was trying to hide his identity, he decided to play along. “Haha, of course! We must help each other in times of need!” novelbin

Stanley and George, who were watching nearby, exchanged glances. Their lips twitched as they shared the same thought.

“Severin and Claude have rarely dealt with each other. Since when are they on good terms?”

“Mister Emeraldo, please have a seat. I’ll get the servants to prepare lunch for you. We’re honored to have you as our guest, so let’s have a couple of drinks!” George said.

“Haha, I’m thinking of the same thing too! We should have a drink or two!” Claude laughed as he followed George inside the house.

Severin packed up the box and turned to his wife.

“Honey, I guess we’ll have to postpone our trip home. I’m afraid I can’t turn down his offer to drink with him.”

Diane laughed. “I never knew you had such a good relationship with Mister Emeraldo. Better still, I didn’t know you’re such a social butterfly! That’s a good thing, though. Your connections are helping our family business to grow!”

“Really? Social butterfly? Now you’re being mean, honey.” Severin protested.

In the meantime, on the balcony of the teahouse opposite the Shanahan’s estate, someone was watching the couple from afar. The elderly gentleman took a good look at Severin. Then, he checked the photograph in his hand and sneered.

“I’ve finally found you, brat! I’ll kill you and finish this mission!”

The man was none other than the Six-Stars Assassin.

On the other hand, in the Ballard estate, Sheila was excited about the War Chief’s visit.

“Father, is the War Chief arriving by plane tomorrow?”

Zachariah was sipping tea in a good mood. However, as he had cooped himself inside his. home, he didn’t know that the news of the War Chief’s visit had spread like wildfire. Everyone in Brookbourn was looking forward to meeting the legendary Great War Hero.

When Zachariah heard his daughter’s question, he frowned and put his teacup down. “How did you know?”

“Why wouldn’t I? Everyone’s talking about it on the streets! I also heard the merchants and the high-tier families will give him a reception! They are going to invite him to their homes!”

Sheila giggled as she continued. “Dad, I want to go too! Please take me with you tomorrow! I want to meet the War Chief and take photos with him! It’s a chance of a lifetime to meet him!”

Zachariah’s lips trembled. “T-they knew?! I thought our family was the only one who knew about his visit! What should we do? We might lose our chance to invite him to our place!”

“That’s unlikely! Our family is the most powerful in this city, and it’ll be disrespectful of him if he doesn’t accept our invitation!”

“It doesn’t work that way, Sheila. The great War Chief doesn’t need to pay his respects to us.” Zachariah shook his head.

“By the way, aren’t you supposed to go play with Severin?”


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