Life After Prison

Chapter 421

Chapter 421

Chapter 421

Chapter 421

“Umm…….it’s getting late. Why don’t you give Severin a call and ask if he is going?” Lucy asked Quinn after giving it a thought. She was afraid Severin was not going to show up tonight.

“Sure. It’s already evening and it’s not early anymore. Timothy, give Severin a call. “Quinn nodded. After some thinking, she said, “We’re all classmates. I don’t think he’s going to reject gathering to have dinner together. If he really rejects us, it’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?”

Timothy grabbed his phone, dialed Severin’s phone number, and put the conversation on speaker. In the meantime, Severin was driving back home together with Diane. His phone rang when he got down from the car. He frowned when he saw the caller ID. After all, Timothy hardly contacted him in the past. The last time he saw Timothy was when Timothy and Quinn gave him a ride to Lucy’s wedding. They talked in the car and he thought Timothy was a snobbish person for having some money in his pocket.

Nevertheless, Quinn was quite nice to Severin after Severin destroyed Lucy’s wedding. At she was worried about him and even consoled him. Thinking of that, he decided to answer the call.

“Hi, Timothy. What’s up?” Severin asked after answering the call.

When Lucy heard Severin’s voice over the phone, for the first time ever, she was feeling nervous because of Severin’s voice.

Timothy answered back, “Hey, Severin. A couple of old classmates and I are having a gathering tonight. Cain Bryne is back and we haven’t seen each other for a long time. What do you say? Let’s grab a drink together.”

“Sure thing!” Severin gave it a thought and agreed to meet with them as he remembered he did not have anything to do at night.

“Alright! Don’t be late! I shall see you at 8 pm at Holy Water Bar.” Timothy was glad to hear that. After he finished talking, he hung up the call.

“That’s great! Severin is going!” Quinn smiled at Lucy. “Lucy, you’re right. You two were together for three years and he really did love you very much. He listened to everything you said. I bet it hurt him so badly that you were marrying another man and that was why he destroyed your wedding. Maybe he’s still in love with you and can’t get you out of his heart. You have to use this opportunity wisely tonight.”

On the other hand, Timothy frowned. He wondered why was every woman so naive. If it was before, he reckoned Lucy might still have a chance. Severin was rich and powerful now. He had a beautiful wife now. Even Miss Sheila from the Ballards liked him. Would a man like Severin be interested in Lucy now?


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