Life After Prison

Chapter 486

Chapter 486

Chapter 486

Chapter 486

“I don’t think that’s necessary. We’ve brought so many men here, and they must think Menkel’s still alive, so killing you shouldn’t be a problem. Besides, they wouldn’t call this late. at night. Even if they did, they would just think Menkel is either sleeping or fooling around with women in the massage parlor if he didn’t pick up. After all, he’s known for being an old pervert,” said Candy after mulling over Severin’s words.

Then she added after a pause, “But, this doesn’t apply if they call him tomorrow.”

Severin nodded. “How about this? Let’s forget about his phone and just get rid of his body. To avoid any unfavorable situation, we’ll set off later at night so that we can reach Riverson before dawn. Once there, we’ll rain down a surprise attack on Blood-Drinker Gang and come out victorious since they were unprepared.”

Mick’s eyes lit up at the plan. “What an amazing plan, Supreme Leader! It would be great if we could secretly surround their headquarters at three or four o’clock in the morning, and wipe them out without them even knowing what hit them.”

Severin thought about it and said, “Leave the fighters with high attainment to me. As for the rest of them, well, it shouldn’t be a problem for you all to take care of it. Am I right?”

“Rest assured, Supreme Leader. It’s no problem at all.” Mick and the other elite fighters from Mus Hall thumped their chest, confident they could carry out the task set for them.

Severin nodded. “That settles the plan then. You all should head back to Brookbourn first. I’m sure you all haven’t taken your dinner yet so have it first, then we’ll set off to Riverson.”

“Yes, Supreme Leader.”

Everyone was elated. They had witnessed just how powerful Severin was; with him on their team, taking down Blood-Drinker Gang would be as easy as 1-2-3.

Severin swept his eyes over the group and said, “Everyone, please keep my identity secret for now. You may all simply address me as ‘Mister Severin’. My family still doesn’t know I’m the Supreme Leader of Dracodeus Temple. I would like to keep living my old life as an ordinary person first.”

“Yes, Supreme Leader,” chorused Mick and the others with a bow at their cupped hands positioned in front of their chest. Then, realizing their mistake, they quickly chorused, “Yes, Mister Severin.”

Soon, Mick ordered his men to get rid of Menkel’s body.

After thinking it through, Severin said to Mick, “I heard from Candy there are quite a number of underground forces in Riverson. I don’t mind helping you take down Blood-Drink Gang but I’m concerned the other gangs would come for Mus Hall after that. Would you be able to fend for yourselves should that happen?”

Here, he paused and smiled ruefully. “After all, Mus Hall doesn’t seem to be doing very well for itself. It’s not exactly the strongest group out there.”

“Don’t worry, Mister Severin. The other gangs would be too shocked to do anything once they saw how we’re able to annihilate Blood-Drink Gang in just one night. After that, we’ll spread the news that we have a powerful person backing us so that the other gangs would never dare

5evel If they know we’re weak,” explained Mick after mulling over

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anything Severin’s words.

“That’s right! We’ll be filthy rich once we take over Blood-Drinker Gang’s assets. We can use that money to recruit more people to make Mus Hall stronger. Then, as long as we kept to ourselves, we’ll have nothing to fear,” said Great Elder.

Severin nodded. “Okay, looks like everything’s decided then

Soon, everyone drove back to Brookbourn and had their dinner in a restaurant. Severin and Candy did not join them since they had already eaten, so Severin accompanied Candy to go clothes shopping. He willingly paid for Candy’s new jacket since he wanted to make up for her old one.

Then when eleven o’clock came, Severin and everyone from Mus Hall drove toward Riverson city


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