Life After Prison

Chapter 496

Chapter 496

Chapter 496

Chapter 496

The rest of the Shanahans could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and the crowd soon dispersed. Once everyone was gone, Felicia chastised Severin, “Where did you run off to, Severin? You’re lucky that Mister Valerian is a magnanimous person, otherwise, we’d be in trouble if he’s offended!”

Severin said nonchalantly, “Relax, he’s a big shot who once led thousands of troops to war. Why would he be unhappy over such an insignificant matter? It’s fine, so don’t worry!”

Nevertheless, Felicia rolled her eyes at Severin. “Just because you say it’s fine doesn’t mean it. is! You shouldn’t have been so rude, you know? Did you think about the repercussions our family would have to suffer if he’d been a petty person?”

Diane persuaded. “There’s no need to worry so much about it, Mom. Isn’t everything fine right now? Besides, Mister Valerian even said that he wants to sit at the same table with Severin and have some drinks with him!’

Severin smiled. “By the way, could you join me later, Diane?”

“Me?” Diane was a little startled. She smiled awkwardly and said, “Maybe not. There are other people from first-tier families who would have to sit there, and I don’t think it’d be appropriate for me to share a table with them!”

“Come on, it’ll be fine! It’s not inappropriate at all, and I’d go so far as to say that it couldn’t be more appropriate for you to sit there because you’re my wife!” Severin smiled and assured her.

“All right then!” Diane nodded. At that moment, Zenoah brought over Keagan and Linette, and the two immediately knelt in front of Severin.

“Thank you for helping us, Mister Severin. My sister and I would be goners without your kindness!” Keagan kowtowed to Severin after kneeling.

“Thank you for your help, Mister Severin. You are our savior!” Linette added.

“Please get up, you two…” Severin felt a little awkward that the two of them knelt before him. in front of so many people, so he immediately helped them up and said, “It wasn’t a big deal. for me at all, so don’t think too much of it!”

Zenoah, on the other hand, protested earnestly, “But this is a big deal, Mister Severin. You’ve saved the lives of my two children, so you’re a savior for our family!” He then took out a small jade pendant and could not help but say, “Mister Severin, I’m sure you’re aware that I’m unable to repay you for your kindness after my overseas business went bankrupt. However, I have a jade pendant that I’ve always worn, and it has been passed down through generations. within our family. I wish to give it to you as a token of my gratitude, and I sincerely hope you’ll accept it!’

Severin’s eyes lit up instantly when he glanced at it, for he could tell that it was no ordinary jade pendant it was a small jade plaque that was made into a jade pendant. The jade pendant. looked rather antique, and it was reasonable to expect that a skilled individual with high attainment might have hidden some of their powerful techniques or training exercises within. That was why some people could inherit the teachings after dripping their blood over a broken jade pendant.

One could liken it to a vessel.

Naturally, Severin’s decently high attainment allowed him to feel a faint and weak fluctuation. of energy from within, which was a sign that there had to be some form of inheritance within. the pendant. His heart began beating faster as a result.


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