Life After Prison

Chapter 672

Chapter 672

Chapter 672

Chapter 672

“You…you win this time too! We’ll leave!” Horus’s expression changed several times and he was about to bring his men away.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Severin smiled slightly, stood in front of Horus, and said, “Mister Horus, did you happen to forget what I just told you last night?”

“W-w-what did you tell me? I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Horus’s face turned ugly and he looked elsewhere.

“Hehe, I said that I’ll slice off a finger of yours if you come here again. Do you have peas for brains or something? Is your memory so bad that I need to remind you what I said?” Severin asked with a smile.

“I dare you!” Horus glared at Severin. “You’ve seen how strong the people that I brought here today are, right? They’re not the most powerful ones though. We have powerhouses up to level six warrior king just waiting for my instructions. If you cut my finger off, then we’ll round up the most elite individuals in the Neelys and bring them here. You’ll be dead then. Are you aware of that?”

“I said it before, and I’ll say it again: you came here and caused trouble, so I’m going to teach you a lesson you won’t forget!” Severin grinned, then said to Abigail and Lillie, “Abigail, Lillie, hold his hand down!”

“Yes, sir!” The two women stepped forward immediately.

“How dare you? He’s the Neelys’ scion!”

“Yeah! We’re from South County Mansion! Don’t you know that we’re the most powerful force in the entire south county? Don’t try and do anything funny!”

The Neelys’ men were all frightened and they came forward one by one.

“I’ll kill you if you so much as try to defend this fat pig. Lillie and the girls went easy on you, so don’t push your luck!” Severin shot them a cold look, prompting them to shut their mouths in fear.

“My father loves me more than anyone, Severin. You’ll die if you slice my finger off!” Horus gritted his teeth and continued to threaten Severin.

However, Severin ignored him completely as he told the two girls to hold Horus down. He then pulled. Horus to one side and then pressed the man’s fat hand on the table. With a wave of his palm, Severin. took out a dagger and walked over slowly.


“Spare me, Severin! I…I know I was wrong! Let me go! I’ll give you money! Lots of it! How does that sound? *When Severin was almost in front of him, Horus finally got scared and begged for mercy.

Severin narrowed his eyes and smiled. “I gave you a chance yesterday but you didn’t appreciate it. Who do you think is to blame for that? Right now, I’m giving you one choice.” novelbin

Horus breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that and could not help but feel happy. As he had expected, Sevenn was just trying to scare him and would never dare to slice off his finger! In his view, Severin was merely trying to find a way to back out of the threat!

“And what choice is that?” Horus looked eagerly at Severin.

Severin smiled and said, “You can choose either one of these five fingers for me to slice. I’ll respect whichever choice you make!”

“No, kind sir! Please don’t! I already said I’m sorry! Horus instantly had a bitter expression on his face.” What kind of f*cking choice is that?”


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