Life After Prison

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

“Ma’am, don’t worry. He’s going to agree with it!” Severin said with a smile.

“Let’s go. It’s getting later. Supreme Leader and the others must be tired now. Let’s go have lunch now,” Rachel said after thinking.

Immediately, she informed the other elders to head out together to have lunch. Shortly after they went out, a car followed behind them. One of them gave Horus a call.

“What’s up?”

Horus had just reached home when he received the call. novelbin

“Sir. A couple of people went to Serpent Hall to look for Rachel. They headed out now and I have the others following them. I don’t know why are they going out so I called to inform you,” Horus’ men said. Horus thought about it and said, “Alright. Don’t lose them. Report back to me immediately once you where they are heading!”

“Yes, sir!” The man on the other side of the phone answered and ended the call.

When Horus entered the house, he saw Mason was training in the yard. Although Mason’s attainment level was average, he was stronger than a lot of people for being a level eight profound master now,

Horus approached and said, “Father, you don’t love me anymore, don’t you?”


Mason had no idea why his son would ask him that question. He stopped his training and frowned. “What are you talking about? You’re my son. How could I not love you?”

Horus replied, “Then why are you listening to Yoel? My man fought with Severin once and he said Severin. was at most a level one or two warrior king. Why are you so afraid of him? The elders could easily kill him’ to take revenge for me!”

Mason frowned. “Horus, the Sanchez had warned us about him. I believe they won’t do it unless they think it’s necessary. Besides, someone strong must be supporting Severin for him to have the audacity to act so boldly. It’s better for us to be cautious. But don’t worry. I will launch an investigation. If no one is supporting him, it’s not too late for us to go after him!”

He paused and continued. “You have to be patient. Endure it for now before taking any action!”

“But Rachel told me she like the necklace and ring too. She also said she hopes to wear them during the wedding. I really want her to marry me without forcing her!”

Horus lowered his head as he thought about Rachel. It was rare to meet someone as beautiful as Rachel. One of the reasons Mason agreed to let Horus marry Rachel was because of the power Equus Hall had. Once his son married Rachel and Rachel bear a child, he believed Rachel would slowly accept her fate.

By then, Equus Hall could be theirs, Glenn was a person with attainment but his power was nothing when compared with Rachel.


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