Life After Prison

Chapter 808

Chapter 808

Chapter 808

Chapter 808 novelbin

Severin was on the flight at that moment, and an incredibly beautiful woman was sitting beside him. Since Severin had nothing to do, he decided that he was going to close his eyes to get some rest. Little did he expect that a rich guy in a white suit would come up to him just before he could close his


The guy said, “Let me sit here, dude!”

Seeing Severin close his eyes, the other guy kicked Severin lightly and said, “I’ll give you fifteen thousand dollars. Sounds good?”

Severin then opened his eyes and glanced at the guy, who was of a slender build, medium height, and seemed a little arrogant in the way he cocked his head slightly.

Before Severin could say anything, the beautiful woman next to him made a counteroffer. “Don’t let him sit here. I’ll give you double the money he’s offering!”

The rich man immediately smiled and said, “It must be destiny that led us to board the same flight together, Miss Yolanda. Can’t I sit beside you for just a while?”

The woman whom Severin was sitting next to seemed to be an acquaintance of that man, and from the way he spoke, it was likely that he had a crush on the woman whom he called Yolanda.

She smiled icily. “Sorry, but I’m not interested to sit beside someone as annoying as you, Earl. How many times do I have to tell you that you’re not my type? Is that so difficult for you to understand?”

Yolanda’s voice was loud enough that several people around them glanced over at her. Earl felt very embarrassed as a result and even his face began to turn red.

“I’ll give you forty-five thousand if you let me sit there.” Earl gritted his teeth and offered a higher price.

“Don’t listen to him. I’ll give you sixty thousand dollars.” Yolanda seemed to be very averse to sitting with Earl and raised her offer once more.

Severin did not know how to react when those two started a bidding war for the sake of a seat.

“I’ll give you a hundred thousand!” Earl was fuming, and he offered a hundred thousand dollars without hesitation.

Yolanda was lost for words at that moment, but she eventually said to Earl, “Are you nuts, Earl? Why are you paying such a high price for just one seat? Do you think it’s worth paying that price just to sit with me. for a while?”

From Yolanda’s point of view, Earl was a lunatic whose personality bordered on the radical. It was one of the reasons she did not like him.

Earl smiled and said, “Miss Yolanda, this just goes to show how much I truly love you. I have no issues parting with a hundred thousand dollars just to sit with you because you’re priceless to me!”

He was already expecting Severin to hand over the seat to him when Severin said, “Hehe, you two are interesting people. Did you even think to ask whether or not I’m willing to sell this seat before you started negotiating the price?”

When Earl heard that, his face soured and he said to Severin, “You’ll get a hundred thousand dollars if you just switch seats with me. It’s not always that you come across a chance to get free money.”

To Earl’s surprise, Severin smiled and said, “Mister Earl, I’m really sorry, but this seat is mine, and I don’t want to switch seats with you.”


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