Life After Reaching The Pinnacle

Chapter 19 - 19

Chapter 19 - 19: Bhadru Kela

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Bhadru Kela

Jev Kela was deep in thought, there had been some strange movements from Coralhelm Kingdom for the past few days, and it was very likely that they would launch a war against Kela Kingdom.

Everything had been in peace for the past few years so he couldn't understand why the Coralhelm Kingdom was taking such moves.

In the past Coralhelm Kingdom never attacked Kela kingdom as it was weaker than Kela kingdom. The King of Coralhelm Kingdom is a Third-grade Ruler Profound Stage Artist and the King of Kela Kingdom is a fifth-grade Ruler Profound Stage Artist.

Just with this difference, they didn't initiate any wars, but now all of a sudden a clan was annihilated and a war was on the horizon.

Although it was all only their guess, that was the only thing they interrupted from Coralhelm Kingdom's movement.

Jev Kela was very worried about this but now looking at the book in his hands he smiled as he saw hope in these pages.

He decided to bring this book to the king, as with the help of this book he'll definitely break through to the late stages of Ruler Profound Stage, By then even if the Coralhelm Kingdom prepared some triumph card they would still win.

He looked around and found his disciple sitting cross-legged in meditation, he instantly understood that he had broken through. He wanted to continue to stay here but he needed to see the king as soon as possible.

He looked around but didn't find the owner. He wanted to leave early but it looks like he'll have to wait.

"You can take it and pay next time you come here." Just as he was contemplating, a female voice sounded across the bookstore making his hair stand in fright. He looked around and found the source of the voice, Asty was sitting on her pillow and looking at him.

'A Ruler Profound Stage Beast' Jev Kela almost screamed out and took a step back in fear. He didn't expect this little cat to be in the Ruler Profound Stage.

He calmed down and thought 'Right since she's the owner's pet, how can she be ordinary, I'm getting senile with age to not even realize this'

By now Rey has also completed his breakthrough and is smiling wide. He has also read one of the books and got some insights for his level. In just a day he broke through two minor stages, and he was beaming with joy. josei

Jev Kela nodded at Asty and hurriedly pulled Rey and left the bookstore. He had enough surprises for today and didn't want to become dumbfounded again.

Arriving outside the town, he flew away at full speed towards the capital city of the Kela kingdom.

In the bookstore, Asty just casted a glance at the door and again slept.

Since Jev Kela was a Heaven Profound Stage Artist, his speed was very fast and soon he arrived at the Capital city, he didn't land there and directly went towards the inner city where the Royal Palace was.

Soon, a magnificent and majestic palace came into view, Jev landed at the giant entrance gate, startling the guards stationed there. Seeing who it was, they hurriedly saluted at him.

Jev Kela nodded at them and released Rey who was still in a daze. Jev Kela said, "I'm going to see His Majesty, you should go and stabilize your cultivation."

"Yes, Master." Rey came out of his daze and replied.

Jev then went inside the tall tower which was the Royal court. Most of the important meetings are held here.

Upon arriving in front of that door of the court, he knocked on the door three times. A voice then came from inside.

"Come in"

Jev pushed the door and walked in, he kneeled in front of the king who was sitting on the throne. The king was a middle-aged man with black hair and had a stern expression. There was a frightening invisible aura surrounding him—regal, commanding, a figure of authority that seemed molded by the very essence of the kingdom. Seeing Jev his expression softened and he smiled at him.

"You know you don't have to follow these formalities when we're alone." The King, Bhadru Kela, said seeing Jev kneeling in front of him.

Jev continued kneeling and said, "You're the king of this kingdom and this is just a form of respect I had for you."

Bhadru sighed in defeat as he knew nothing would change Jev's mind so he changed the subject.

"Have you found anything about that Heaven Profound Stage Artist, Jev?" Bhadru asked.

"He's already dead, your majesty," Jev responded.

Bhadru raised his brows in surprise and asked "Elaborate"

Jev smiled and ignoring Bhadru's question he said "Please check my cultivation."

Bhadru didn't think much and checked Jev's cultivation, he stood up in surprise and said with a smile "You broke through to the late stage of Heaven Profound Stage! Haha, that's a piece of very good news now that we're in this situation, but you were stuck on that stage for so long, did you encounter any opportunity?"

Jev smiled even more and recounted everything without hiding anything.

Bhadru's face was filled with shock, the more he listened the more dumbfounded he became. After hearing everything, he sat down on the throne and went silent.

This information was too much for him and if this was true then his kingdom was blessed by the heavens.

For confirmation, he asked "Are you sure about this, Jev? This matter is very big and can lead our kingdom to great heights."

"The biggest confirmation is his beast partner, as you know Ruler Profound Stage Beasts are arrogant to the bone and will die rather than become a beast partner." Jev just shook his head and said.

Bhadru nodded in agreement as even he knew that. Jev then handed the book to Bhadru. Bhadru took it and took a deep breath, If this was true then this book could help him achieve the stages of the Ruler Profound Stage.

He opened it and began reading the first page.

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