Life Changing System

Chapter 82 Blurted Out

Chapter 82 Blurted Out

“How could your Auntie Yien have an incurable disease? Don’t worry, Xu In. Your Auntie Yien is just sick with an illness that makes her lose her appetite. That’s all.”

While Tang Yien was reluctant to speak, Tang Zi Cheng intervened.

He talked fluently, without any irregularities. His face was extremely calm. It was as if what he said was the absolute truth.

“Your name’s Bai Chen, right? You shouldn’t be spewing nonsense.”

After talking to Long Xu In, Tang Zi Cheng turned to speak with Bai Chen. His tone was critical.

Long Xu In did not believe what Tang Zi Cheng said. She turned to look at him and asked, “Is that true, Uncle Zi Cheng?”

“Of course. Why would I lie to you? My dear Yien, please tell her.” Tang Zi Cheng nodded and turned to look at his wife.

Hearing her husband’s words, Tang Yien nodded. “It’s just as your uncle said. I don’t have a fatal disease. As I’ve told you before, I just have a common cold, which is why I have somewhat lost my appetite.”

It was apparent from Tang Zi Cheng and Tang Yien’s words that they did not want to make Long Xu In worried, which was why they chose to lie.

Long Xu In went quiet before slowly sinking down into the chair. She turned to look at Bai Chen.

“Bai Chen, is what you said true?”

Bai Chen, who had remained quiet all throughout, nodded lightly. He did not care about Tang Zi Cheng’s scolding words at all.

Because if he did, how could he complete the mission? He would definitely fail!

“Of course, it’s true. If we let this matter slide, Auntie Tang will only have a few months left to live.”

“What?” Long Xu In’s face went pale.

Tang Zi Cheng and Tang Yien had shocked expressions on their faces, showing disbelief.

What Bai Chen said was absolutely true. There were no words that he had said that were untrue.

So, how could this not shock the married couple then?

Apart from the two of them, there was only the doctor responsible for Tang Yien’s case that knew about this. They had not told anyone yet.

The reason for this was, of course, not wanting other people to be worried.

Their situation was not very different from Long Xu In’s when she had decided not to tell anyone that she was going blind.

“Don’t be ridic...”

After taking a deep, shocked breath, Tang Zi Cheng’s face turned solemn. He shouted loudly.

But he could not finish with what he was shouting. Long Xu In stopped him with her loudly yelled, “Uncle Tang!”

Tang Zi Cheng’s bellowing and Long Xu In’s shout made the restaurant customers eating nearby turn to look.

“My dear, Xu In, please calm down.” Tang Yien thought it was not good to argue in a restaurant like this.

Tang Zi Cheng looked over at Long Xu In. He did not understand why this young girl would interrupt him with her shouting like this.

But a realization dawned on him a few seconds later. He understood it in an instant. His eyes shifted to look at Bai Chen.action

If he had to guess, Bai Chen must be the reason for Long Xu In’s aggression. It was because he had been scolding Bai Chen previously.

‘This guy is important enough to make Xu In protect him?’ Tang Zi Cheng could not help but wonder about this in his mind. ‘It seems like their relationship is not just being friends.’

“Is there a cure?” Long Xu In did not care about the eyes of the people around. She did not even care about Tang Zi Cheng. Her eyes were fixed with anticipation on Bai Chen.

From her point of view, there was no one in this world other than Bai Chen who could cure Tang Yien’s incurable disease.

Her reason for believing this was how he had cured her when she was about to go blind. Bai Chen had made her able to see again with the gold-framed glasses that he had given her.

As it was like this, how could she not expect something from him in this situation?

Bai Chen did not reply right away. The corners of his mouth lifted into a smile before answering. “Of course.”

“What?!?” Both Tang Zi Cheng and Tang Yien were dumbfounded at his words again.

Long Xu In’s reaction was not like those of the Tang couple. She sighed with relief. If Bai Chen could cure Tang Yien’s incurable disease, then there was nothing she had to worry about.

“Don’t joke around. Do you know what condition my wife has?” Tang Zi Cheng calmed himself down and spoke.

His words were confirming that his wife really did have an incurable disease.

“My dear!” Tang Yien anxiously said when she heard what her husband had said.

Tang Zi Cheng realized that he just blurted something out. His face changed a little, but in the end, he let out a sigh.

“It’s fine, my dear Yien. Seems like we cannot hide this from Xu In anymore.”

Tang Yien sighed. She looked at Long Xu In’s face. “Your uncle and I didn’t want to hide anything from you, Xu In. It was just that we did not want you to worry.”

“I understand that very well, Auntie.”  Why would Long Xu In not understand this? She had been in the same situation as well, only a few days ago.

“But don’t worry, Auntie. Bai Chen said he has a cure for your incurable disease.”

“About this…” Tang Yien was speechless. She turned to look at Bai Chen. Her heart was filled with intense disbelief.

It was common knowledge that the disease that she had could not be cured. It had taken so many lives, even though there were some cases where patients were successfully treated.

But those were very rare, and the success of the treatment methods used was just a coincidence. There were no specific clinical methods to cure this disease.

What she had was a new disease that had just appeared on Earth not very long ago. The name of the disease was GT-2.

It first appeared in 2016 in South Africa. It was said that the disease made the patient lose their appetite. Whatever they ate would be absolutely tasteless, and in the end, they would die from malnutrition!

End of Chapter 82

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