Life Drain System

Chapter 84 - Reporting Back

Chapter 84 - Reporting Back

    "Alright, I get it lead the way." Yueliang says, having a rough idea of what is going on.

    The two walk to a certain corner of the room where one could see a door, whilst Shen Hu just gets off of the stage to wait for Yueliang to come back. 

    Once Blake, and Yueliang make it to the corner, Blake opens the door, and they walk in. Meanwhile a few seconds later, the restaurant / arena bursts out with people asking questions, before quickly dying down, and getting back to normal, all within a few moments.

    Back in the room however, Yueliang says. "Alright, so now that we are alone, care to tell me what is so important?"

    "*sigh. You really do not seem too worried." Blake says.

    "Well, does worrying or crying ever solve anything?" Yueliang asks.

    "Good point. Okay, so you remember how about a week or so ago you sent out people to start searching for your fiance?" Blake replies.

    "Yes, and what of it. Clearly you are either reporting back to tell me one of two things. Either you found her, or you have come to tell me she is no longer on the planet. Also, if I had to guess, it would be the main headquarters of the cultist. A town perhaps, probably in a dark yet no so populated area. How am I doing so far?" Yueliang asks.

    With wide open eyes, Blake says. "Dead on! Seriously, I should have expected as much coming from you. Anyways, one of our people who by chance had an invisibility skill, happened to fall in a weak spot in a forest. They slid down a hidden tunnel and found your girl friend. Fortunately they could turn invisible or we likely would have never heard from them again."

    "So that person could not teleport out? Interesting. Tell me more." 

    "You are right, they tried to teleport back to you once she found her. Regardless, once she found her way out, she was once again able to teleport, not that she did. However, I am guessing you want to know more of her situation. Lady Xue is currently serving their leader with a smile, and .... Well you probably do not want to hear the rest." Blake says.

    "I can already guess the rest, considering all of the cultists I have come across so far. Let me guess she is the leaders sex toy right? In her eyes, you can no longer see life. Just that of someone who is addicted to their current state, or wants to die. One of those two anyway. She is probably dressed in something that makes it quick and easy. How am I doing so far." Yueliang asks while feeling his heart clench from his own words.

    "Dead on, although of the two you mentioned, it is the addicted one. Not just that she is even killing people slowly for fun now. She will fillet them alive, or do other torturous means of killing while laughing for their entertainment." Blake answers with her head down feeling bad about having to give anyone such news.

    "Do not worry yourself so much. I know she has made her choice, even trying to lure me into a trap a few days ago."

    "So she has betrayed us? What do you want us to do my king?" 

    "Yes, but honestly, I did come up with two solutions, however both are heart rending."

    Feeling some semblance of hope, Blake asks. "What are they? Maybe we can fix this whole matter."

    "The first is to save her, and try and let her adjust back. However that would never work because, I have seen such situations before. She will never be the same, and end up looking for it again later in life, as she will feel empty without it. The second is to wipe their city out in one swift move. So which would you choose?" Yueliang asks feeling even worse thinking of such actions.

      "Just curious, could you not just remove her memories?"

      "I have thought about that, however the best that I could do is seal them. The moment she gets strong enough, or meet a certain trigger, they would reawaken. Also, before you says that we could just make sure she does not get strong enough, that would be impossible if I took her with me, which is inevitable if she is to marry me." Yueliang explains.

    "Then what should we do? I would say the best situations at this point, would be one of two things. Either we kill them all to save others from a similar fate, or just leave them and her to live out their lives while tormenting others." Blake explains her thoughts.

    "It seems our only choice at this point is to wipe them out, if we do not want others to experience similar fates in the future." Yueliang says while feeling his heat feel so squeezed that it felt as if it would burst at any second.

    Feeling bad for her king, and having a rough idea of what he feels, she asks. "Do you want us to take care of it for you?"

    "No, I just need the location. I will take care of this myself, because if I do not, I do not think I will be able to forgive myself." Yueliang says, while a tear rolls down from his eyes.

    "Alright, it is actually pretty far from here. She is on the other side of that desert country you went to. The people there call it the shadow lands. If you were looking at a map it is dead center there in a dense forest." Blake tries to explain.

    "Forget it, just come closer, and keep the exact directions in your mind." Yueliang says as he raises his hand.

    She takes a few steps forward, as Yueliang pulls her closer. Once they are close enough he closes his eyes bringing both of their heads closer together until they are about to kiss, and Blake starts blushing. He places his forehead against hers, and then he starts looking into her mind and says. "Although, I am flattered, we can talk later, for now, please focus."

    Once she starts focusing, Yueliang starts copying the location from her memories, before removing his head from hers saying. "Thank you very much." 

    "Mmm" She nodded in reply still blushing.

    After a few seconds of clearing her mind of such thoughts, Blake finally spoke again. "As curiosity is getting the best of me, when are you going to take your leave to go there? I mean the auction is tomorrow after all."

    "Probably in a few days. Although there are matters I have to deal with first." Yueliang explains.

    "I see, well do not worry about the soldiers, and that knight. While you were away, a couple of us have taken on the responsibility of training them." Blake tries easing his list of burdens.

    "Not making them to strong I hope." Yueliang laughs lightly as he comments.josei

    "Of course not. We do not want to create our own threats after all. We are just making them at least recognizable as warriors, instead of looking like children playing." Blake comments kind of proud of their efforts.

    "Then seeing your efforts is something I look forward to in the future."

    "Well, you will not have to wait long, as they will be the opening act for the auction. You know, to show the king their progress, as well as the others." Blake says before continuing. "This could be one of our future sources of income. Of course, it would only be temporary, but it would certainly help in the mean time."

    "As long as you all know what you are doing, I will trust you. Just remember I do not like senseless killing, and this will likely cause us a battle in the future, thus make sure you do not slack on your own training too much."

    "You are right, while we have been thinking about that, we do need to start working on martial arts and weaponry. If not we will likely be surpassed in this world quickly." Blake says feeling a bit down trodden, before continuing. "Well would you like to get back to having some fun with your pet?" 

    "That sounds good, just try to keep in mind what I said, lest you all end up dead. As you know I will not always be here, and while I know you can protect yourselves for now, there will come a day when that is no longer true." Yueliang warns her before continuing. "For that matter, please let the others in the town know. Because with everything that is happening, I would not be surprised if because of us, this world has a sudden growth spurt. Thus in turn, causing many troubles for us all."

    Finishing what he had to say Blake bows as he turns to leave the room. As he leaves, he sees that the crowd has remained, and just makes his way through them, while heading for the stage. About mid way through the crowd he thinks to himself. 'Forget this.'

    Then he jumps and land on the stage, between two people charging at each other. He quickly leans back, allowing the swords to barely pass over him, before he grabs both peoples wrists, and separating them as he stands up straight, saying. "Sorry about interrupting your fun, I did not think there was anyone up here."

    "It is not a problem." The two reply simultaneously before one continues. "It is our fault for not stopping in time, my king." 

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