Life Mission

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

[Level S Mission: Asura’s Birth] [Goal: Attainment]

[Description: Black Devil attacked Evil Queen’s daughters and seized the opportunity to take over North America. Driven to an extreme situation of life-or-death, he transcended the limits of his species and succeeded in final evolution. Black Devil killed Cruel King to take over the empty Disaster spot, becoming the nucleus of the storm and shaking up the structure of existing Disasters for many years to come. The only thing that is somewhat questionable is that Black Devil, who has gone through final evolution, is similar to Asia’s Disaster, Black Lord. Nothing has been revealed. Lifers. Test the limits. Kill the Disaster and close the curtain on Life Mission.] [Reward: 100,000,000,000 points, dream box.]

At that moment, a challenge itself is impossible. Even if World Federation and Bloody Kingdom unite and all Rankers mobilize, they would all be killed.

1,500 people were swept away like dust in 30 minutes. That’s why he abandoned his guild members and ran away. Cha Jun Sung didn’t rush after him.

He followed after him slowly while killing annoying Rage guild members.

Cha Jun Sung squeezes the six Lifers he is holding in each of his arms. Their battlesuits become scrap metal in the gruesome grip. Blood and organs spout out from between his palms, but there are no screams of pain. They had already been dead when he grabbed them.

Tyrant watched his subordinates pop and vomited. Corpses? He’s seen a lot, but he never imagined that they could look like that.

He hadn’t been able to sympathize until now. Now, he can. The probability that he will become like his subordinates is more than 99.9%.

“How refreshing.”

Cha Jun Sung becomes intoxicated by the incredible strength he gives off. He realized after he evolved. Level 9 in reality is different from level 9 in the virtual. Level 9s can’t be taken on with one or two fully armed level S Lifers. Would a party – 10 people – be enough? Cha Jun Sung tried calculating the odds based on himself.

‘It would be a loss.’

10 people might be too much, but 5 or 6 people would be possible. The only complete level S Lifer right now is Cha Jun Sung. There are only a couple level A Lifers as well.

With this as a foundation, Lifer would never be able to fight Disasters with current standards. Cha Jun Sung is alone.

Other Disasters? They go around with level 8s like ornaments.

“Missions are going to get easier from now on.”

It seems like a destruction of balance, but he has no intention of saving this strength. He will kill each level 8, cut the level 9’s hands and feet, and go one-on-one. He cannot be sure, but if he has the same strength that Black Lord has, he won’t lose to anyone other than Black Lord himself, whether it is Evil Queen or Bon Load.

“I’ll put White Queen and Levadan on hold.”

He has no intention of fighting Black Lord. He doesn’t want to. White Queen is his ally and Levadan lives in a tricky environment, the ocean.

First are Evil Queen and Bon Load. Evil Queen is the only goal for now.

Even one is hard, so he isn’t confident that he can take on a level S mission alone. But since he has gained this strength, he will try to kill. If the most potent level A Rankers try to complete a level S mission, they might have to go in for a few years to dozens of years.

They might not even get to face off after that time.

Very few Lifers are going into missions up to level B periodically, but they can’t even imagine level A unless they are the World Federation or Bloody Kingdom.

They are wary of level A too. So level S is overwhelming. Cha Jun Sung is taking over level S alone during that time.

Cha Jun Sung had left Tyrant and been thinking of something else, when he turned his head. Tyrant hadn’t cleaned his dirty mouth, and he was looking at Cha Jun Sung with fear. His face had a bit of wonder in it.

“Are you curious about something? Tanaka.”

“How – how!”

His battlesuit was destroyed, but his PDA is fine and his translator works.

It’s still a wonder that Black Devil is speaking Korean, but he can just get over this.

Levels 8 and 9 have abilities that are similar to those of humans. The problem is that this mutant spoke his name. A mutant clearly said a Lifer’s name.

How could it know the name of a human from a different world, another dimension?

“Since you need to die anyway. I wanted to tell my secret to someone at least once. Though I didn’t know that you’d be the unlucky one.”

Cha Jun Sung’s 12m body from head to toe shrinks. He kept shrinking until he became so small he was only about 2m tall.

A few pairs of horns disappeared, and only a pair each of arms and eyes were left. His skin tone went from black to a yellowish white. Human Cha Jun Sung.

“You’ll know this form of me, right? Murayama Tanaka.”

“Cha – Cha Jun Sung? Overload? What is this! You’re a mutant?”

Tyrant raises his voice in disbelief. The way he speaks grows faster as well. His fear went away for just a moment. That is how shocked he is.

“I was active as a normal Lifer, and then became like this a few years ago. You know the parasitic mutant Oriax, right? That invaded my body and bothered the A virus that’s in our bodies. After I woke up from living in a craze like that for 1 year and 5 months, I had been transformed into a level 8 mutant.”

Had the dam broken? Cha Jun Sung told everything about this secret that he’s never told anyone about before. The amount that the supervisors know.

“You bastard! Are you expecting me to believe that?”

“You’re mistaken.”

Cha Jun Sung went toward Tyrant. He is completely naked, but he didn’t feel anything like embarrassment.

Tyrant’s surprise attack? He won’t even have the energy to do it, but it doesn’t matter even if he does. He is a semi-immortal being, and he won’t die even if his neck is cut off or his brain and heart burst.

He put his face forward. He looked at Tyrant from a distance so close he can feel his breath on him. He looks like a human, but there is a ferocity in his eyes.

“Believing or not is up to you. There’s no reason for me to convince you. I just told you because I’ve been itching to say it.”

“Then all of this was your trick? This whole mission.”

“I guess I didn’t tell you that.”

Cha Jun Sung held his stomach and laughed, and then told Tyrant all about the supervisors, helpers, and how this situation had come about.

“How could this...”

Tyrant was devastated by the fact that he was just a knight on a chess board.

To summarize, he was chosen randomly for this mission as Jigneon’s punishment for Borteth’s improper intervention. josei

“Borteth will try to eat me alive if this goes wrong, but I’m not scared. I hope he appears in front of me. So I can rip him into pieces.”

Cha Jun Sung cursed Borteth and transformed his left hand into a sharp sword. Since their conversation is nearly over, he is going to kill Tyrant.

“To be frank, you have no fault in this. We’re just not on good terms, but we haven’t done enough to each other to want to kill the other.”

Having a bad relationship in the virtual version doesn’t warrant a death sentence. He knows that Tyrant is bad in the virtual and reality version, but that’s just that. He hasn’t really done much wrong to Cha Jun Sung. If there had been anything, it is that he threw a white phosphorus shell during the battle between their federations. That could be his sin since Cha Jun Sung almost died then.

“Save – Save me! I’ll do whatever you want! Like you said, I was used too!”

“You’re right. But I can’t let you live. That’s the goal of the mission. If I let you live, the supervisors will look at me in a bad light and that’s just trouble.”

“Ri – right! You don’t like Bloody Kingdom, right? I’ll give you information on Bloody Kingdom. Money too! Trillions! Anything! Please!”

“I don’t need it. Tell them to live the way they live. Farewell, Tyrant.”

The blade cuts Tyrant’s neck. Blood spurts out like a fountain. It’s the end. He has gone through 10 stages of body modifications, but humans cannot survive after having their necks cut even if they went through 30 or 40 stages.

“How boring.”

Maybe it is because he has become level 9, but the course felt hollow. Though he had used the opening card, he had been a level S Lifer and killing him had been as easy as popping a cap off a bottle.

It could have been easier because Tyrant had sustained injuries from the continuous battles. But even if he had been in perfect state, it would have been over in 20 minutes.

“So I resurrected from my nucleus.”

His organs including his brain and heart had been blasted away by the light bomb explosion.

There are very few among ultra high levels that are able to resurrect from their nuclei. They are basically going around with extra lives. Beholder loses his memory if he resurrects from his nucleus. But this hadn’t happened to Cha Jun Sung. It’s proof that he is superior to Beholder.

Also, there’s no way to know whether even mutants with nuclei that can bring on resurrection are able to do so with just the nuclei left over. There’s no way to test it either since they would just die if they don’t have that ability. If there hadn’t been a big danger for Black Lord, he wouldn’t have known about his state either.

It is a strange feeling to know something that Black Lord doesn’t know when he thought that Black Lord was superior to him in every way.

He will have to let Black Lord know later if they have the chance to meet again. There has to be give and take. He might get useful information.

“I should get back first.”

He needs to go back to the city with Ant Hell since his PDA evaporated. The PDA he normally used is in the space compression bag that he left there.

Things will get complicated from now on, but he can just resolve everything step by step. Nothing stands out in the face of overwhelming force.

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