Lifetime of Bliss And Contentment With You

Chapter 1123

Chapter 1123


Chapter 1123: It’s not good to stay up late

As Lin Yan finished her sentence, the man seemed to be in a difficult position. He looked at Lin Yan and sighed.”Beautiful lady, it’s better if you don’t make things difficult for me. You’re not only making things difficult for me, you’re also making things difficult for yourself. Don’t you think so?” Lin Yan stood where she was and did not say a word. Her eyes never left the man. “Who is your master?” Lin Yan said to the man. The man smiled and gestured for her to be quiet.””I don’t have the obligation to tell you this.” “You just said that I have something you need?” “Is there a misunderstanding?” Lin Yan continued. She had nothing on her except for her wallet. It was impossible for a posthuman of this level to stop her in the middle of the night and take her away to steal her wallet. “We’ll find out if there’s anything we need after we bring you back. You shouldn’t be asking about this.” The man said with a smile. “That means there’s no room for discussion.” Lin Yan said. “Discuss?” The man was stunned when he heard Lin Yan’s words.”Why? do you think ... I’m here to discuss with you?” Lin Yan seemed to have thought of something. She looked at the man who was walking towards her and asked tentatively,””Did you guys Capture one of my friends?” Even if si Bai was not the one behind Wang Jingyang’s disappearance, Lin Yan was certain that it had something to do with evolved people. Some time ago, these people seemed to have chased her car, and Wang Jingyang happened to be in the car, so Lin Yan suspected that they might have taken Wang Jingyang away. “Your friend?” The man’s eyes were filled with confusion. “Who’s your friend? why don’t I know about this?” Lin Yan was a little disappointed when she saw the man’s reaction. It seemed like Wang Jingyang’s disappearance had nothing to do with them. Lin Yan sighed helplessly. She had not even finished dealing with si Bai, and now there was another person who tried to take advantage of her. The most annoying thing was that Lin Yan did not know si Bai or the man standing in front of her. “Since there’s no room for discussion, then there’s no other way.” Lin Yan looked at the man who was slowly walking toward her, and her expression became more determined. “Tsk, beautiful lady, I advise you not to make a move. You should know the difference between us. If you and I don’t listen to my advice, then ...” Before the man could finish his sentence, Lin Yan turned around and ran away quickly. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared into the dark night. The man was speechless. The man thought that Lin Yan was going to fight him head – on, but he did not expect her to run away without any warning. “You’re running away with such ... Momentum?” The man was stunned. Wasn’t she just about to make a move? why didn’t this woman play by the rules? “Does this kind of Evolver really have something that master needs?” The man looked a little confused. A moment later, the man’s figure leaped and disappeared into the night. …… About half an hour later, Lin Yan stopped and looked back. Lin Yan turned around and realized that the man was following her at a steady pace. The man did not seem to be moving very fast, but Lin Yan could not shake him off no matter how hard she tried. “What’s this? spatial bending?!” Lin Yan was shocked. If she was not mistaken, the man was walking slowly, as if he was taking a stroll to enjoy the scenery.

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