Lifetime of Bliss And Contentment With You

Chapter 969 - Mu clan

Chapter 969 - Mu clan

Chapter 969: Mu clan

“Xingchen, you’re too weak. You need to train more.”

Lin Yan stared at sinking star for a long time before she spoke.

“Miss Lin ... I ... I’m weak?”

Xing Chen stared at Lin Yan with a pale face.

Lin Yan did not reply immediately. She kept looking at Xing Chen.”Isn’t it obvious?”

Lingyue was speechless.

Xing Chen gritted his teeth.”Miss Lin ... It’s not that I’m too weak. It’s that man. He’s too strong.”

“Strong?” “I think he’s pretty weak too,” Lin Yan said with a disdainful smile.

Star sank opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he really couldn’t refute.


About half an hour later, Wang Jingyang appeared from the dark, his brows still furrowed.

He did not expect Lin Yan to show up so suddenly, and she almost saw him.

If Lin Yan had found out his identity, he would not be able to explain himself.

Many years ago, he had promised Lin Yan that he would never lie to her again. He did not want to break his promise and break it one day.

“You’ve watched the show long enough, come out. ”

A moment later, Wang Jingyang’s eyes turned cold as he said in a cold voice.

Wang Jingyang’s voice trailed off.

A man and a woman walked out from the dark.

Wang Jingyang’s eyes fell on the two of them. He glanced at them and smiled.”Why? do I know the two of you?”

“Hehe, Wang Jingyang ... The former young master of the MU family. I was right, wasn’t I?” The woman stared at Wang Jingyang and chuckled.

Wang Jingyang laughed.”It seems like you know me very well.”

“So, should I call you Wang Jingyang or young master Muyang?” The woman’s smile became more obvious.

“A name is just a code name, it’s not important ... I’m curious, how did you know my identity and which force sent you to investigate me.” Wang Jingyang said.

“You’re a dying man. It’s useless for you to ask so many questions. We were indeed hired. However, the person who hired us is not someone you and your miss mu can afford to offend.” The woman said indifferently.

“What else do you guys know?” Wang Jingyang said.

“That miss mu should still be alive, right?” The man’s deep voice rang out.

Wang Jingyang laughed at the man’s words.”What are you saying? miss mu has been dead for many years. How can you say that she’s not dead?”

“Mu yang, you don’t have to pretend anymore. We’re not interested in what happened back then. Our mission this time is to find that miss mu. If you hand her over, you can keep your life. Otherwise, not only will miss mu die, you’ll also die.” The woman laughed.

Wang Jingyang was about to say something, but the woman continued to smile and said,””You showed a large extent of mercy to the girl you fought with just now. Could she be that miss mu?”


Wang Jingyang suddenly laughed and started clapping.”Amazing, you’re really amazing ... That’s right, that girl’s name is Lin Yan. She’s the Miss mu you’re looking for.”

The man and woman looked at each other, as if they were communicating with their eyes. josei

After a long time, the woman looked at Wang Jingyang again.””Young master mu, is what you’re saying true? if ... You’re telling the truth, I can guarantee that you’ll be able to keep your life. After all, the person who hired us is after miss mu, not you, young master mu.”

“It’s the truth. ” Wang Jingyang laughed.

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