Livestream: The Adjudicator of Death

Chapter 90 - Public Denunciation

Chapter 90 - Public Denunciation

Chapter 90: Public Denunciation

Loggins knew what the others were thinking, but he didn’t care. He continued, “In addition, since the murderer is coming for the Death Inquisitor, NIU, let’s immediately check the background of the recent victims, especially the seven people who just died today. If there are any clues, don’t alert the other party. All we need to do is wait.”

“What about the victims?” Willy asked.

“We can put it aside for the time being. There won’t be any breakthrough. The murderer’s target is the Death Inquisitor. The deceased was just used by the murderer to deliver the message for him. The murderer didn’t specifically choose the target. He just suddenly wanted to kill and randomly found the target. Also, temporarily remove the blocking of the Death Inquisitor and other related words, so that the people can say whatever they want.”

Ross and Monica looked at each other, and the two of them nodded slightly.

They had the same thoughts in their hearts.

This Loggins was too crazy and too scary.

At nine o’clock that evening, Zero Major Crimes Team held a press conference. Loggins personally appeared and reported the case to the news media.

Once the news was released, it immediately shook all of New York.

“It was really the Death Inquisitor who killed the person? I’m really disappointed. He even attacked an innocent ordinary person. Has he gone crazy?”

“He must be addicted to killing people. He couldn’t help but kill people randomly.”

“Actually, killing people is like taking drugs. To a certain extent, it will be addictive. The Death Inquisitor must have had a killing addiction at that time. He couldn’t help but kill passersby.”

“If you ask me, it wasn’t that he couldn’t control himself at all. He was simply a perverted murderer!”

“To think that I like him so much. Now I hate him. I hope the police can catch him quickly!”

“In the past, the young people actually thought that the Death Inquisitor was a righteous person and even scolded the police. Now that something has happened, the police still have to deal with it. I hope the New York Police can do their best to catch the Death Inquisitor as soon as possible!”

“I’ve said it a long time ago. The Death Inquisitor is an extremely dangerous criminal. At that time, you didn’t believe me. Now, an innocent ordinary person has died!”

For a time, the entire Internet was filled with voices denouncing the Death Inquisitor. Many experts had once again jumped out to make statements that slandered him.

The expert Noel, who had once been denounced by the entire nation for criticizing the Death Inquisitor, also jumped out again.

“I’ve reminded everyone last time that the Death Inquisitor is a cold-blooded perverted killer and an extremely dangerous person. Not only did you not believe me at that time, you even scolded me. Now you see, time will prove who is right. He is a typical killer. The pleasure brought to him by this kind of blood won’t last long. He will soon commit a crime again!”

“We were wrong about you last time.”

“All right. I admit that you were right this time.”

“There’s actually an expert who speaks the truth. He’s worthy of praise!”

This time was different from the last time when he was denounced by the entire nation. The moment Noel’s words were released, he received over 100,000 likes and a large wave of support from the comments.

Meanwhile, in a dark room, Jack’s cell phone was ringing with notifications. Almost everything was the same.

“Death Inquisitor, Murder on the Streets, The Victim Died a Tragic Death!”

“Brutal and Random Murder, Detestable Death Inquisitor!”

“In the End, He Still Revealed His True Identity. The Dark Enforcers Have Become Perverted Murderers!”

“The Special Homicide Investigation Team Leader Has Arrived In New York, Commanding the Battle!”

There were many similar news reports. The Death Inquisitor was too popular, and all the news media and personal accounts wanted to get involved.

Jack glanced at the news on his phone. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

Even the blocking of words related to the Death Inquisitor had been lifted.

He wanted to play a big game.

Jack clicked on the fourth news article. There were a few photos of the press conference. His gaze fell on Loggins, who was sitting in the middle. His body shape, appearance, what he was wearing, and what he was wearing were all recorded.

“This scene is getting more and more interesting. Since you’ve already made your move, I hope you have the brain power to rival mine,” Jack said.

In a hotel room in New York, meanwhile, the curtains were tightly drawn. Zangwei lit a cigarette and grinned.

“These policemen are really stupid. They actually thought that this was done by the Death Inquisitor.”

Wilcox exhaled a mouthful of thick smoke, shook his head, and said, “You’re wrong. They know that this was not done by the Death Inquisitor. They deliberately released such news to create public opinion and draw out the Death Inquisitor.”

“Really? I didn’t know that these guys could act so well.”

“You’ve underestimated them. Although they were fooled by the Death Inquisitor, it’s the same no matter who it is. It’s not that they can’t do it, but the Death Inquisitor is too strong. But they did help us. I was worried that the impact of the incident wouldn’t be big enough to attract the Death Inquisitor’s attention, but in this case, he has no choice but to make a move.”

Zangwei laughed, pinched his fingers, and said, “If he dares to come, I will crush his head with my bare hands.”

“Don’t forget that you once reminded me that the Death Inquisitor is not so easy to deal with. In short, be careful and don’t let your guard down!” Wilcox said with a serious face.

“I got it. You go back first. I hope he can find this place as soon as possible.”

“He will.”

Wilcox got up and left, but he did not walk out of the door. Instead, he jumped out of the window and disappeared.

The reason why Zangwei killed was to catch the big fish, the Death Inquisitor.

But Wilcox had no idea who the other party was, so he did not want to take too big a risk. So Zangwei suggested that he lure him out alone.

Wilcox lived next door. If anything happened, he could immediately support. If there was danger, he could also evacuate safely first, so that they would not both be killed by the Death Inquisitor.

However, in this way, Zangwei became the bait.

The first nervous night quickly passed.

Nothing happened.

However, after a night of fermentation, the Internet became noisier.

Zangwei had not slept the whole night and was waiting for the Death Inquisitor. At that moment, sleepiness welled up in him. His eyelids blinked and sank slightly. He felt a little sore.

“F*ck! D*mn it! You actually made me wait all night for nothing,” Zangwei cursed. Then, he turned on his phone and received a lot of push notifications on it. Almost all of them were about the Death Inquisitor. josei

At that moment, a black shadow moves past his room like a vigorous black cat.


It entered directly from outside the window. It was Wilcox.

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