Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Endearment

"Rian Morgan, why are you avoiding me? Do I look like I'll let you play and you can leave?"

Rian rolled his eyes, "You are the one who started it. There are many more boys out there, I'm not in your reach. Stop dreaming."

Roxy didn't leave him and pushed him back on the couch, "Rian Morgan, I'm not one of those."

"Prove it." Rian again repeated the same and pushed her aside.

Roxy stomped her feet, 'How can I prove all those?'

How to prove the first kiss?

How to prove she wasn't any spoiled or wanton girl?

She saw Rian getting surrounded by three and she identified the girl after careful observation. She went near them and turned Aria to face her.

"You are soo pretty than in painting. Are you Rian's girlfriend?"

Rian wounded his hand around Aria's shoulder quickly, "Thank you for the compliment."

Aria couldn't understand why Rian was showing her as his girlfriend by actions.

But Noah kicked Rian's feet while Eva pulled Aria to her arms, "She is my wife."

Aria badly wanted to facepalm herself but Noah pulled her next to him, "She is my goddess."

Aria felt like she was the ball in the 'passing the parcel' game.

Rian gritted his teeth for ruining his plan. Roxy scratched her head in confusion without understanding what was going on.

"Are you two... a couple?"

Noah and Rian burst into laughter. Aria flushed in embarrassment. Eva felt like Roxy lost her brain because Roxy pointed Eva and Aria while asking the question.

Aria pulled Rian's ear who couldn't stop laughing. "Beauty! I'm going to sell you off." Then she turned to Noah, "Sweetpie~ I hope you don't want me to compete with you in your business sector."

But it didn't affect them and they laughed more. She pouted and sold Rian, "Miss, Rian Morgan is dead single. He is all yours for the night."

Rian's face darkened and stopped laughing. Noah escaped, "I'm taking my girl away." Eva and he ran away. Aria leisurely walked away making her tongue out at Rian.

"Little Devil!" He called her in a vain.

Roxy who was intently watching Aria, doubtfully asked, "Isn't she President Cooper?"

Rian didn't reply and slid off when she wasn't looking at him.

Roxy's lips tilted up looking at Aria beating Noah and Eva. "Aria Cooper! Good that we met. Now, Rian will help me reach you very very soon."

Roxy didn't go behind Rian and sat at the corner table watching Aria all the time as she drowned quite a few glasses of alcohol...

Being tired, four returned to their suites. Noah bombarded many questions but Rian didn't say anything other than she was an artist and she was clinging on to him.

Aria and Eva bid each other and entered their room in their suite but...

"Ahhhh..." Aria ran out to the living hall as she screamed.

Eva panicked hearing her and bolted out to see Aria standing on the couch holding a pillow staring at the room.

Eva pulled her down and calmed, "Arrie, what happened? Relax relax... Tell me what happened?"

Aria said what she just saw, "There is somebody in my room who is taking bath."

"Huh?" Eva was confused but she was patient. She gave her a glass of water. "Drink a little. I will check it."

Aria was sipping when the room door opened.


Eva saw a tall, irresistible man standing in a white bathrobe in wet hair looking at them nonchalantly. Or appropriate to say, seeing Aria.

Eva saw Aria glaring at the man who looked too seductive in flushed skin due to hot water and wet hair completed the look.

She moved near Aria's ear, "How about I change to a different suite? It won't be disturbing that way?"

Aria ignored whatever she said, "I'm sharing the room with you." and walked towards Eva's room.

Eva retorted, "I had you for me the whole day. I don't mind my love rival taking advantage of you at night. You! Don't step in my room."

She finished and chuckled seeing Alan taking Aria to her room ignoring her protest. 'My dumb wife, you should be happy about the surprise instead of getting angry.' She returned to her room.

Aria didn't get to wig him and was sent into the bathroom. It was very late and she was tired so she quickly bathed and snuggled up to him and slept without a word.

Alan smiled resignedly and continued his work in one hand as the other hand was wrapping around her.

He had seen the painting Rian was auctioning which he wanted at any cost, so he took Skyline jet and reached after his work in B city.josei

He could have taken another suite but the hotel was full due to the event. The Morgan's reserved suite was used by Amelia and Rowan. Wood's reserved room was used by Rian and Noah. The Cooper's reserved was used by Aria and Eva.

He didn't want to stay with Rian and Noah. So he reached Aria's room thinking they would be in the room but got to know they were in the club so he didn't disturb her. But he didn't expect her to reach while he was bathing and get scared.

Their rooms' key wasn't allowed to be used by anybody and room service was strict too. Aria had once heard Alan talking to his men who couldn't find the leads of people trying to get her. She knew somebody tracking her and keeping an eye on her.

Aria who could have managed light-headedly was panicked because she thought since that man didn't leave any traces he must be powerful enough to cross the security.

Alan liked how she went to his arms and slept leaning on him without bothering about anything. He quickly finished some of his work before laying her on the bed and slept next to her.


The next day in the morning all reached the gallery and checked on all the paintings. Aria was surprised and was blushing after seeing Rian's painting.

Alan rubbed her head seeing her cover her cheeks when others started to tease her.

Yes! It was her painting.

It had Alan too.

Their noses were touching and their half profile was visible in the painting. Aria was hanging reverse on her hammock letting him hold her hand as he stood on his toes to reach her nose.

The title was 'Endearment'

Aria understood why Rian had bunked classes on those days giving an absurd reason as stomach pain. He hadn't exited the room for two days and didn't show the painting to Aria as he completed it the whole week.

It was difficult to identify those two as Aria and Alan if they didn't know. Seeing all admire Rian's painting, Amelia, Rowan, and the trio were very happy.

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