Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: Aria is missing

Aria and Alan went with two men and that lady whose name Aria had yet to know. She noticed that the lady was occasionally looking at her enviously whenever Alan and she were talking.

Aria felt like she should keep Alan away from the hungry eyes of ladies. She really wanted to ask her, What's with your look? It wasn't like she stole her man. 

After they reached, Alan made her sit in the first row, "I will see you after the conference."

Aria held him back, "Why? Aren't you attending the conference with me?"

"What?" That lady gave her 'You fool' look to her.

Aria frowned and was ready to respond, Alan spoke, "I have work. Be good. I will pick you right after the conference."

Hearing work, Aria agreed obediently, "Alright."

Alan then left with three and Aria played on her mobile till the conference started. "Hey"

Aria faintly smiled seeing who sat next to her with his father and brother, "Tim Goel." Her classmate Rebecca's boyfriend.

Then both looked at Orion who was sat on a tall barstool in front of a mike in the dark. It was impossible to identify his face which actually no one cared over there. Five hundred audience sat in silence and waited for him to start.

"Good morning to all..."

Aria's mouth was wide open in shock. 'That's Alan's voice.'

She almost stood up to go near but Tim held her back, "What's wrong? We aren't allowed to go around. Orion had ordered to follow strict rules."

Aria nodded with a smile. She played past few days in her mind and realized, why Alan was smiling too much whenever she praised about Orion's investments.

She attentively heard him, about his journey, his thoughts, and how he decides on investments.

Alan kept everything precise so the conference didn't take long. When it was a question and answer session, Aria raised her hand got the mic.

"Hello Mr.Orion, I'm Ara. My question is how often do you check your portfolio for its performance? And how do you suggest it to others? Thank you."

Orion was Alan's name in the wall street stock market and Ara was Aria's. She couldn't believe both chose the constellation name coincidentally.

"Ms.Ara, I check twice a year or even once a year. It all depends on you. Maybe you get joy from watching the numbers go up but the numbers going down will really stress you out. So the frequency is less important than having a set schedule. Set aside time to review your investments regularly, but outside that, don't look at them. Just do it on your schedule. Thank you for the question."

Aria could say Alan was only watching her throughout the conference even when answering other's questions.

After some more questions, Aria heard, "Mr.Orion, I heard you have rejected most of the top companies. Are you working anywhere? Or do you have your own company?"

Aria thought Alan would decline to answer to the question because question other than topic wasn't allowed.

Alan replied, "I offered a President if she could poach me to their company but she had turned it down. So I'm not interested in any other companies."

Aria knew he was telling her. she sealed her lips from laughing out aloud.

Then the organizer warned to keep the questions about the topic and it continued for half an hour before calling it off.

Tim bid her and left. Aria was waiting for Alan as he had said but that lady reached her, "Miss, Alan is waiting for you outside."

Aria didn't believe it because Alan wouldn't leave her and wait outside. Seeing her suspicious, that lady spoke again, "Alan is talking with Dean so I came to take you there."

Aria understood and followed her out. She just stepped out but, "It's okay, I will wait for Alan inside."

She turned back and stepped in but, 


Somebody hit on her head with quite a force. She felt dizzy and tried to hold the door but she fell unconscious...

Alan was irritated seeing the professors surround him. "I'm not interested."

He firmly said for the third time but seeing them not leaving, he punched a man who lost consciousness instantly.

All were frightened by the scene and Alan's dark face. They made a way out for him as they shivered continuously. They didn't dare to make noise until Alan disappeared from the lobby.

"Call Ellem and admit this man to the hospital."

"Oh, Jesus! just a punch and he fell unconscious."

"Orion is too scary."

"Emy, ask Ellem to send the amount by the end of the day."



They discussed and left without caring about the professor on the floor.

Alan who entered the deserted auditorium audience section didn't find Aria. He thought she might be playing, "Aria, come out. Don't play here."

But his eyes fell on a sparkling charm that was at the door. Alan remembered that was on Aria's hair clip. His hand trembled when the red fluid marked on his hand from the charm.

He ran out as he called a string of numbers, "Aria is missing. I will send the GPS ID."

Without waiting for the reply, he hung up and send the identification number to track her GPS which she always attaches to her dress. It was specially made for her on Alan's order.

He was running towards the exit when he heard a soft voice, "Alan"

"F**k off." It wasn't Aria's voice hence he didn't care.

Ellem stood their dazed gritting her teeth. Ellem, the same lady who went to pick them, who Aria several times pissed off seeing her swoon on Alan openly even after knowing he wasn't available.

Ellem was Alan's classmate who was a professor in the same business institute. It was her who pressured the institute and Alan from the past year to host a conference. Alan didn't want to but one of his professors had made a trip to country A to convince him who knew his Orion identity.

Ellem thought she might get a few chances to spend time with him but she didn't expect him to bring an annoying girl who embarrassed her so many times in front of her colleagues and Alan.

So she just called her brother and complained who knew local thugs of that city. The auditorium had a camera hence she brought her out for those men asking her other colleagues to keep Alan busy for fifteen minutes minimum but they couldn't stop him for more than five minutes.

Alan had to meet his professor so it took five more minutes over there, by that time Aria was kidnapped.

Alan realized he was trembling badly when he tried to punch the number on the car GPS. He took a breath and composed as he clicked on it.

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