Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 147

Chapter 147: Effacing the choco ganache

Eva wanted to drink so Aria didn't stop her but Aria fed her food too so that she doesn't drink alcohol on her empty stomach.

The housekeeper stayed nearby if in case Aria and Eva need something.

Since it was cold, Aria didn't allow Eva to go to the terrace or outside and both sat near the fireplace. Aria didn't drink to take care of Eva who started talking after she was mildly drunk.

"Arrie, I don't want to go back home. I will stay with you."

Aria agreed as she was angry and sad, "Alright. Only we will stay here however long you want."

"You are so good. You understand me so well. Why Dad doesn't understand me? I don't want to get engaged to anybody...."

She started counting on fingers which Aria didn't understand, "I am just eighteen." but she showed eight fingers to Aria and continued, "Why can't they understand it. I just wanted to do graduation in literature in country U so he is asking me to get engaged to some man working as State foreign service who is working in that country. Arrie, I don't like him, I don't want him. I don't want to get engaged..."

Aria moved next to her as he patted her back hearing her say as she sobbed.josei

Aria understood the whole situation.

The Fourie had long back decided to what to do with their education. Rian was flying to a country A for graduation in art and painting. Aria was flying to country S for her business and financial studies in top one college with full terms scholarships. Noah didn't get a seat in that college so he selected another college which was in Country E.

Similarly, Eva wanted to do graduation in literature in country U which their parents had agreed too but her father's urge to protect her made him want her to getting engaged to a state administration man so that she could have one to rely on their absence.

Eva continued to cry as Aria consoled her saying they could convince her parents. But she suddenly asked, "Eva, don't you like somebody? Why don't you propose him and introduce him to your parents?"

Eva suddenly stopped crying and sat straight like a statue looking at her Aria blankly. The latter unknowingly got nervous due to her intense gaze.

Aria felt like Eva was going to hit her due to her alcohol influence and emotional imbalance.

Aria suddenly widened her eyes when Eva jumped on her but she hugged and cried harder than before."Eva?"

"That stupid man likes some other woman. How can I propose to him? Arrie, why am I turning into a loser?..."

Aria didn't know whether Noah or Rian liking anybody. Noah was hell busy finding a suitable candidate to look after his Zoah sports when he leaves aboard so he had no time to even sit and have chat with them.

Rian? Other than Roxy nobody was pursuing him sincerely and he wasn't pursuing anybody.


Aria cut in, "Eva, do you like Rian?"

Eva sat back again staring at Aria. "Rian?... Your Beauty?"

Aria didn't know how to react other than humming under her gaze.

Eva tasted pastry, looked at Aria and again burst into tears hugging Aria before revealing whatever happened in the game chat. Meanwhile, Aria used Eva's mobile and checked their chat.

Aria badly wanted beat somebody. She peeled Eva away from her and chided, "You muddle-headed, did you ask Isaac whether he likes somebody else or who was that somebody?"

What she forgot was Eva wasn't on her senses. Eva had paused crying while talking so she again started crying.

"Arrie, why are you scolding me? Even you don't want to understand. I don't want to get engaged to that state forest man. I rather stay alone than looking at that man cold face all day..."

Aria almost laughed out hearing 'Forest' instead of 'Foreign' and hugged her, "How can I scold my darling god? How about marrying you off to Isaac? Will you marry him?"

"No..." Eva replied instantly wiping her face on Aria's shoulder. "... That dumbass likes somebody else."

Aria again asked, "How about we two will beat him up till he agrees?"

Eva paused and spoke, "I will ask Rian and Noah to beat him up then we two will beat him... No... We will ask Prince to break his bones. We will admit him to the hospital only if he begs me. Then I will make him kneel.."

Aria's face was bright red controlling her laughter hearing Eva going on and on about how to deal with Isaac. She knew Eva will forget everything the next day whatever she was telling.

Eva cried for a long time and had dinner obediently when Aria fed her.

The housekeeper Sophia and a few maids were laughing hard when Eva insisted on feeding Aria. But her clumsy hands had made Aria's half of the face smeared with dessert.

Alan entered to see Aria stopping Eva. The housekeeper and maids bowed him with a respectful greet before standing far.

Aria covered her face as soon as she saw Alan.

Eva saw Alan and smiled trying to stand up stumbling on the ground. "Arrie, I will go and sleep now that Prince is here to take care of you."

'Who was taking care of whom?'

Eva made it sound like she was taking care of Aria.

Aria was surprised how obedient Eva became after seeing Alan swaying towards stairs.

Eva climbed two steps and sat down before lying their to sleep searching for a blanket.

"Where is my blanket?... I want my blanket. Blankie... Blankie..."

Aria couldn't control and burst into laughter.

Alan signaled the housekeeper and maids to help Eva and sat right in front of Aria on the floor rug and pulled her to him startling her.

Aria flushed seeing him at close proximity and their position as she tried to control her heartbeats. His one long leg was around her on the floor and another leg knee was folded locking her between his long legs.

When the housekeeper and maids tended to Eva, Alan held Aria's chin up and tasted the chocolate smeared on her face.

"Alan" Aria tried to stop him but he pulled her closer hearing her mellifluous tone and continued leaving her to blush heavily clutching his waistcoat tight.

Aria could only sit and feel his lips effacing the choco ganache from her face.

Alan always liked to tease her and getting a new way, he didn't let go of it cherishing her reactions thoroughly.

Aria pushed him hard and lowered her head when she heard maids voice.

Alan too stopped seeing her embarrassed thinking somebody saw them. He pulled out tissues from the box as he tenderly wiped the leftover smears carefully holding her hands.

The housekeeper and the maids were awestruck looking at the young couple because of their position which hadn't changed yet.

Anybody could say how much Alan treasures Aria by his every action. 

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