Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Ignoring her pleas

Alan didn't know Aria was going aboard and was going to the same university where he studied.

All suddenly sensed the atmosphere tense. Alan kept his spoon down. He turned to Aria for an explanation but she smiled, "I got all terms scholarship too."

"I'm full." Alan stood up and left abruptly.

"Alan" Aria called out in perplex but he had left.

Isaac asked, "Arrie, haven't you told to Alan about it?"

Aria realized they never spoke about it. "Nope. I got seat last year itself so I never thought about it and that topic didn't raise between us."

Everyone over there knew how protective Alan was about Aria.

Eva hit her own forehead, "Go and talk to him. Duffer, you are going for five long years, not just three."

"Five?" Isaac asked in bewilderment.

All saw Aria running out and Isaac continued, "Alan will not allow her to leave his sight and that too so far away country."

"Why?" Eva asked in confusion. "Aria had worked hard to pass the entrance examination of university S"

Rian hummed, "It's her favorite university to study. She will not stay back to study here."

Noah added, "I had asked her to choose different college so that she won't be alone but she had rejected me."

Isaac who knew Alan's plan which nobody had idea couldn't help but feel tense.

Those two were sensible but were strong-headed. He was sure Aria would be getting hurt badly this time or might affect their relationship too.

After dinner, Isaac had to drop Eva to the Cooper mansion as she wasn't ready to go to her place. Her parents knew she would be with Aria and in the Cooper mansion so they gave her time to analyze and decide.

Isaac offered to stay behind with her but Eva had kicked him out of the mansion before closing the door.

Noah returned back to his home and spoke to his family before going to bed.

Rian reached and reported his parents that Alan didn't have any idea Aria was going to study in Country S.

Both Amelia, Rowan knew when Aria got the seat in that university. Even they had forgotten to bring up that topic to Alan.

Both tried to reach Aria and Alan but the duo didn't answer the call panicking them and praying one to compromise for another one.

On the other end, Alan had left before Aria could reach the entrance of the restaurant.

She tried to call but it wasn't answered. After trying a few times, it was the same.

She hopped in her car and left towards Alan's villa. She sped on the highway but didn't find his car because Alan had sped on the highway too and was in his villa.

He didn't know when she had arranged all those but he couldn't believe she didn't feel the necessity to talk about it with him even once.

He was thinking to make her join in the college which was in City B or maximum he would allow her to the neighboring city. He didn't expect her to decide to go so far away to study.

He took shower and sat to work but thinking about Aria leaving made him difficult to focus. He had just taken a cigarette out, Aria reached, "Alan"

Alan threw the cigarette away knowing Aria's rhinitis acts up with the smoke.

Aria went to him and spoke, "Alan, it actually went off my mind to tell you about it. I didn't want to hide from you. During last year's summer break when I had been to Country S, I had..."josei

She couldn't continue and heard, "Aria you aren't going anywhere. Am I clear? Shower and go to bed."

Alan left from there after saying.

Aria was patient, "Alan, It's one of the top colleges, you studied over there and you know better than anybody. I got a seat with complete scholarship. I had really worked hard to get there. I want to study over there."

Alan clenched his fist to remain calm and spoke without looking at her, "There are colleges here too. Choose one and go."

Aria had to run behind him downstairs as she tried to justify, "How can we compare University S with colleges over here? These colleges don't even rank seventy in the world. Alan, what's wrong with studying in that college?"

Alan held her arm and spoke looking right in the eye, "Aria, you are not leaving here and going anywhere. Do you understand? I will not let you go anywhere. Kill your dream now itself."

Aria bit her hearing him 'Kill your dream.'

When Oliver had asked where she wanted to do her graduation, she had said she wanted to do it in one of the top universities. Oliver had given her full freedom to choose whichever stream and wherever she wanted to study.

In fact, Oliver had told her to go for the Fashion industry seeing her play with sketches whenever she was free but it was Aria who wanted to help Oliver in business hence she chose Business and financial management.

"It isn't like I'll leave you. I'll study there and come back in five years."

Alan who was drinking water paused and smiled mockingly. He had thought three but it turned out as five.

"You are grown-up to decide everything by yourself. Ms.Cooper, it seems like you don't need me anymore."

Aria went behind Alan ignoring his mock but the latter closed the guestroom door on her face.

Aria never thought Alan would make her choose between him and her education or career. She wasn't ready to leave one for the other one.

Aria bit her lips to control her tears and knocked on the door. "Alan, let me talk..."

No response.

"Alan, open the door..."

No response.

"Alan, talk to me... Alan, It's just five years... Alan, I will be careful over there... Alan, listen to me..."

She tried numerous times that night as she knocked on the door but got no response.

She hadn't stopped even when her legs started to cramp standing a very long time, her throat felt dry and her fingers started to sore.

Alan didn't sleep the whole night either. He couldn't afford to send her to a different country.

He didn't want to scold her, he knew she wouldn't agree if he coaxes her so he wanted her to give up herself and agree to him.

The knocking stopped when it was dawn. He breathed a sigh and contemplated before going out to see Aria sitting on the floor leaning on the wall as she frowned in sleep.

Seeing tears mark on her face, he sat down and gently caressed her cheek from which Aria woke up with a jerk.


The rest of the words stuck in his throat looking at her gaze. It wasn't a pleading or shy or loving or surrendering or mischievous gaze.

It was a disappointment.

Yes! She was very much disappointed by how he treated her the whole night ignoring her pleas.

Alan tried to hold her when she stumbled in her heels due to her ankle pain but Aria slapped his hands and left the villa without a word.

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