Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 175

Chapter 175: Twist: My little wife is venomous.

As soon as Aria found solutions for the problems raised at the business, she prepared for head-on attacks instead of sneak.

Skyline investment in Morgan's many plans was pulled out at the right intervals of time. josei

Twenty movies and dramas stopped shooting. 

Their studio construction by the Skyline was kept on hold giving payment as an initial reason but her plan was big behind it. 

Skyline retail fashion which uses Morgan textile pulled out and many more.

The Skyline Industries' benefit was Aria was a young and beautiful girl at the age of marriage and sole heiress of the Cooper family. Most and many other companies voluntarily lowered their price to work for her so that they could meet her.

It was almost the same for Alan but he needed more investors.

The Skyline Industries lost quite a capital but they were more stable than the Morgan Industries. 

Alan had expected some but he never thought Aria would really take their game seriously without caring about him, Rowan, Amelia.

Levi and Aria were immensely busy with their executive of all the department which was completely free from inconspicuous people who were filtered out a long time back as soon as Levi and Aria started working.

Nathan was going numb hearing Alan shout and instruct every half an hour whenever Skyline attacked brutally.

Aria was stepping on Alan's nerve each time.

Alan was smart but thought Aria was soft. Aria was soft but was very good at leaving him at a frenzy.

She didn't start but she was ready to end for him cleanly and beautifully.

Levi hadn't informed Aria about three waiting because he didn't want the crucial time to make her sit and console her friends.

Aria who hadn't eaten for more than twenty-four hours felt dizzy when she stood up to fetch water. She wasn't in the mood to eat but she wasn't at the state to admit to the hospital either.

She composed herself and went out. Putting on nonchalance fake mood, she whined peeking at Levi, "Levi, I'm hungry."

Aria always treated her assistant and secretaries well so her real self would be present if not about work or even if her mood was down. 

So hearing her, Levi and all secretaries smiled.

"I'll order now."

"President Cooper, you take a break, we will handle it till that." A secretary said who knew Aria was on call from more than seven hours straight without a break.

"That's... Sweet." 

Her eyes fell on the trio. She exited her office but her expression went back to blank thinking they might hate her for troubling the Morgan Industries openly when Alan sneak attacked which they didn't know.

Only the inner circle knew of Alan's sneak attacks but the whole business industry, media was going frenzy at Aria's direct attack.

Eva ran over and hugged, "Arrie"

Aria looked at Rian as she patted Eva.

"Rian, I am not against you or Mom or Pop but I'm sorry, I have self-respect. I'm not going Let President Morgan ruin something where my father worked hard. I'll make sure he receives the retribution. If you hate me for that, I have no problem."

Eva who heard Aria's determined emotionless voice left her and looked at her worn-out face. The charm and brightness of her face had only despair.

Rian took a step ahead and hugged her, "Little Devil, I will always be your Beauty and support you even if the Morgan Industries go bankrupt... Don't worry about me, I'll live you off being kept. I need your sports cars, I don't mind getting a yearly one."

Aria held him back as she smiled hearing him, Noah and Eva sighed before joining them. 

Eva announced to lift their mood, "The beauty, the god, and the sweetie will always be with our Goddess."

Aria finally giggled between them. 

Finn who brought lunch spoke, "Stop squeezing My manager."

But that unknowingly reminded Alan to them, The trio looked at Aria who was forcing a smile whose eyes were filled instinctively. 

Noah was quick, "Wow... Is President Stanley getting back to his assistant job? Goddess, how about one more as your assistant?"

The secretaries were smiling looking at them, Levi asked, "Am I being fired?"

Even though he asked seriously, the Fourie broke in laughter. 

Finn looked at Levi for a few seconds before saying, "Alia ruined you too. I didn't know you were capable of cracking jokes."

Aria kicked Finn's leg before taking the big lunch takeout from his hands.

Levi scratched his head and said, "You can say that President Stanley." 

Seeing Levi all-time serious, Aria used to make fun of him in her free time.

Finn shook his head and sent him to lunch knowing he wouldn't have eaten. He joined the Fourie. 

He had just heard how the Fourie were but seeing them he couldn't help but say, "You guys together are still the same."

The Fourie chuckled and thanked him for lunch as five had their lunch at four in the afternoon.

Aria had to force every one of them to get back to work saying she was fine. 

Levi who kept coffee on the table couldn't help but say seeing her dolorous, "President Cooper, the more you try to behave normal, the more you will be hurt."

"Stop behaving as you know me. Go back to work." 

She wasn't least bit happy by attacking the Morgan Industries which Levi knew well. 

She was the one who always told him to unburden his work but she was trying to push him to the extreme because of the proof that he troubled her father, could be a reason behind her father's death, and his malicious comments on her. 

She was ready to accept if he played her because he still loved her but her father?

Levi sighed resignedly. 

Till she ran away from her wedding he had thought Aria was marrying Alan ignoring her father. He had almost thought she was just another girl who was a fool madly in love with a man ignoring everything else.

Seeing her prioritizing her father, his admiration for Aria was at the peak. 

He asked, "VP?"

Aria looked at Levi before responding, "I'll meet him after the meeting." 

Levi responded before exiting. 

Aria wasn't feeling dizzy or weak anymore after lunch so she continued working.

She hated her current state and life but she knew she couldn't afford to fall weak.

She clicked on the speaker when her telephone rang but she paused hearing the flirty tone. 

"My little wife turned out to be venomous."

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