Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 194

Chapter 194: Attacked Skyline

Aria couldn't understand why Isaac was asking her to change cars, "What happened?"

"Just change... Move, move, quick... As you step down, get in the car when it slows downs."

Aria noticed Isaac's sports car and alighted unmindfully with lots of questions in mind but in a split second a black Mercedes sprinter car reached her and somebody pulled her inside before speeding off.

Levi or Isaac couldn't get time to react and the car sped away shooking them to the core.

They never thought somebody wanted to kidnap Aria in broad daylight openly.

Isaac was about to shout but Levi stopped to keep it under wraps from the media as he started taking actions.

Aria was panicked but she was determined to escape nimbly.

She was about to choke the one who was holding her but a big palm held her both the hands and said near her ear.


She involuntarily blushed to hear the deep voice as her actions stopped and looked at the man before throwing herself on him.josei

"I missed you."

She completely forgot she was scared to death a few seconds back.

Alan smiled caressing her head as his other hand sent a message to Levi and Isaac.

"I had to stay so far away for five years due to my stubbornness, why are you doing this to me now? I'll throw Brother Calvin out of the mansion if he tortures us like this."

Alan kept his mobile away to return the hug and replied, "I missed you."

Aria was about to whine but the man in the driver seat spoke after hearing Alan, "Ahem... Guys, I'm here before you guys do anything else in the car."

Aria knew that voice. She fondly pecked on Alan's cheek before jumping to the shotgun seat. 

"Brother Vince, why didn't you come to the wedding?"

Sometimes, Alan really doubted if Aria knew Vince and Isaac by him or another way around because they really got along well with Aria unlike how they behave with others. 

The most visited person to Aria was Vince then comes Isaac as Alan used to be very busy with two companies. 

Only Alan knew Aria had Vince's security for five years in country S including the lectures. Vince had arranged by himself without telling Alan but the latter was very smart and realized on his first visit to country S.

Alan also knew why Aria was close to them because Alan trusted them so she trusted Alan.

Since his friends treated her like a young sister, he wasn't jealous instead, he was happy that Aria got somebody to call as a brother and behave like a spoiled girl.

"Little one, were you expecting me to see you run away from your wedding?" Vince Fang was always gentle when he talks with Aria instead of oppressing or cold tone.

Aria shook her head and pointed at Alan pouting her lips, "To beat him up. He is so cruel."

Alan: "..."

Vince and Aria continued to speak leaving Alan speechless the whole time making him doubt whether he was married to Aria Cooper or Aria Fang.

Vince drove them to a villa away from the city.

Vince had a mission on their wedding day so he hadn't reached but after knowing what was going on at their end, he cleared out his schedule and reached them.

Since Alan and Aria had men following them all the time from quite a few people, Alan used a bodyguard to replace him in his office and kidnapped Aria.

Vince's subordinates made sure nobody could track them before they settled in Vince's new villa.

Aria and Alan didn't have their laptop so they had to call and relay all the instructions until Vince threw their mobiles to the swimming pool.

Aria and Alan looked at each other and then at the glaring Vince before Aria burst into laughter.

"Brother Vince, when did you become narrow-minded to worry about our companies? Think about how Morgan Industries and Skyline Industries used to work earlier and how we are working now."

Vince frowned. 

He had thought Alan and Aria lost their minds to hurt each other's companies losing their name and fame. 

If they really fought with each other, Vince was prepared to beat them up until they come back to their senses.

After hearing from Alan that they were married long back and that wedding was Aria's wish to celebrate with family so it doesn't matter.

After hearing Aria telling about companies, he gave it a thought.

From the time both companies established and started growing, they supported each other and stood tall.

Entertainment company works were supported by Skyline investments. The textile was supported by Skyline retail fashion. Skyline hardware was supported by Morgan software solutions and so on.

After they started breaking those ties, even though they lost capital, many others started offering them at low rates for the same quality to both the companies so they were managing losses from those profits.

But to the outer world, they were just losing.

"You two are holding the complete business field in your hands now as many companies went under you to get into your good terms."

Aria chuckled leaning on Alan. The latter wrapped his hand around her when he smiled at her.

Yes! Since Skyline and the Morgan Industries supported each other, they didn't have a hold on other companies and their schemes.

Now their branches were spread out shadowing those secondary level companies, they had no option other than hearing to the Skyline and the Morgan Industries to survive because the signed contracts were meticulously prepared under Alan and Aria's guidance.

"Shrewd... I thought you two had gone nuts but husband and wife want to rule over the industry. For the people, you are at a losing end fighting with each other but you almost grabbed the whole situation to your hands without letting your enemy know that you are holding your ground stronger than before and still being there for each other."

Aria smiled but Alan, "I didn't know you talk so much."

Vince pointed his forefinger at Aria promptly, "Your wife's talent ruined me. It's good that I don't feel like talking other than around her."

He numerous times got weird gazes from his subordinates whenever he was on phone with her or around her. Aria would cent percent make him laugh while talking with him.

Aria chuckled while Alan pulled her ear adoringly. She had done the same to Finn and Levi.

Three continued to talk and cooked leaving Aria to chatter with them.


On the other end, the netizens who watched the stream of Aria's interview were praising her for teaching the immoral and unethical reporters a lesson.

Isaac's fans wanted to stand for the girls thinking they were Isaac's fans but the fan page admin controlled the situation saying Aria and Isaac had very good relations from the past many years and they were the invincible combination in entertainment industries.

Isaac and Aria's fans supported Aria for giving the reports a huge face slap cursing those girls who were paid to create a drama but they couldn't complete it because Levi was prepared.

Isaac was panicked and regretted planning to change cars on the road.

Levi who was instructing his men to take action checked the notification. Isaac checked his mobile too started fuming.

They couldn't believe Alan kidnapped Aria. 

Isaac cursed him in mind and headed back to Morgan Entertainment. 

Levi who had prepared to search her took back all the orders and went to Skyline knowing Aria cent percent wouldn't leave Alan.

Levi had to behave like Aria was in office whereas Nathan did the same. To the people who kept an eye on the couple thought that both were working overtime in their respective offices.

Sophia was used to Aria reaching home late working overtime if Alan couldn't go so she served dinner to Rian, Roxy, and Calvin.

After dinner, Calvin called his men and heard the response before he could ask, "Young master, President Morgan is working in his office. According to sources, a few companies gave up at the neck of the time before signing projects." 

Calvin grunted and hung up the call. 

He was trying for a week already to make Aria lively as in the past but she always left as soon as anything that connects to love, relationship topic opens.

He called Aria's number to hear 'The number you are trying to reach is unreachable'. It repeated a few times before trying her office number.


A man's voice sounded to Calvin, "President's assistant here, may I know who is calling?"

Calvin frowned hearing Levi, "Calvin Parker, where is Arrie?"

"President Cooper is very busy with a client meeting. She informed me to deliver a message that President Cooper's meeting might take long and she will be resting in the office itself. Thank you."

Levi hung up purposefully to avoid Calvin if in case he wanted to reach Skyline for Aria. Without access, nobody could reach the last sixty-fifth floor so Calvin couldn't reach without his help.

Levi and his team noticed the Skyline network being attacked in the night. It was the same in the Morgan industries but Levi had no way to contact Aria and Alan.

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