Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 208

Chapter 208: Presiden Morgan's new love interest

Aria prepared herself for the bad news.

Eva continued holding her hands tightly, "Prince is having an affair."

Aria was speechless.

Eva continued, "It's all over social media, news."

Aria was really at a loss of words and couldn't get herself to speak.

Eva rubbed her arm to console her looking at her loss. She concernedly spoke so that Aria could understand, 

"Your number is not reachable so I couldn't control myself and came for Prince's explanation. When we reached here, Aunty, Uncle also reached here saying his number wasn't reachable. Roxy and Rian are fuming mad. I didn't know you were here. We asked Prince and he didn't deny. He agreed that he was with that woman. Arrie I think, Prince is just distracted due to all this problem, we will take care of that b*tch who seduced him."

Aria was flushed hearing her best friend calling her as 'a b*tch'. 

She realized Alan played them without telling the truth. But Eva thought she was fuming in anger.

"Arrie, we should talk this out. Don't take any rash steps." Eva knew Aria loves Alan and she couldn't leave him so she thought to teach that woman a lesson.

Aria patted her back, "First, I want to teach him a lesson."

She went downstairs and held whatever she got to her hand which was a remote controller of television. She chased after Alan hence others thought Aria just got to know.

Levi was rubbing his forehead. He had tried to cut in while they were interrogating Alan but they didn't listen to him. 

Even though Alan didn't lie to them, he confused them more just by answering the question.


A few minutes back, 

Rowan smashed newspapers on the coffee table and sounded irked, "Who is this woman? Were you with her yesterday?"

Alan hummed nonchalantly looking at two pictures. 

In one picture, he was carrying Aria out of the club, and in another one, he had pulled Aria to his arms in the car and he was kissing her forehead.

Amelia was breathing heavily hearing that, "What is your relationship with her?"

"A secret" Alan leisurely responded sitting on a single-seater armchair elegantly.

Levi's lips twitched. He agrees Alan and Aria's relationship was secret to others but not for them.

Rian gritted his teeth, "Is this how you pay for Arrie for doing so much for you?"

Levi tried to speak, "Actually that's..."

Roxy wasn't calm hearing his responses and cut in, "Brother-in-law, I always gave you an example for Rian to show how a husband should be. I didn't expect you would do this to my sister."

Noah and Isaac were clutching Eva's hand to stop her from beating Alan. 

The former spoke, "Brother Alan, You love Arrie, then why are you with that woman? Probably Arrie knows this hence her mobile is off. She isn't in Skyline and Aunty Sophia said she didn't go to the mansion either."

Alan just answered the question, "Hmmm, I love her."

Levi was speechless by all the developments and seeing Finn controlling his anger without using his brain losing his rationality thinking Alan was hurting Aria.

Levi actually admired Finn. He knew Finn loves Aria unconditionally. Even though his unrequited love was painful, he never tried to take advantage of the situation only because Aria loves Alan and she would be hurt.

Levi knew well if Alan and Aria faced problems with each other, he would still help Aria to get Alan because she had only Alan in her heart and she needed nobody else in that place.

Isaac trusted Alan so he asked calmly, "Alan, are you guys planning anything? This isn't true. Isn't it?"

Alan saw Isaac pointing at the newspaper. 'Presiden Morgan's new love interest.' "The pictures? They are true." 

He purposefully mentioned the only pictures of the article thinking they would leave soon getting angry at him so that he could spend time with his wife alone.

"Will you guys listen to me?" Levi interrupted.


But everybody's attention turned to the stairs thinking that the woman from the newspaper was in Alan's villa.

"Alan... Alan..." 

Her tuneful tone with a touch of grogginess sounded too sweet to ears as it continued to resonant. 

Before her face could be seen, her slender, lissom figure with clear curves in the white clothes made them stand up subconsciously.

Levi felt like a rabbit was descending the stairs looking at her. 

Finn's heartbeats seem to be definite hearing the voice and identifying her as Aria before her face could be even visible.

The rest thought Alan was behind another breathtaking beauty until they saw Aria's sleepy face rubbing her eyes.

Seeing Alan and Aria together, they wanted to think what they read and saw was false but Alan had agreed to it and she wasn't Aria.

Since they had called Aria beforehand whose phone was off, they thought Aria had no idea about it. 

They couldn't help but comment on seeing them ignore their presence.


Levi thought Aria would personally clear their doubts but seeing her chasing after Alan, he wasn't sure what to do.

"Alan Morgan, hadn't I told you to tell me if you have an affair? Why didn't you tell me?"

Alan knew well Aria had learned quite a few skills from Finn and especially Vince. She knew how to bring pain with the slightest force. 

With all that, he knew she was playing along with him.

"When have I ever stopped you from informing me about anything?"

"How dare you hide it from me?"

"If they can't beat you, did you think you can be safe from my hands?"



After some time, Alan stopped and held both of her hands. By turning her around, he locked her hands and stood like hugging her from behind.

Aria didn't struggle and asked calmly, "Is she beautiful?"

"You are the best."

"Then I will allow you to have an affair with her." Aria permitted and looked at the rest leaning in Alan's embrace.

"Hello..." She sounded very sweet with her smile.

They were all staggered looking and hearing her.

Levi rubbed his forehead, "President Cooper, why are you also misleading them? Will you be happy if one gets a heart attack?"

Aria giggled and Levi continued, "The one in the picture is President Cooper. She had disguised herself to meet President Morgan and to take action against the hackers."

Eva, Rian pulled their sleeves up and ran towards Aria. 

"Ahhh..." Aria ran around everywhere and Noah also joined the duo.

"You little fox, how dare you to play us?"

"Little devil, I will break your leg today."

"Why are you running away now? See what we will do to you."



Alan noticed his parents and Isaac glaring at him but he didn't react and heated up the food.

Aria cried being caught as one knocked on her head, one pulled her ear and the other one pinched her cheeks until she whined.

"It hurts... It hurts..." 

They left after seeing her eyes fill up due to pain before they sat down on the lawn breathing heavily.

Aria spoke, "Can you guys trust Alan like how you trust me? Alan really doesn't care about any girls... I will give an example which his friend told me. Once his college mate proposed to Alan which he didn't accept. She followed him like crazy, confessing many times yet he never cared. When she threatened him with her life, do you know what he had said?"

"Go on?" Rian gingerly guessed.

"Exactly, so trust him. Even if I get second thoughts about Alan, he would never care for another woman. It's me or nobody else for him."josei

She had just finished saying, a kiss landed on her head before she was carried up to take her inside the villa.

"Second thoughts?"

Aria hummed and whispered in his ear, "I am secretly romancing a handsome man."

Alan knew who that handsome man was. If it was her or nobody else for him. For her, it was him and only him.

Levi wanted to finish his reason for the visit and leave but Alan made her sit on the dining table without letting her off and fed her treating everyone as invisible.

"I will eat."

Alan didn't respond and continued to feed her. He knew she would run to her friends or his parents eating just little so he was feeding her well.

Levi turned to check Finn's expression who had deliberately diverted his eyes on the phone but kept scrolling the mails list. 

He kept his voice low, "President Stanley, you should stop hurting yourself."

But Levi earned a cold death glare as a response.

Isaac and Roxy joined the other three on the lawn seeing them laying down basking the hot sun. 

Amelia and Rowan wanted to beat up Alan but gave up.

Aria glanced behind her after lunch to make sure nobody was looking at them and quickly pecked on Alan's cheek. She took Amelia and Rowan near the pool.

"Pop, Mum, I'm sorry I couldn't inform my day to day things because of the problems. I'm really happy and blessed that I have you all in my life. I have only one request. Please don't ignore or doubt Alan watching the news or anything just because of me. Even if I doubt him, I want you all to trust him unquestioningly and stand by him at every circumstance and condition. Please..."

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