Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 210

Chapter 210: They are all yours

Roxy and Eva rushed to them. 

Aria threw the pillow away and shook Rian, "Rian, wake up... Rian, it's not funny... Rian, stop scaring me... Rian..."

She kept her trembling finger near his nose and noticed he wasn't breathing. "Rian..."

Alan kicked Rian before pulling Aria to his arms who had started crying. 

Aria then heard Rian and Noah laughing. Eva and Roxy had realized it after seeing Noah controlling his smile behind Aria. 

Issac rubbed his forehead looking at Aria's state.

"Little Devil, will you play tricks on us again?"

Aria understood that he was pranking her but she had really thought she suffocated him because the pillow was on his face. Even though she wasn't pressing hard, it was on his face.

She tried to calm down but remembering the threat, she started trembling again in Alan's embrace.

Except for Alan and Isaac, others didn't know Aria was threatened twice with Rian's life asking her to back off from marrying Alan. 

That's the main reason she was ready to stand strong trying to accept Alan's plan and that was the reason she asked Roxy to live with her instead of alone with Rian.

They doubted Roxy when they got to know she was Jasper Madison's daughter. When Roxy got to know about their marriage they thought the threat might continue hence they increased the security around Rian. 

However, nothing happened.

Alan didn't completely trust Roxy but Aria started to trust as there were no problems from it.

But from that time, Aria made sure of Rian's safety. More than Aria, Rian had thrice the security which he had no idea.

Rian and Noah realized their prank took the wrong pace. "Arrie..." Rian tried to hold Aria and calm her but Alan carried her upstairs.

Seeing her clenching her teeth, Alan embraced her, "Rian is safe. Nothing will happen to him."

Aria again let go of her fears with tears...

Isaac smacked Rian, "Never include life in pranks."

Rian hummed. "But Little Devil always stays rational. We thought it wouldn't be possible to prank her."

Eva hummed standing next to Isaac, "She hardly falls for a prank."

Isaac knew Aria didn't want them to know about the troubles. 

"Arrie is going through a lot which you guys have no idea. Be as you guys are but nothing about life."

All hummed but Roxy kept her eyes on Isaac's troubled face. Even though Roxy doesn't care about many things, she always tried to be helpful for Aria.

She realized that Isaac was hiding something and played the things happening around Aria in her mind.

She turned Isaac towards her and was about to ask but stopped seeing others. She signaled Isaac towards the open kitchen and went.

Isaac was only close to Aria other than his girlfriend. He didn't like how Roxy behaved yet he followed her to know thinking it might be important.

"My sister is very practical but just now, it was not like her. What are you guys hiding?"

Isaac didn't feel the necessity to say anything. "Nothing. Arrie is just sensitive."

He was leaving but Roxy pulled him back to face her.

Isaac gave a dirty glare at her hand before looking at her. josei

Roxy raised her hands in the air and directly spoke. "Even though I haven't spent much time with my sister, I always heard from Rian. She never plays by opposition rules but she is playing."

Roxy hardly could understand anything from Isaac's face yet she continued, "Is anybody threatening her?... With Rian's life?"

Isaac didn't bother to react and tried to read her. whether she was guessing or she already knew and playing dumb.

Roxy waited and waited but the response didn't come.

Eva called Isaac and he left. 

Roxy thought to talk to Alan or Aria directly and returned to the living hall where they were planning about games to play as soon as Aria's returns to divert her mind.

Upstairs, Aria hadn't cried for long but was in deep thought without leaving Alan to let go of her. 

Alan thought to distract her from her thoughts seeing her that way.

"Honey, if you want to feel my abs, you can say it directly you know. They are all yours to touch."

Aria's train of thoughts broke and realized her face was actually on his abs and she had even rubbed her face when wiping her tears.

'Touch and feel? Why not?' She thought to herself.

She likes how they feel on her fingers.

Aria flushed remembering her thoughts and pushed him away but eventually got pinned down on the bed. 

"Why? Don't you like them?"

His seductive tone and what her fingers were touching made her eyes widened as pinkness started appearing on her cheeks. 

Alan moved her hand on his abs reading her face but other than widened eyes in fright due to the open floor bedroom he couldn't read anything.

So he gazed deep into her eyes as if he was controlling her whole by his eyes and sounded affirmative.

"Do you like potbelly? Then I will have..."

Dummy Aria thought he was getting serious as he always did to her liking so she cut in hurriedly, "No, no, no. I like your abs... and Apollo's belt too."

Alan controlled laughing on her face. 

Aria noticed his happy glittering eyes and realized what she just did. She pulled her hands to cover her face and whined.

"Stop looking at me like that."

Alan lightly chuckled and peeled her hands away from her flushed face. "Open your eyes."

Aria shook her head. 

Alan teased, "How about I touch and feel what I like?"

It worked and Aria shot her eyes open thinking where he was going to touch her but Alan cupped her face gently and pecked on the forehead.

Alan saw her satisfied and content smile and eyes. He pulled her off the bed seeing her adoring gaze. 

Aria was praising her husband in her heart, 'My prince is the best.' while he wiped her face.

Alan was done with her adoration so he whispered the answer to his own question, "Wherever I touched and felt you in the morning."

Aria: "..."

Aria gritted her teeth as she flushed because he just said every inch of her skin and ruined her moment.

Alan was satisfied with her glare and diverted her rage quickly to somebody else, "Are you going to let off your friends so easily?"

He was successful as Aria remembered and pulled her sleeves up and went downstairs.

"Beauty, you are dead today."

Alan loves how innocently she falls for his ploys.

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