Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 229

Chapter 229: Incognito person

Ceon didn't check the file because he knew he couldn't let Finn suffer.

Finn asked his mansion driver to pick Ceon from his villa and drop him to his villa and went to bed.


Aria and Alan were irritated seeing no attacks or move from the opposition side. Both stabilized both of their companies back to the track.

Focus International received the news Starlight and Morgan's collaboration for upcoming entertainment ventures dropping them.

So the Focus International executives tried to reach Alan after knowing he was the one who ordered his directors.

Aria was yet to affect Focus International openly because Alan told her to be low profile against Focus for time being.

Aria also felt the same as they already played enough and they weren't sitting on her nerves yet.

Aria received the news Calvin was staying in office straight four days without returning to his home. She took the time to decide how to handle it and decided to visit him.

Aria went to his office after work. She stood at the door and watched him keeping himself busy by burying in the work.

His dark circles were very obvious on his handsome face due to sleepless nights. She saw the untouched packed lunch laying on the coffee table.

"Chief Parker, Will you mind if I disturb you?"

Calvin curiously raised his head hearing the mellow voice. He knew the voice without the need to see. His lips subconsciously lifted up seeing her.

"President Cooper's arrival to a small company. It will be a piece of explosive news." Calvin laughed at his own words and he was also surprised to see her.

Aria shook her head as she entered inside and closed his laptop. "President Cooper kidnapping Chief Parker is fiery."

She held his hand and took him out confusing him.

"What's going on?"

"Kidnapping you." Aria repeated again and heard him chuckle.

Calvin sat on the shotgun seat of her car in perplex thinking she might be taking him out for dinner.

Aria drove her car to Cooper mansion talking about light general topics.

Calvin had dinner with her and Roxy before finally asking. "Why did you bring me here?"

Aria sent Roxy to her room before speaking, "Brother Calvin, is there something you are hiding from me?"

She wasn't interrogating and she will not force. She wanted to know if he could speak straight to her or not.

Calvin's brief change in expression was caught by Aria but he didn't say anything, "Arrie, what are you talking about? There is nothing as such."

Aria smiled faintly and nodded. She completely changed the topic to relax him seeing his tensed brows with a hint of remorse in his eyes.

"Then why were you staying in office? If you don't want to go to Parker villa, why didn't you come here? I only told you to keep your men away, when did I say that to you?"

Calvin sighed in relief thinking she asked about his stay. "Look at you standing tall in the business industry and look at me having nothing. Shouldn't I work hard?"

He tried to sound humorous but it wasn't of any use.

Aria knew he was making up a reason. She could only wait until he could make his mind.

"We are totally different. You are a self-made man, I'm looking after Dad's company." His game designing company was built solely by him without any backers.

She stood up from the couch as she continued, "Brother Calvin when you find a better reason for my question, do tell me. And till that, you will be staying here."

She didn't leave a room for argument and went upstairs, "Rest well."

Calvin knew she was worried about his health and lifestyle, "Arrie, you are too overbearing."

"I know..." Aria loudly said before going out of his sight.

Calvin sighed leaning back on the couch. It wasn't that he didn't want to tell the things he was hiding but he wasn't sure how Aria would react to it.

Lost in thoughts, he didn't hear housekeeper Sophia calling him until she shook his arm, "Young master Parker, are you alright?"

"Huh?" Calvin opened his eyes and sat properly as he nodded.

"Young master Parker, we have arranged a room for you on the second floor as young miss informed. Your things from the ground floor room are shifted to your room. Please check and let us know if you need anything else."

Calvin knew the housekeeper and maids of the cooper mansion were very organized and professional so, "Aunty Sophia, if I need, I will ask. It's late, have dinner and rest soon."josei

Sophia faintly smiled and went to complete other work excusing herself.

Aria had her new custom made mobile for secure usage from tapping and hacking. She called Alan and was talking with her when he asked.

"Honey, are you sure about Calvin Parker? You shouldn't let your guards down."

Aria who was rolled up in the duvet on the bed responded, "How long are we going to play hide and seek? If he is really the one, let me take head-on and finish it soon. I'm tired of these games."

Alan hummed as he continued to type on his laptop. He glanced at Aria lost in thoughts. He picked the tab to his hands and asked, "What's wrong?"

Aria came out of the daze hearing the worried tone, "Alan, I feel like he isn't behind our problem but he is hiding something. I have interacted with him a lot of times, he cares about me, why will he try to kill me? He doesn't even have a reason to separate us either... Sometimes I feel like the incognito person might be diverting us to him."

Alan didn't really agree, "We both know Calvin Parker met Dad before his accident. If he was in the country, why didn't he meet you or attend the funeral? and why did he lie to us as he wasn't in country A?"

Aria didn't know why she had a gut feeling Calvin couldn't be the person to hurt her or Oliver. "I agree he lied but I... I don't know. That model might be lying to us as Brother Calvin sent her or somebody mimicked him to her... Ahhh, I'll go crazy at this rate."

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