Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 270

Chapter 270: Missing you all loonies

The realtor knew that they were from the same class so he suggested, "Why don't you two become flatmates?"

Noah responded without hesitation, "Nope."

The realtor had expected it from Kyle instead of Noah so he laughed awkwardly and tried again, "Miss, you can go for the first condo I took you two. You can buy the required things from outside or order online."

Kyle commented unmindfully thinking about if she could ask her brother but she didn't want to burden her brother and her family wouldn't allow her to stay alone in a condo.

"It's okay, Just carry out his paper works." Kyle sounded normal but the other two knew she was sad.

"Kyle, why don't you go for an EMI?"

Kyle shook her head, "I will stay here for three years. If I increase the EMI price, then I can pay but I will not get anything in hand for my expenses. Selling a condo after half paid EMIs is a hassle."

The realtor excused himself to go out and to tell his office people to prepare the papers.

Noah asked how much she could afford per month as EMI. Then his business mind started working. If he had another condo, he could have rent to cover his monthly expenses. A condo rate would obviously increase after three years.

"I will buy a condo and you can rent it over from me. If you keep a roommate, you can manage the expenses too. What do you say?"

"Really? Can you do it?" Kyle saw a beam of light hearing him.

Noah passively hummed, "I will get the rent papers ready from the realtor. Give your details and proof to him."

Then he walked out hearing her say thank you many times which he ignored.

After giving their details, the duo went to a restaurant for lunch as the realtor went to his office.

Noah bought two condos, Kyle signed the tenant agreement. Both attended the class before going to their dorms.

Kyle Mason went to the administration department and submitted the proof she had recorded before leaving for the Sunset towers.

Noah had reached first and was unpacking when his mobile rang with an unknown number. He answered it to hear, "Is Noah Wood hearing me? I'm calling from the Dean's office. Please reach the office soon."

Noah frowned. He knew it couldn't be a good thing to be called to Dean's office. He left the condo to see Kyle dragging her huge trunks.

He wanted to leave but he still helped her to get it near the adjacent condo of his and left without a word ignoring her 'Thank you.'

Kyle felt he was avoiding her but she dispersed her thoughts and left her luggage inside. After pondering, she went to the supermarket to get groceries.

Noah was immediately called inside the office and he saw Michael Rickman and the other four boys inside. He frowned thinking about what they could be doing there and why they called him.josei

"Sir, I'm Noah Wood. May I know the reason behind calling me here?"

Dean stretched his one hand towards him saying, "Why did they surround you yesterday to beat you?"

Noah watched a short video until Michael punched him, "Sir, I am not sure whether you know this. I had complained yesterday that Michael Rickman smokes and drinks in the Dorm room and also I saw him using prohibited drugs. But that complaint was ruled out due to the association of admin employees with Michael Rickman and he attacked me for complaining."

Dean looked at his secretary who nodded and ran out to get the required people to the office. Then he called Security and the cops.

"Mr.Wood, please cooperate with the security and help them to find the drugs from the room. No need to bother about the case that we will handle it."

Noah was impressed by how calmly Dean was carrying out the works. He accompanied the security and pointed him to the place Micheal was hiding the drugs.

Security men were careful and collected the evidence carefully retaining the fingerprints.

By the time he returned to the office room, cops were present and the employees who ignored the drug complaint were fired before handing them to cops with those five boys.

Dean showed his appreciation to Noah for boldly going against those.

"Sir, may I know how you got the video? As I know, there is no security camera around those areas and the video is recorded at five feet above the ground."

Dean smiled hearing him, "Your way of pointing out the deficiency is commendable. I will look into the security of the campus. And about the video, It's from a girl named..." He quickly checked the complaint letter and answered, "... Ms.Mason."

Noah thanked and left the office.

Kyle Mason, eighteen-year-old from country P, studying in his class. Other than that he knew nothing about her.

He didn't like how she ignores when there are any simple personal questions about her such as, 'Where did you study?'

'Why did she choose country E university?' and so on.

He thought they weren't private questions to keep it well hidden. He didn't want to keep any association with her other than owner and tenant but after hearing Dean, he wasn't sure what to do.

While walking to his condo, he called his friends in a conference who already knew he bought two condos, "I am already missing you all loonies."

Eva cried, "It's so cold here. I feel like I will become an Ice block soon."

Rian whinged, "This Roxy made me a laughing stock in front of all."

"I'm already hating here. I want to go back. I hate these classmates, I hate the weather, I hate food and I have to keep myself packed in numerous clothes twenty-four seven."

They cried out their pain, laughed at some topics, and forgot their problems for some time.

At last, they planned to go to country E to Noah's condo after fifteen days. How much ever they got busy with other stuff, they never forgot to keep in touch with each other.

Noah bought groceries and ordered delivery as he was tired to even cook. He entered the eighth floor and saw a man pressing the calling bell of his condo door.

"Excuse me? Are you looking for somebody?"

The delivery man quickly spoke, "I'm here to deliver a present to Noah Wood. Are you Mr.Wood?"

Noah hummed as he took his identity card out for confirmation and was signing on the delivery receipt thinking who could send him a gift.

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