Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 291

Chapter 291: Unexpected Visitor

Monday after the meeting, Aria and Levi set off to meet the man who was with Kyle Mason aka Reese Mason.

Without an appointment, Aria knew she had the least chance to meet him. But for an appointment, she will have to wait for fifteen days minimum and she didn't have such a long time.

"President Cooper, what's the plan?" Levi asked entering the company premises.

Aria looked around, lowering her sunglasses. Since it was working time, there weren't many walking around.

"Do you know the art of stealing?"

Levi brows twitched. He had almost forgotten his President's crazy side bringing on more troubles.

"How about you hack the security entry to access the gates?" Levi suggested.

Aria leaned on his arm watching six elevators as she spoke, "Dear Levi, how are we handling if anybody tries to hack our network to enter inside?"

"We will let him enter easily and catch him. If he doesn't fall for that trick, we will get notified without his knowledge... So you mean you don't want unnecessary attraction here and they might be strong."

Aria patted him, "You take the first elevator on the left. I will take the third one on the right."

Levi guessed in confusion, "Is this building built or designed by Skyline?"

Aria grinned indicating yes, "There are two secret offices but I'm not sure which one he is in. I will send you the path and floor details."

She had just finished saying, Aria sneakily took the access card of an employee who was passing by.

Levi: ⦿_⦿

"That was sleek," Levi complimented in a low voice.

Aria walked with him as she spoke, "I know this isn't exciting as your military mission but still I hope we could take him down... Catch..."

Levi: ⦿_⦿

Levi couldn't believe sneaking was a piece of cake for Aria.

As soon as she passed the access gates, the same access card reached his hand without anybody's suspicion because the tag was in her hand and card in his hand.

The exciting military mission? It was a responsibility. Now returning safely without visiting the police station or grounded by that man was actually the excitement.

"Dial my number as soon as you confirm." Levi said and heard, "You too."

Aria sent the message to Levi and got into the elevator. Aria clicked on 24 while Levi clicked on 39.

Levi had no idea, Aria was going to the twenty-fourth floor and change the elevator at the end of the corridor and take another elevator to reach the forty-fourth floor which was one of the ways to the President's office.

Aria had no idea Levi had arranged men around he building who would reach them on his signal by hook or by crook.

Aria didn't know whether it was the chairman's office or President's office so they had split up.

Levi reached the 39th floor and was greeted by a receptionist. "Sir, how may I help?"

Levi professionally responded, "No, Thank you."josei

He confidently followed Aria's path and he had to take open stairs for the upper floor and saw the board, 'Vice President'

A secretary quickly reached him to stop him from entering, "Sir, do you have an appointment?"

Levi's relaxed voice sounded, "The President's secretary mentioned to me to reach here to meet the President. Is he in there?"

The secretary frowned, "But the Vice President went to the President's cabin."

Levi didn't expect that. "I guess, President Secretary misremembered. Anyway, Thank you."

Secretary faintly smiled trying to guess who he was. Levi was in a business suit. His tall, wide shoulder, a well-maintained physique with his cold demeanor left her in awe. She thought he might be a high profile man hence the President letting him see the private offices.

Levi turned to trackback till elevator and message Aria but the secretary stopped, "Sir if you are going to President's office, This elevator will lead you to the forty-fourth floor."

Levi forced a faint smile trying to be amiable, "That's sweet. Thank you for shortening my path. Have a good day."

The secretary blushed and saw the man entering the elevator introspectively. She could say he was very attentive about his surroundings. She smiled at herself and got back to work amused by Levi.

Levi understood it was a private elevator that connects only two floors.

Aria entered the twenty-fourth floor. The receptionist there was busy as hell so didn't notice Aria. She took consecutive two turns without caring about the employees glancing at her hearing the stilettoes clacking on the floor.

Her semi-formal wear got the same amount of attention because the company had strict rules to follow about dress code.

They tried to make out who she was but failed to identify her side profile under the sunglasses.

She reached the forty-fourth floor. She wanted to ignore the assistant but secretaries started to peek at her and a few even identified who she was.

"Are we collaborating with Skyline?"

"President Cooper is so beautiful."

"She is very young."

"She is just 23 I guess."

"No, she will be twenty-four this year. I have been following her social media account for seven years."

Aria heard some too. She didn't know she was that much known but she wasn't in the approachable state. She was on high alert if somebody tried to stop her.

An assistant quickly stopped her before entering. "President Cooper, I am sorry but you haven't taken an appointment."

Aria lied sounding upright, "Do you think I need an appointment when I am already standing here without you escorting me to the meeting room?"

That assistant worked in the company for six years and he never saw his president meeting others in his office. He always met directly at meeting rooms or managed through video conferences.

Seeing Aria in front of the room and hearing her, he assumed his president must have directed her.

He bowed his head and apologized, "I'm sorry again. President Cooper, you might have to wait as an important meeting is going on inside. I hope you understand."

Aria didn't make it difficult for the assistant. "If it takes longer, I might have to disturb them." She turned to sit on the couch while a secretary placed a mineral water bottle on the table.

The assistant's lips twitched to see the youngest secretary but he responded to Aria, "President Cooper, It will be over in a few minutes."

The secretary spoke, "Senior, do you remember me? I was a cheer girl under your lead."

Truthfully, Aria didn't remember her but she was polite and smiled at her. "Thank you for the water. Get back to work, it's working time."

"Yes, Senior." She smiled brightly at Aria and went back to work.

Levi exited on the forty-fourth floor and got a glimpse of Aria and saw the Vice president exiting the office.

Aria saw the Vice President giving weird glances at her but she ignored and entered the office.

Levi was stopped by the Vice President, "Who are you? I never saw you working here and why did you use my elevator?"

Levi knew that tricking secretaries and assistants wasn't a big deal but he had to be careful about higher management.

"I was wrongly directed in this direction." Levi saw Aria's message which had a path and destination to reach her.

"Excuse me." He didn't let the Vice President interject and left.

Aria entered the office after a single knock. The man behind the glass top desk was surprised by an unexpected visitor.

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