Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 307

Chapter 307: Emergency family dinner

Noah didn't want others to worry so he didn't tell anything except a few things like Elder Hanes met him but outright rejected.

He had asked Norah to decide and he wouldn't do anything anymore. If she is willing to be with him against her grandfather's wish, he will try to convince him later. If she doesn't, he will move on.

Upon that he was sure once Norah agreed to her grandfather, Aria would do every possible thing to keep him busy and shut every possible information about Norah so that he could move on.

Zara wasn't satisfied with how Noah avoided speaking about it so she dialed Moran's number driving her car towards the city.

"Hey!" Her greeting was a little awkward. Even though she wasn't unsociable, after her previous relationship, she seldom avoided meeting new people.

"Hi! What's up?" Moran responded without much revealing his emotions.

"Were you in the home when Noah met Chairman Hanes? I want to know what happened there." Zara directly got to the point.

The line was silent for a few seconds before Moran spoke, "Didn't Noah and Tee... President Cooper tell you?"

Hearing his voice down, she realized Aria and Noah hid things well. 'Why do little ones think I'm a child? Ugh.' She grumbled to herself.

"These four don't usually tell sensitive things to others easily..." Then she mumbled, "They think themselves as superheroes. I should take their class."

Moran on the other end didn't clearly catch what she mumbled and he didn't probe further either. "Where are you? You seem to be driving, drop by around, I'll tell you about it."

Zara checked the time and decided to tell her assistant to attend the meeting on her behalf. "I'm four miles away from K junction."

Moran got to know Zara was at the 3D paint spot which was viral all over the internet. He was at K junction so he decided to be in the cafe nearby, "I will be in Cafe Mountlake. See you there." He hung up the call hearing her hum and parked his car.

Zara sped towards K junction. She and her parents wanted to talk to Elder Hanes and convince him but Geoff and Aria had turned down the very next second.

She didn't know the reason but after hearing Moran's time, she understood there might be something wrong.

She soon reached and parked her sports car next to Maserati and entered the cafe where Moran was sitting by floor to the ceiling glass wall and sipping his coffee elegantly.

The cafe was empty but his presence was enough to fill the cafe.

Moran gentlemanly stood up and pulled the chair for her. Zara faintly smiled as thank you and took the seat hearing him.

"I didn't know you are into sports cars."

Zara glanced at the car and just smiled.

It was a gift from Noah from his own income so it was close to her heart and she wasn't really into any cars, she could manage with any car.

Zara ordered a mocha for herself and asked looking at his expressionless face, "What happened at your place?"

Moran and Zara never really spoke during school time and they started talking when Moran visited Woods' mansion with his parents so they weren't really close for general talks or a friendly chat.

Moran who had just taken a sip kept the cup back on the table. He briefed whatever happened at Hanes Mansion.

Zara had clenched her fist right from the beginning. She didn't interrupt even once and heard everything.

Moran could make out every change on her face, unlike his plain expressionless face. Her hatred and anger were very evident but she didn't show it to him.

After he finished it, Zara called for a cheque and spoke, "Thank you for sparing your time President Hanes."

She paid before he could react. Seeing Moran's black card between his fingers in midair looking at her, she spoke again, "We low-level business people can't afford your hospitality. Thank you again."

Moran's face turned dark. "Get back here." His dominating tone paused Zara.

She turned around and faced him but she didn't move.

Moran subconsciously controlled his temper when his gaze moved to her beautiful yet gloomy face.

"Have a seat." He motioned his hand for her to sit.

Zara thought to listen to him and sat down. She didn't expect Elder Hanes to be ruthless, she was even scared to think what if Geoff didn't send a message to Aria.

Her brother was so simple and sweet, she didn't expect him to encounter such things and fall for a girl for whom he was ready to face so many things.

Moran spoke, "Will you guys look after Norah well after knowing all this?"

Zara's expression softened hearing him worry about his sister. "A daughter in law is a daughter. We will never blame others' mistakes on her."josei

"Will your parents still accept her as their daughter in law?"

Zara nodded slightly, "My parents will support Noah for his every decision."

Moran breathed a sigh of relief hearing that. Moran didn't actually want to meet Zara to recall what happened at his place, he actually wanted to ask those questions for Norah.

Moran noticed McLaren passing on the road. He knew he was too rash to Aria. He regretted his quick reaction. He had thought he might get along with them but now he was sure, they couldn't be the same even if Norah marries Noah.

Zara saw him dazed watching outside. "If nothing, I will make a move."

Moran came out of his daze and faced Zara, "I'll contact you or Noah..." He wasn't sure what he was going to do, "... ... once Norah makes her decision."

Zara nodded but added, "Tell her to stay away if she couldn't trust and love Noah as much as he does. She already played him a lot, I can't let my brother get hurt over and over again."

She stood up and added, "Have a good day." Then she graciously left the cafe leaving him alone.

He watched the slender figure elegantly sitting in the car and leaving. Zara to him before meeting her again was a silent, pretty, gullible, fragile girl. Now she was a beautiful and strong woman.

He sighed thinking how the time and situation change a person.

He still thought Norah and Noah should have eloped without meeting his grandfather.


Rian saw Roxy running away after seeing media reporters. He caught her so that she could stop scaring away from them and learn to face it.

He enlightened her, "You are going to be Second young Madam Morgan. Try to learn from Madam Morgan who effortlessly handles them and your sister, Little devil is a firecracker who roasts them back. You shou..."

Roxy cut in trying to escape, "Mom said I don't have to do it if I don't want to."

Rian halted and glared at her, "You and Little Devil, what charm did you guys use on Mom and Dad? I feel like they forgot me and bro... Emergency family dinner tonight."

Under her protest, Rian still pulled her in front of the cameras.

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