Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 311

Chapter 311: Life isn't easy

Aria saw Kite in front of her sitting in a depression feeling lonely and outcast.

'Could it be that Sister Kite was being provoked against me all this while?' She thought to herself but she wasn't sure.

Looking at people acting in front of her, it was difficult for her to reach a conclusion.

She messaged her main bodyguard to send a female bodyguard in casuals to the mall. Even though she didn't completely believe Kite, if she was brainwashed by Saira, she wanted to try to help her clear her mind.

"Sister Kite, I was thinking of visiting a salon, do you want to accompany me? I haven't done my nails and my hair is a mess. You can be groomed with me."

Kite was surprised for a few seconds then shook her head, "I'm alright. You don't have to do all this for me."

Aria kept the hairdryer away and sat in front of her showing her nails, "See, my nail paint is chipped and the shape looks awful. My hair tips are dry and at the stage of splitting. Now look at your nails, I'm sure you haven't cared for it like a really long time."

Seeing Aria persistent and behaving like a little sister grumbling about it, she felt like she really missed a good part of her life. She watched Aria carefully and she didn't seem like pretending either. In fact, she felt Aria was trying to take her out seeing her caged.

Even though she didn't want to go, she still nodded with a simple hum to see Aria storming her closet and took out a short princess seam dress which gave a flowy and fresh look.

Aria sent her to change and was booking an appointment at the saloon. Her screen went off showing 'Eva' name.

She ditched pleasantries and asked, "My God, do you want to pamper yo..."

Eva didn't hear her and flirted, "My lovely Goddess, I am missing you. Why don't you remember your Hot God? Come and accompany your hubby."

Her drunken voice was adorable to which Aria giggled silently and asked, "Where are you, My hottie god?"

Eva cheered up on the other end and announced to Noah, Rian while Roxy was drunk and asleep, "My pretty Goddess is coming for me... Wifey, we are at Luxuria. Do you know Roxy is drunk and she is looking like a ripened tomato."

Then she giggled while Noah and Rian were speechless. The latter commented, "No doubt Little devil stops this flirty from getting drunk. My wife is better, she sleeps peacefully after drinking."

Noah wasn't in the state to eat dog food. He ignored him.

Aria on the other hand knew what will be the current situation over there. "How are you looking then?"

"I look like a little fairy." Eva had just finished saying happily, two in the private room, and another one over the phone burst into laughter.

Eva pouted by being laughed at, "You are so mean."

Aria composed and buttered her, "You are a little fairy angel who gives good dreams to everyone."

"Yeah, you are right... You are the best."

Noah and Rian laughed at how easily Eva changed her opinion. The former called Aria's number. Aria answered and merged the calls, "Are you also drunk?"

"Nope. Eva is drunk..."

"Ahh... I want to talk to my goddess, why are you snooping? Arrie..." Eva complained about Noah's tone in the call.

"Little fairy angel, let me scold him and until that get another drink."

Eva happily agreed and took her pint glass, letting them talk.

Noah and Rian were surprised looking at the little fairy angel, "Arrie, you can be a great mother."

"Little devil, do look after my kids well."

Aria's lips twitched, "Really?"

Noah responded, "Right after knowing the fiasco at Hanes mansion, your god is all out on drinking glass after glass."

Noah and Aria both sighed. Aria saw Kite was ready, she knew it wouldn't look good to drop the plan so she tried to balance.

"Don't provoke her. Order some salads and chicken dishes, I will tell her to eat. I might reach late. If Isaac calls before me, ask him to pick her. Beauty, take care of them."josei

Aria heard them agree and coaxed Eva to eat before hanging up the call.

Kite voiced when she ended the call, "Arrie if you have other work, you should..."

"Let's go." Aria cut in and took her out.

They visited Elder Parker who was fine with the caretaker and conversely. 

She assured Abel that Kite will be fine with her and took her out without caring to reach Saira but she just added as, 'Give my regards to auntie Saira.'


In the biggest shopping mall, Aria and Kite went to the third-floor famous celebrity salon. Kite no longer cared about having a connection in showbiz so she ignored a few celebrities present over there who were behaving high and mighty till Aria entered.

Aria never usually cared about celebrities so she didn't care about anybody. She just nodded at the one who greeted her on the surface while they sneered inside.

She felt like laughing at their face hearing them say they got tanned under the sun while taking pictures at Rian's painting.

Aria and Kite comfortably sat while one washed their hair and another one did manicure and another was busy with the pedicure.

The celebrities grounded their teeth looking at seven running around the duo. 

A celebrity complained loudly calling a manager, "What is the meaning of this? We are here first if you don't tend to us first, I will withdraw my membership."

Kite frowned under her face mask hearing that but the manager glanced at Aria once and spoke to the celebrity.

"Ms. Dane, shall I assist you with the formalities of withdrawal of membership?"


The non-celebrities who were at the haircut section burst into laughter. "Just because of a few fans they think of themselves as goddesses."

While they continued to boldly comment, That celebrity shrieked, "How dare you? I will give the worst review to the saloon." She stomped her foot and left with her assistant in fury.

The manager shook her head and mumbled to herself, "I will delete it. Big deal."

Aria told Kite who looked uncomfortable by the eyes towards them, "When I'm around don't worry about other things. Relax and enjoy."

A manicure lady spoke to Kite, "Ms. Parker, President Cooper is the owner of the Salon. You relax without worrying about others."

Kite removed the cucumber from her eyes to see Aria checking mails on her tab holding in a hand. She had thought she was president and didn't have to work, seeing her still working, she sighed.

She understood life isn't easy for Aria just because she is rich. She might live off her parents but Aria had to work.

She signaled her hair washing lady and bent a little before snatching the tab. "Relax. Work isn't running away anywhere."

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