Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 318

Chapter 318: Explode her head

Aria alighted the car and saw Finn too reached. Dustin following him, Finn looked ritzy in his black shirt, white vest, and stylish yet formal white overcoat.

Aria always saw him in semi-formal suits if he wore formals, seeing him in a complete set perfectly complimenting him, as a designer, a smile appeared.

While Levi greeted Finn, Dustin greeted Aria, Aria teased Finn, "Are you going on a date with Chairman Hanes? He is an old man Finn."

Finn's lips twitched, he poked her head, cursing Ceon in his mind as he walked in with her while two assistants who were in business suits silently followed their president.

Four reached the terrace and Aria saw Alan already present. "Oh! My Livid guardian." After Alan got together with Aria, he hardly wore complete set formals.

Finn saw her mesmerizing smile as soon as her eyes fell on Alan who was wearing his outfit in shades of black. His overcoat hem was fluttering in the wind standing in his dark Italian suit.

Alan looked majestic and regal.

His emotionless, cold face softened slightly as soon as Aria entered his sight. While he took a step towards her, she was at the fifth step standing in front of him.

Aria raised the collar of the overcoat and complimented, "The devil is back."

Nathan who was behind Alan commended Aria for telling what he felt.

Alan saw her happy instead of serious about the situation. Seeing her kiss in the air at him, he planted on her forehead while four singles ate dog food.

Nathan had a wife and he was also used to them. "President Morgan, everything is ready."

Aria who was in white and white formals and blue overcoat felt like little one between two men.


In the Hanes Mansion

Assistant Seven had called Elder Hanes's doctor because of high blood pressure. While the doctor was chiding the Elder Hanes about health, they heard whirling of blades cheating loud noise.

Seven ran towards the window because their helicopter was at the Hanes Industries but the bright light blinded his eye.

"What heck is going on?" Elder Hanes asked grimly because he didn't permit anyone to use the helicopter.

The elder doctor among the doctor group asked, "What is a military helicopter doing here?"

Seven's mobile rang showing the security head's number. He answered it quickly to know the status, "Assistant Seven, high alert. We are being surrounded. About twenty plus cars reached. They are taking everyone down..."

Seven froze and turned to Elder Hanes.

Butler who was in the living hall barged in the master bedroom breathing heavily, "Old master, Many surrounding us and there is a commotion outside."

Elder doctor was sure it was a Military air vehicle by the noise and the blinding light. He eyed Elder Hanes and asked coldly, "When did you start international illegal work?"

Elder Hanes was red in anger and slapped his assistant without mercy. "How many were at security?"

Assistant Seven stood back straight, "All seven teams are here."

Elder Hanes's eyes were bloodshot. He took his cane and strode out while some doctors started trembling after hearing them excluding the elder doctor who instructed his team to stay behind and followed Elder Hanes.

Elder Hanes wasn't scared instead he felt his blood boil and had an intent to kill the person. He hadn't done anything and wanted to rip that man for forcing his entry in.

Seeing Moran and Geoff, he didn't react. Seeing Norah and her mother, "Get in." He grunted and went down while his personal bodyguard was at the door to stop the person.

Moran and Geoff's eyes widened in shock seeing who entered in.

Elder Hanes grounded his teeth and ordered, "Take her down."

Aria's lips arced up hearing that. She easily kicked the man between thighs who tried to hold her. Another man pulled his handgun out but before he could hold it properly his hand was in the air and a handgun was in Aria's hand pointing at the man's forehead.

While the watchers thought she would shoot him, Aria spun raising her leg and kicked the man to the floor.


Everyone's attention went to the man who was on the stairs. Aria walked front throwing the handgun and bullet magazine in the two opposite directions.

Aria knew that doctor, "Professor Wen?"

Elder Hanes thought to take advantage of her distracted attention and pointed his handgun at her.

He was really impressed by how she threw two men down on the floor but the pointed handgun, she had no choice but to surrender.

Professor Wen's face darkened seeing the dirty move by Elder Hanes.



Geoff and Moran cried in fright but froze the very next second.

Because Elder Hanes's hand was empty.

Aria had kicked his wrist without a second delay. She pulled her handgun out and caught his handgun and pointed at two men.

She knew swiftness is the key.

Elder Hanes looked at his hand in the air and saw Aria's murderous gaze. He had yet to recover, he felt the air around him chill instantly.

Aria saw Elder Hanes's complexion started paling slowing.

Everything seemed to frozen due to two terrific behind Aria but her hand moved at high speed and knocked the man down throwing the Elder Hanes's handgun on the forehead of Seven whose hand had gone behind his back.

Aria knew two men behind her were also pissed off because she had gone inside without their notice so she avoided them and told Levi pointing Seven, "De-weaponize him."

Then her eyes moved back to Elder Hanes, "Who are you going to send next?"

Professor Wen descended stairs and got one more questioning greeting from the man behind Aria, "Grandpa Wen?"

Another right form of greeting, "Chairman Wen."

Elder Wen, Finn Stanley's maternal grandfather. Elder Hanes's friend and personal physician, Curtis Morgan's friend.

Elder Wen ignored everyone and also pushed Elder Hanes behind to stand in front of Aria. "So you are the brat who is the reason behind my patient's high blood pressure."

His voice was cold and judgemental.

"Grandpa Wen." Finn's voice carried no emotions but it sounded more like a warning.

Elder Wen ignored Finn and noticed Alan controlling himself because of his friendship with Curtis.

"He chose the wrong one to mess with."

Elder Wen smirked and stood his ground. When they were thinking he was going to say something he captured her handgun and pointed right on her forehead.

Elder Hanes glowed in happiness. Everyone around was his men,

While seven men were about to react, Elder Wen warned icily, "A small move, I will explode her head."

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