Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 334

Chapter 334: Hell broke loose

Calvin had many such questions. By the time he went back to his condo, Oliver Cooper had left keeping his hair sample for the paternity test.

The next day, her mother forced him and took him to the state laboratory. They submitted for the test and he dropped Saira to Airport.

Calvin had received the DNA reports in three days but he didn't have the guts to check it for a few days. When he checked it and he got to know Oliver was a biological father so he visited country A.


Aria and Alan looked at each other. Both knew when Oliver's hair sample was replaced. Both didn't tell, they performed his DNA comparison with Abel and Lucas Cooper. It was matched to Abel whereas it was 0% to Lucas Cooper.

Alan spoke, "You gave your and Abel Parker's samples for a Paternity check, why did you try?"

Calvin responded to what had happened, "After seeing Arrie's reaction, I wanted to confirm it. So I asked Mom to get it for me."

Aria face palmed herself. 'Who said I am innocent? Brother Calvin is a big innocent man.'

She subconsciously stood up feeling sorry for him. She wanted to console him but Alan pulled her back and whispered.josei

"You want to pat his back, you can do that to me. You want to hug him, you can do that to me only."

Aria: "..."

Calvin asked in confusion, "Can you guys tell me what is happening here?"

Aria stopped Alan who was about to tell the truth. She didn't want any more drama. "Brother Calvin, One more last work. Don't ask me why and do as I say. I promise after this I will not do anything like this."

Calvin couldn't understand what was going on, "Why are you being so secretive?"

"Please, one last time." Aria requested.

Having no choice, Calvin thought to play by her rules, "What do you want me to do?"

Aria told the plan. "This time, don't tell anyone. Not a single one should know you are again checking the paternity test of yours with Uncle Abel. Personally, go and collect the sample and give it for the test. Last time..."

"Are you..."

Aria cut in hurriedly, "No no, let's not talk or argue anything about it. One last time."

Calvin could say she was doubting his mother but he didn't know she already had the reports. He firmly said, "This is the last time. After this, we will not talk about the past."

"Cent percent." Aria quickly agreed and breathed a sigh of relief.

Calvin had dinner with them and left for the Parker family villa to carry out what Aria said.

Aria happily played in foam soaking in the water knowing she didn't trust the wrong person again. She turned to Alan who was in the shower cube.

She could see the hot water flowing on his irresistible body while the vapors started to frost the glass wall. She couldn't understand how he was still able to manage himself so well these years with two companies' work.

She called him with her finger but Alan repeated the same. He was thinking she was playing but Aria clinked on the glass wall and kissed on it at him.

Surprised, he pulled her in. He was about to pin her to the glass, she easily climbed on him wrapping her legs around his waist.

"You know the consequence of your actions."

"Hence I'm here." She teased proactively.

Alan decided to make his wife happy every now and then seeing her indulging happily.

Seeing her unvarying glow of happiness, he was frozen, unable to take his eyes off her petite face. 

Aria flushed looking him in the eyes. His arced lips said he was really happy while his eyes said he was trying to permanently save her in his memories.

She covered his eyes and whined, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Alan smiled broadened and took her out. He patiently washed her hair, blew it dry, and took her bed confusing her whole time.

"What's wrong?"

Alan shook his head and embraced her tight, "Be always happy."

Aria chuckled hearing him, "My husband loves me so much. Of course, I will be happy... I thought you would eat me up."

"Who taught you only love making defines how much I love you?"

Aria buried herself in his embrace, "I Love You."

Alan teased, "What did I just hear?" Alan knew she always flushes scarlet saying, 'I love you.'

If the merging bodies were possible she would be merged to him by now seeing her burying herself. "As if you don't know."

"My shy little wife."


Calvin submitted the samples the next day for the test.

Aria's end was smooth.

Noah and Norah's family slowly started to discuss engagement and stuff while whole Woods' company employees saw sweet and silent young madam Wood but nobody knew her name.

Rian and Roxy were snoring all day in the home after their weekend trip.


The next day Aria decided to wait for Calvin to meet her so she didn't call even though he was getting the reports.

But other information reached the new end. Levi reported, "The bill was in the name of Mr.Morse but none of the ladies and even Saira Hayek seems to have any communication with them."

"Why will any Morse pay the bill of Saira's lunch with her friends?" Aria asked leaning back on her chair and suddenly sat straight looking at Levi.

Both said in unison, "Kite Parker's biological father."

Levi continued, "He could be the one to encourage Saira Hayek for this all."

Aria hummed. "But we will get many Morse in the country."

Levi quickly took his tablet out, flipped through some data, and kept it in front of her, "This card number is a Gold card, not just a random debit card. Like black cards internationally renowned, the Gold card stands top in the country after black."

Aria took out one of her cards, "Is this really called a Gold card? This looks just like other debit cards. Platinum version looks eye-catching."

Levi's lips twitched. He had thought she had the only black card but he was on the verge of collapsing seeing more than twenty cards.

"President Cooper, why do you have so many cards?" 'How do you keep track of it?'

Aria pointed to a card, "This card is for the account of a cafe I started, This one for the Salon in La Vella road, this one for the Salon at City mall. This card when I opened a florist shop..."

Levi: O_O

Aria was still the seventh card, Levi stopped her, "When did you open all those? Why can't you have one?"

"School" Aria promptly answered. "If I want to gift any of these, I just have to give them the card."

"Did your father buy it for you?" Levi didn't believe her.

"Levi, I only look innocent but I'm not dumb. My father had given me five million. I had turned it to ten million. In those. five I reinvested and five, I started small scale businesses. Then five doubled once, once it was tripled. Like that, I had earned a billion when I was sixteen years three months, ten days old. Dad had celebrated that day."

Levi was on the urge of kowtowing to her. 

He numerous times thought she wasn't much serious with life and enjoys forgetting seriousness. He understood, she well deserves to enjoy her life.

Aria frowned realizing, "Why are we talking about cards? You mean Gold cardholders are less. So do you have any idea whose card that can be?"

All hell broke loose after knowing who it was.

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