Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 358

Chapter 358: Moonstone

Looking at anybody who had a slender figure and of that lady's height, Ceon started to remember the lady from the birthday night.

Initially, he thought he couldn't say 'Thank you' so he was remembering her but he never felt he should find somebody to thank them. His longing to see her again was increasing whenever he failed to search her. He many times excused a few females thinking she was the lady but she wasn't.

Due to her, he started visiting a restaurant which was in the Wood International headquarter but didn't get to see her even once. He had asked a few employees at the headquarters but nobody told him anything about the lady.

The next time he saw her in the shopping mall. He had tried his best to reach her but he again missed her when she took the elevator and left.

When he was about to give up, he saw her at the airport. Both were in the different waiting rooms separated by two soundproof laminated glass with a passage in between. He was in an international flight gateway whereas she was in a domestic flight gateway.

He had two choices, take the flight which was starting boarding in ten minutes or going to the domestic flight gateway where he needed fifteen minutes to reach. He chose the second choice without knowing the boarding time of the lady's flight.

When he finally missed his flight and reached the waiting room, it was completely empty but the boarding for the flight was still open. He so wished that he could buy a plane ticket then and there but he was very far off from the ticket booking counter and he could book online at the last movement.

That was the time, Finn returned to the city from country S. He had completely told Finn about their encounter.

Finn knew about her a few days back but he hadn't got the chance to check the information about her and he revealed it in front of them.

--- Present ---

Aria who had heard half of the story commented, "You are actually in love with motherly love of Sister Zara."

Ceon: 'Because how she calmly handled and convinced my Kitten who chanted about Zara for a few days.'

Eva was satisfied knowing Ceon didn't fall for the money or face. "So you want Sister Zara to bear your kids."

Ceon: "..."

Noah and Rian coughed lightly to compose themselves and to remind Eva to control herself.

"You are a little dumb." Aria commented. He could have checked the boarding time of the flight before missing the flight but she was happy to know he prioritized Zara over his work and an international trip.

Roxy added, "You aren't smart enough to play anybody."

Ceon: "..." 'You sisters are so mean.'

Even though only Roxy voiced it, others also thought the same. 'Ceon doesn't play mind games and hurt Zara.'

The Fourie looked at Ceon who was unsure what was going on. The second time he met them together and they left a quite deep impression on him both the times.

First time at the Toby Lewis birthday party. Five and a half years back.

The weird silence broke when Isaac reached them, "Why so silent?"

Alan cued him and both men left aside after Isaac waved at Aria and Eva as greetings.

Ceon coughed a third time to clear his throat and spoke, "Guys, why am I getting these looks?"

"Don't dare to play around with Sister Zara." Rian warned.

"If sis says no, then it's NO." Noah knew Zara wasn't ready to see anyone. If Ceon could change her heart, he didn't want to stop him.

Eva grimly told, "If Sister Zara gets hurt even a little because of you, we will make sure you regret all your life."

Ceon subconsciously turned to Aria to hear her too.

Aria's faint smile gave him goosebumps. He spoke, "I will not dare to touch her without her permission." Rian gave her a flying kiss loving her autocracy.

Roxy advised Ceon, "Be submissive to sister Zara, these four will like you."josei

Ceon awkwardly chuckled, "Thank you." 'Let me meet her first.'

Then the Fourie wished him, "All the best."

They really hoped Ceon could fade the pain Zara went through and she could stop being afraid of the relationships.

Ceon: "..." He really didn't expect that. He realized Fourie wasn't against love, they were protective of Zara.

Fourie left for dinner with their partners. Norah joined them at the restaurant directly. Ceon called and blabbered everything to Finn until the latter felt his head might explode.

"I knew the result without your call. Let me warn you, if you aren't serious about Zara Wood, give up now itself. Zara Wood is the Fourie's bottom line. Makeup or breakup, keep it healthy and mutual."

Ceon checked his mobile to make sure he called his friend but not the Fourie and asked in perplex, "Are you doubting me now?"

Finn responded unhurriedly, "No, I'm asking you to be careful."

Ceon breathed a sigh of relief, "Alright…"

He spoke for little time before hanging up the call. He planned to meet Zara Wood as he felt bad for Finn who was in love with Aria.


On Monday, Xoan forced Xin to the Skyline Industries asking his secretary to take her appointment by hook or by crook.

Levi reported Aria if she wanted to meet Xoan West while she was swarmed with lots of work to finish. She was leaving in the evening to the capital to attend the Corpus ball with Alan.

She wanted to meet him and warn him to stay away but the work was too much with the preponed meeting with clients in different meeting halls.

"Do you think I have time? We didn't even eat properly during lunch. By the way, what reason did he give?"

Levi responded watching his tab, "He didn't give a reason. He said it's personal and has a man with him. He doesn't look like an employee."

Aria took his tab to watch the waiting room live video. Xin was wearing the hoodie so she couldn't see his face and she wasn't interested either.

She was passing the tab back but retracted it back. She curiously watched Xin's hand playing with a stone.

Levi asked, seeing her expression change as he moved next to her to watch the video, "What's wrong?"

"I had the same type of moonstone."

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