Living In Another World With A Farm

Chapter 662

Chapter 662

Chapter 662: Eagle King Mountain_1

Translator: 549690339

The Eagle King had been listening to Zhao Hai’s words quietly. To be honest, he knew a little about Zhao Hai’s background. When Zhao Hai had sent the information to the beastmen tribe, he had investigated Zhao Hai’s background with the help of the Eagle King. Therefore, he knew about Zhao Hai’s background.

It was because he knew that Zhao Hai was telling the truth. Zhao Hai was a living legend on the human continent. He had turned a poor family into a famous and powerful family in a short year. This was not something that ordinary people could do.

The Eagle King had asked Zhao Hai what the relationship between the magicians and the Eagle King was, in fact, just playing dumb. He was also testing Zhao Hai. There were many rumors about Zhao Hai among the orcs, and most of them said that he was sincere and a good friend. The Eagle King wanted to test Zhao Hai and see if he was really as the rumors said.

Zhao Hai’s answer did not disappoint him. He looked at Zhao Hai and laughed. &Quot; don’t regret it, Sir. Aren’t you here with the Golden-ringed Eagle tribe now? to be honest, compared to the magicider family, I prefer to do business with you. &Quot;

Zhao Hai smiled. &Quot; thank you, Eagle King. I have a favor to ask of you today. Please help me. &Quot;

The Eagle King was taken aback as he looked at Zhao Hai in confusion, ” “Mister is a friend of my entire beast clan. If you have any problems, just tell me. As long as I can help, I will definitely help.”

Zhao Hai smiled and explained his intention to cooperate with the Eagle tribe. For this cooperation, he was prepared to give the Eagle tribe some interspatial bags, which were used to store the milk wine. Every five days, the Eagle tribe would go to each tribe to collect the milk wine and deliver the money for it. The milk could be in the form of food, gold, silver, or even magical beasts like crouching sheep. If they wanted food or gold, they could pay on the spot. If they wanted magical beasts, they could come to the beast God city to get it.

After hearing Zhao Hai’s words, the Eagle King immediately understood how much benefit this would bring to the entire Eagle Clan. He could not help but look at Zhao Hai with bright eyes and said,”Are you really going to give us the Eagle clan’s interspatial bag? There must be quite a number of them, right?”

“Actually, I don’t need a lot. 20 interspatial bags are enough.” Zhao Hai smiled. The reason why Zhao Hai was so confident was because the space bag produced by the realm had been getting bigger and bigger as it was upgraded. Now, it was almost 1000 cubic meters, which was not a small number.

It was precisely because the space had become bigger that Zhao Hai had such confidence. When the Eagle King heard Zhao Hai’s words, he knew that Zhao Hai was telling the truth. He really wanted to give the Eagle Clan an interspatial bag so that they could help him collect the milk wine.

The Eagle King suddenly stood up and laughed, ” &Quot; good. Mr. Zhao Hai is indeed generous. I have no more to say. I agree to this matter. Please rest for a day at the Golden Ring Eagle tribe. We will head to the old camp of the Eagle tribe tomorrow morning. &Quot;

Zhao Hai stood up and bowed to the Eagle King, ” “Thank you for your help, Eagle King.”

The Eagle King laughed heartily. &Quot; there’s no need to thank me, Sir. On the contrary, I should thank you. You’ve done our Eagle Clan a great favor. &Quot;

Zhao Hai did not dare to do so, but the Eagle King did not mind. He stood up and laughed,”Sir, you’ve come to our Eagle Clan. How can we not have a good drink with you? let’s go and drink.”

The moment he knew that Zhao Hai was coming, the Eagle King had already ordered his men to prepare. Now that they had finished their business, all that was left was to drink.

The night passed uneventfully. Early the next morning, the Eagle King sent someone to look for Zhao Hai. After having breakfast with the Eagle King, the Eagle King told Zhao Hai that they would be heading to his old camp immediately.

Of course, Zhao Hai would not object. However, the Eagle King had told Zhao Hai that if he wanted to go to the old camp of the Eagle tribe, he would have to ride on an Eagle. Zhao Hai immediately summoned blood eagle.

When the Golden-ringed Eagle King saw the blood eagle’s handsome appearance, he could not help but feel envious. He had heard that the human tribe was also building an Air Force. Moreover, the magical beasts used to build the Air Force were provided by Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai, Shunyi, and Xu Wanying rode on the blood eagle, following the Golden-ringed Eagle King and one thousand golden-ringed Eagle tribe Flying Eagle cavalry. They left the Golden-ringed Eagle tribe’s old camp and headed straight for the Eagle tribe’s old camp, Eagle King Mountain.

The Eagle King Mountain was actually a boundary mountain. The southern side of the boundary was the beastmen grassland, and the Northern Ice Field was the extreme north. It was one of the most dangerous places on the continent. Almost no one who went in came out alive. Even the king clans of the beastmen, such as the Ice King Eagle Clan, the giant Tiger clan, and the White Bear Clan, did not dare to go too deep into the extreme north Ice field. Otherwise, there would be no exit.

The Eagle King Mountain was also the tallest mountain in the grassland. It was called the sacred mountain that protected the grassland by the beastmen. This was because the position of the Eagle King Mountain blocked the wind of the icy Plains of the extreme north. If the cold wind of the icy Plains of the extreme north were to directly blow into the grassland of the beastmen, it would probably turn the grassland into a sea of snow.

Zhao Hai and the others flew in the sky for three days before they saw a tall Eagle Mountain in the distance. The mountain was extremely tall. From a distance, it looked as if the peak of the mountain was connected to the sky.

The mountain was covered in white and green. It was extremely beautiful. After three days of flying, Zhao Hai understood the hardships of the human-beast hybrids. The Eagle tribesmen actually brought food and ate it while flying. After three days of non-stop flying, they finally arrived at the Eagle King Mountain.

To be honest, flying in the sky wasn’t a fun thing. You might feel good at first, but you couldn’t do it after flying for a long time. Not only was it cold, but the wind was also very strong, making you uncomfortable.

Zhao Hai had thought that the Eagle tribesmen were not allowed to fly for long distances, just like the legends had said. However, the fixed flight order had shattered his understanding of the Eagle tribesmen. It was not that the Eagle tribesmen were not allowed to fly for long distances, nor that they could not fly high. They had only made those adjustments to deal with the human tribe.

The beastmen were known for their tenacity and ability to endure hardships. This time, he had learned his lesson. In the end, he simply followed the group and entered the medium. He did not want to suffer outside.

After three days, Zhao Hai and the others finally arrived at the Eagle King Mountain. As soon as they reached the periphery of the mountain, Zhao Hai came out of the medium, because he found out that the Golden hoop Eagle King seemed to be looking for him.

As soon as he came out of the space, he immediately cast a wind spell on his Shunyi and the others, so that the wind wouldn’t blow on them.

As soon as he was done, Eagle King came to Zhao Hai’s side. The Eagle tribe’s Flying Eagle Riders wore very special clothes. They wore tight-fitting leather clothes and leather gloves on their hands. This allowed them to be unaffected by the cold wind while flying.

When the Eagle King saw Zhao Hai use magic, he couldn’t help but feel envious. It was such a pity that the beastmen couldn’t use magic.

The head of the Eagle King could still speak freely in the air. He turned to Zhao Hai and said,”Mr. Zhao Hai, the Ice King Eagle tribe will be welcoming us in a moment. Don’t do anything, just follow them.”

Zhao Hai nodded. &Quot; alright. Eagle King, please rest assured. I won’t do anything rash. &Quot; The Eagle King nodded. At this moment, a black shadow flew out from the Eagle King Mountain and slowly flew towards them. josei

Not long after, the black shadow appeared in front of Zhao Hai. Wuhai took a look and saw that they were Eagle tribesmen riding on Blue Eagles. Their mounts were slimmer than blood eagles, but they looked more alive. The Knights on their backs were dressed similar to the Eagle Riders of the Golden-ringed Eagle tribe, except that the feathers on their heads were blue.

The blue Flying Eagle Riders made a turn in the air and flew to the periphery of the Golden-ringed Eagle tribe, protecting them as they flew up the Eagle King Mountain.

They didn’t go to the peak of Eagle King Mountain as it was too high and too cold. Their destination was the middle of the mountain. There were tall trees growing on the Eagles halfway up the mountain. These trees were as straight as the sky, like sharp swords. Most importantly, these trees were very thick. Zhao Hai had seen many that were more than twenty meters in diameter.

There were some treehouses built on the trees, and some of them had holes dug into them. Zhao Hai even saw two members of the Ice King Eagle Clan walking out of the holes.

After flying past the forest, Zhao Hai saw a huge Canyon. The bottom of the canyon seemed to be a grassland. On the two walls of the canyon, there were caves. The members of the Ice King Eagle Clan lived in these caves.

However, this Canyon was not their destination. After flying past the canyon, Zhao Hai discovered that there was a huge cave halfway up the mountain. The entrance of the cave was huge, about a hundred meters high and sixty meters wide. There were some eagles flying in and out of the cave, and Zhao Hai and the others were flying directly toward the entrance.

Zhao Hai noticed that even though there were eagles flying in and out of the cave, it was very orderly. The left side of the cave was for entering, and the right side was for exiting. It was not messy at all.

As the group entered the cave, Zhao Hai realized that the cave was surprisingly large and extremely dry. There was not much wind in the cave.

There were small caves everywhere in the cave, which were the residences of the Ice King Eagle Clan. In the middle of the cave was a large square, and in the middle of the square was a large pool.

The group of people slowly landed on the square. Naturally, Zhao Hai followed them and landed on the square. Only then did he get off the Eagle. He then pretended to move his limbs and looked around the cave.

This cave was similar to the city in the cave left by the dwarf in the iron Mountain, but it was a little bigger. There seemed to be no stairs in this cave. People came in and out of it on the back of the Eagle, which was very strange.

As soon as Zhao Hai came down, the Golden-ringed Eagle King came up to him and said with a smile, ” “Sir, you’ve suffered. This matter is simply too important to our Eagle Clan. That’s why I’m in such a hurry. Please forgive me.”

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