Living In Another World With A Farm

Chapter 450

Chapter 450

Chapter 450: Attitude (2)

Translator: 549690339

After lunch, Zhao Hai returned to his room. Of course, he had also arranged the best rooms for Charlie and the others.

Once he returned to his room, Zhao Hai immediately entered his interspace and went to the processing plant. It was a good place. The antidote would be ready in about ten hours.

Zhao Hai was sitting in the living room of the origin space, while Laura and the others were sitting beside him. Zhao Hai was holding a cup of Keya and taking a sip, but Laura looked at him and said, ” “Big brother hai, we’re considered to have joined Charlie’s side now. Will he be angry with your attitude towards him today?”

Zhao Hai smiled. &Quot; I did it in the past to see if he would be angry. If he is angry, it means that he is not that broad-minded. Even if I help him, there is a limit. But if he is not angry, I will do my best to help him and help him ascend to that position. &Quot;

Zhao Hai put down the cup and sighed, ” &Quot; it’s impossible for a superior to be without a broad mind. It’s also impossible to be too controlling, so I have to do this. &Quot;

Lola nodded and did not say anything else. What Zhao Hai said made sense. As a person in power, if Charlie did not have this kind of magnanimity, he might become the second Prince. Helping him would also be very dangerous.

At this time, meg looked at the processing plant and sighed. &Quot; &Quot; why is time passing so slowly? there are still more than ten hours. Seriously, every minute that passes now feels like ten years. &Quot;

Zhao Hai looked at her and smiled, ” &Quot; alright, it’s not that exaggerated. It’ll be fine. In the afternoon, after dinner, take a nap. When you wake up, the antidote will be ready. &Quot; josei

&Quot; it’s not that easy, young master, ” meg pouted. &Quot; look at what the third Prince is doing. See what he says about you. &Quot; Zhao Hai smiled and turned on the screen. Soon, the third Prince’s room appeared on the screen. Charlie was sitting in the room, drinking Coke, and Lirui was standing beside him.

Charlie was really thirsty. At the same time, he was also relaxing. He did not expect that he would be discovered by the second Prince when he came to Izumo City. This was not good news for him.

Looking at Charlie’s expression, Li Rui knew what he was thinking. He could not help but whisper,”Your Highness, if the second Prince finds us, will he find onas as well? if he finds onas, he will be in danger. Should we inform onas?”

Charlie put down his cup and shook his head.”There’s no need. This time, we’ve done ten secret things. Second brother shouldn’t be able to find out that it’s onas.”

Lori nodded and said to Charlie, ” “Your Highness, is Mr. Zhao Hai being too unreasonable today? It’s obvious that he wants to join you, but he still talks to you like he’s negotiating. He doesn’t put himself in the position of your subordinate at all, but rather, he’s like your partner.”

“Isn’t that good?” Charlie smiled. “All capable people have their pride. Mr. Zhao Hai has his pride. Besides, he really doesn’t need me to do anything. Don’t be fooled by the fact that the carci family is on bad terms with him now. I think they won’t do anything to Zhao Hai in the end because Zhao Hai can bring them great benefits. For the sake of benefits, they won’t really fall out with Zhao Hai. With the carci family as their backing, they also have a good relationship with the Sheila family. Do you think Zhao Hai really cares about my status as a Prince?”

After some thought, he had no choice but to agree with Charlie. The Sheila family was a large family that spanned across the entire continent. Their family was extremely powerful, and Zhao Hai had maintained a good relationship with them. Even if he no longer stayed in the Roson Empire and went to other countries, he would be fine as long as he had the help of the Sheila family.

No matter how powerful the Church of Light was, it was impossible for them to kill all The Black Mages. They were fine with The Black Mages who had fame and sex, but they were still a little lacking in dealing with the mysterious Zhao Hai.

Charlie let out a long breath and leaned back in his chair. He said slowly, ” “Getting Zhao Hai to help me is the best decision I’ve ever made. You’ve seen how second brother is. He wasn’t this arrogant in the past. It seems like he’s received help from someone again. Hehe, my poor second brother, why can’t you understand that father is still alive. If you keep forming cliques and factions, father will only feel that you’re a threat to him. You’ll only be further and further away from that position.”

After saying that, he slowly closed his eyes. After a while, there was a soft sound. Charlie had fallen asleep. Lirui immediately took out a blanket from the ship and gently covered Charlie with it.

When Zhao Hai saw this, he turned off the screen and let out a long breath. He turned to Laura and said, ” “I really didn’t expect Charlie to have such a high opinion of me. However, Laura, do you think that the old king of the Roson Empire would really feel threatened if the second Prince were to really join a gang? They are father and son.”

Lola smiled bitterly. &Quot; so what if they’re biological father and son? in the Empire, is there a lot of cases of fathers killing their sons and Sons killing their fathers? ” “This kind of thing happens even in noble families, let alone in empires. Many people will go crazy for that position. The king of the Roson Empire is first a King, then a father. Anyone who can pose a threat to his throne is his enemy. It doesn’t matter if that person is his brother or his son. It doesn’t matter who he is.”

Zhao Hai sighed and nodded, ” “It’s lonely at the top. Is it really that easy to be a King? I believe that there are many Kings who have never left the palace in their entire lives. Everything they know is from books and what their subordinates tell them. How much of the truth can they know? if you ask me, the most pitiful person in a country is the king.”

Laura laughed and said, ” if other people were to hear this, they would definitely laugh to death. A King can’t leave the palace often, but don’t forget, the entire King belongs to him. He can make people live and die as he wishes. That kind of supreme authority can make anyone drunk. Otherwise, why do you think everyone likes to be a King? ”

Zhao Hai chuckled. &Quot; who knows? in any case, I don’t want to be one. It’s so much better now. We can go out and have a walk. If we don’t want to go, we can have a few drinks at home and sit here and chat. Isn’t that better? ”

Laura smiled and said, ” only you want to live this kind of life. There are many people on the continent who don’t want to live this kind of life. However, this is also good. I used to be busy with business every day. Now, I don’t have to worry about so many things. &Quot;

Zhao Hai laughed bitterly, ” that might not be the case. We’re not talking about others. We’re about to have our own kingdom soon. When that time comes, we’ll be busy. Oh my God, just thinking about that kind of life gives me a headache. Oh right, Laura, when will you be able to gather all your subordinates? ”

Laura thought for a moment and said, ” I gave them ten days. This time, almost all of my men are here. Some of them are far away, and some are close, so they need more time. Did uncle Ivan say anything? ”

Zhao Hai shook his head and said, ” nothing much. He only told me that he didn’t want to let your men go, but he had no choice. He is the Grand Duke of the Versailles Duchy and the patriarch of the Versailles family. He had to think for the family, so he called for an elder meeting to discuss this matter. In the end, the elders unanimously agreed to let your men go. That’s why they could leave. I feel that uncle Ivan is not very happy right now. &Quot;

Laura smiled and said, ” of course he’s not happy. Uncle Ivan’s temper is still that of a warrior. He’s always loyal, but now, his loyalty has been firmly locked by the family’s interests. This is the same as locking uncle Ivan’s nature. It would be strange if he’s happy. Oh right, when is he going to take Ryan away? ”

Zhao Hai smiled bitterly. &Quot; I’m afraid that ruien is already on the ship. I realized that I’m really on ruien’s side. When I was called Adam, she tried her best to break off the engagement. When I was called Zhao Hai, she tried her best to avoid me. Hehe, interesting. &Quot;

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