Living In Another World With A Farm

Chapter 864 - 864 How to deal with it _1

Chapter 864 - 864 How to deal with it _1

864 How to deal with it _1

However, Zhao Hai soon discovered a problem. The magic cannons seemed to be very heavy. Ordinary magic beasts couldn’t move them. Although they were on the cart, only one magic beast could move one cannon. It seemed that it was not easy to move the magic cannons. This was good news for Zhao Hai.

However, when Zhao Hai saw the Protoss behind the cannon chariots, his expression immediately turned ugly. This was because these Protoss were different from the previous ones. The previous ones were all infantry, but this time, they were all cavalry.

The mounts of these Protoss cavalrymen were very strange. They were horse-shaped magical beasts with wings and a sharp horn. They looked like the unicorns that people on earth imagined to be heavenly horses. However, although they were separated by the screen, Zhao Hai still felt that these magical beasts were not simple, and these magical beast cavalrymen were not simple.

The magical beast cavalry were all wearing light chainmail and had Spears in their hands, swords at their waists, and shields on their backs. On their saddles were a bow and two quivers of arrows. It was clear that these magical beast cavalry weren’t weak.

Behind these magical beast cavalry were another type of magical beast cavalry. This type of magical beast cavalry was clearly heavy cavalry. They were wearing heavy armor and looked like metal cans. Their mounts were magical beasts that looked like rhinoceros. Their skin had a metallic luster and their eyes were fierce. They were not to be trifled with. josei

&Nbsp; Zhao Hai immediately made a judgment. One was light cavalry, and the other was heavy cavalry. With the addition of these two cavalry units, the Protoss ‘combat power would become even stronger, making it even more difficult to deal with them.

Zhao Hai frowned as he looked at the screen. He wanted to see what other types of soldiers the Protoss had. Soon, another type of soldier appeared. However, when this type of soldier appeared, Zhao Hai thought he had seen it wrong. These people didn’t look like soldiers at all. They sat in gorgeous carriages, talking and laughing. They were drinking and eating in the carriages. They were all noble children who were out on an outing.

However, they were wearing magic robes of various colors and holding magic staffs in their hands. It was obvious that they were a team of mages.

The carriages carrying the mages came out from the New World one after another. Zhao Hai did a rough count and found that there were about five mages in each carriage. There were already a few hundred mages in this team, which meant that there were at least a few thousand mages in this team.

Zhao Hai was puzzled by the fact that once a person reached the God rank, their power would change. Whether it was a mage’s mental strength or a warrior’s combat Qi, they would become a different type of energy. This energy was purer and more powerful. It could be used as combat Qi or magic. Then, there should be no difference between a mage and a warrior. Why were there so many mages among the Protoss?

Although he did not quite understand, Zhao Hai still roughly calculated the number of Protoss troops that had come. He had to admit that there were quite a number of them. When they finally appeared in some carriages carrying supplies, the number of Protoss troops had reached about five million. This did not include the logistics troops that came later.

Zhao Hai’s face darkened. If he counted the logistics soldiers, the Protoss Army had come to the ark continent with close to ten million soldiers. As for the demonic beasts, Cai had said that they had brought about fifty million soldiers. If these two giants attacked the ark continent at the same time, the future of the ark continent would be very bleak.

Laura and the others sat beside Zhao Hai with heavy hearts. They had never thought that the gods race would send out such a large Army. It was simply too shocking.

After a long while, Zhao Hai let out a long sigh, ” “It seems like the gods race is really going to annihilate us this time. But that’s good. I’ll see how strong the gods race’s Army is. But I think that there’s more to the gods race’s Army. They must have other enemies. The gods of the other races still exist. They might still be fighting the gods race.”

Lola looked at Zhao Hai in confusion and asked,”where did you see that, brother hai?” How come I didn’t notice it?”

Zhao Hai smiled and said, ” the divine realm is bigger than the ark continent. Didn’t iron hammer say that the divine realm is divided into thirteen continents? we might only be facing the Army from one of the continents. The armies from the other continents have not arrived yet. Besides, haven’t you noticed that a large number of the Protoss ‘armies are veterans who have been on the battlefield? they have only been trained. Soldiers who have not been on the battlefield will not have such an aura. &Quot;

Hearing Zhao Hai’s words, Laura and the others looked at the Protoss. It was just as Zhao Hai had said. Most of the Protoss were veterans who had been on the battlefield. The aura of these veterans was completely different from those who had never been on the battlefield.

Zhao Hai continued, ” they have been on the battlefield, which means they still have enemies. No enemies. Where did the battlefield come from? that’s why I said they must still have enemies. Combined with iron Hammer’s words, I’m almost certain that their enemies are the alien gods. &Quot;

Lola nodded and said, ” by the way, brother hai. You turned so many Protoss into undead creatures last time. Didn’t you ask which continent they were from? ” You didn’t even ask about the current distribution of power in the divine realm?”

Hearing Laura’s words, Zhao Hai could not help but smile bitterly, ” &Quot; you know what? I really didn’t ask. Last time, because of the urgency of the war, I didn’t turn those Protoss into high-level undead creatures. Instead, I made them according to the low-level undead method, so they didn’t preserve their consciousness. Even if I wanted to ask, I couldn’t. &Quot;

Lola nodded and continued,”what about now?” What should we do?”

Zhao Hai looked at the gods race Army and said, ” “What else can we do? no matter what, this war will continue. Fortunately, we have made some preparations these days. Let’s use the territory of the stupa Empire to deal with them.”

&Quot; that’s the only way, ” said Lize. &Quot; but brother hai, have you noticed that their heavy cavalry can’t fly? they can only fight on the ground. I’m afraid that ordinary soldiers can’t deal with them. Have you thought about what kind of Army you should use to deal with them? ”

Zhao Hai looked at the heavy cavalry of the God race. Although they looked heavy, their mounts were not slow at all. There were some heavy cavalry on the ark continent, but they were much weaker than the heavy cavalry of the God race. The mounts of the God race were at least level 8 magical beasts with great strength and defense. It was too difficult to find such magical beasts on the ark continent.

The training of his heavy cavalry was not just about changing their mounts. They had to go through a lot of training. There was no cavalry on the ark continent that could go head to head with the God’s heavy cavalry. The only ones that could go against them were the elephorses of the orcs. Even the herculean bull tribe might not be able to defeat the God’s heavy cavalry.

Zhao Hai thought for a while and thought of a troop type. He turned to look at Li Ji and said, ” “To deal with these heavy cavalry, we can’t just charge in. However, I have an idea. We can ask the dwarfs” iron armored beast cavalry to deal with these guys. The iron armored beast cavalry’s main purpose is to clear the tunnels. If these God race heavy cavalry can’t fly, then we can let the dwarfs deal with them.”

Hearing Zhao Hai’s words, she was stunned for a moment. Then, she nodded and said, ” “That’s a good idea. Letting the iron armored beast cavalry of the dwarves deal with them is a good idea, but what about their light cavalry? Let the fairy clan deal with it?”

Zhao Hai nodded, ” &Quot; it seems like this is the only way now. Let the elves deal with the light cavalry. The light cavalry of the Protoss are all riding horses with wings, so they should be able to fly. Although they are equipped with cavalry Spears and swords, I think their main means of attack are still their bows and arrows, which are the most threatening to us. Now that the elf cavalry is equipped with blood eagles, they should have the strength to fight them. &Quot;

Lize nodded and said, ” I think we can’t deal with the Protoss on our own anymore. These Protoss are very powerful. We can’t stop them by ourselves. We can get some troops from the mainland to help. &Quot;

Zhao Hai nodded, ” “Good. The iron-armored beast cavalry of the dwarfs, the blood eagle cavalry of the elves, the heavy-Armored Infantry of the Rosen Empire, and the magical beast cavalry of the Leon Empire can all be transferred here. The iron cavalry of the stupa Empire can’t be transferred here yet. They are too slow, and they will be at a disadvantage if they are to fight the God clan. We can let the heavy-Armored Infantry of the Rosen Empire defend the city, and we can also transfer some fast cavalry from the orcs. We are going to start dealing with the God clan in the stupa Empire.”

&Quot; okay, ” she said. &Quot; but we have to be careful of their magic cannons. I think it’s best if we go to the God creatures and get two magic cannons. We can study them when we come back. &Quot;

“I’m afraid that’s going to be very difficult. Didn’t you notice?” The God race is very strict with the protection of the magic cannons. They placed the magic cannons in the middle of the team, and there are heavy guards at the front and back. It will not be easy to deal with them. However, it seems that it is not very convenient to move the magic cannons. I am not worried about the magic cannons, but I am worried about another group of people.”

Hearing Zhao Hai’s words, she thought back to the Protoss Army. Then, she raised her head and said, ” “Big brother hai, are you talking about the mages?”

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