Living In Another World With A Farm

Chapter 875

Chapter 875

875 Ways to level up the undead (1)

After walking through a small arch, Zhao Hai and the Queen entered a small room. The room was about 100 square meters in size, but it was about five meters tall. In the middle of the room was a pool. In the middle of the pool was a small tree.

The tree was very strange. It was green and transparent, as if it was carved from green crystal. It didn’t look like a plant at all.

What Zhao Hai found the strangest was that the tree only had nine thin branches, and each branch only had one leaf. Each leaf looked like it was carved out of crystal, but the color of the veins was slightly darker, making it look very beautiful.

However, one of the nine leaves had already turned slightly yellow, as if it was slowly withering.

On the side of the pond, there were a few puffs. It was obvious that these puffs were very clean and were used by people.

The Queen walked to a pile of mud and knelt down gently. She bowed three times to the small tree in the pool before standing up. She turned to Zhao Hai and said,”Sir, this is the divine item of our elven race, the life of life. All the leaves on the Tree of Life were green before, but today, I discovered that one of the leaves has turned yellow. This reminds me of the prophecy of the dwarves, so I invited you to take a look.”

Zhao Hai nodded and walked to the side of the pool. The pool wasn’t very big, but it was filled to the brim with water. Zhao Hai knew that the water was life fluid as soon as he got close to the pool. However, it was of a higher grade and more concentrated than the first time he had obtained it.

Meanwhile, the Tree of Life was growing in this pool, but there was no soil in the pool. It was as if the Tree of Life was a parasite on the huge tree.

Zhao Hai frowned. To be honest, he didn’t know if the realm could save the Tree of Life. If it could, then everything would be fine. If it couldn’t, then the elves would be in big trouble.

The queen’s heart sank when she saw Zhao Hai’s expression. She thought that Zhao Hai had no way of saving the Tree of Life, but she still asked, ” “Sir, do you have any ideas?”

Zhao Hai turned to look at the Queen and said in a deep voice, ” “I can think of a way, but I’m not completely confident. I can’t treat it here. I can only treat it after taking the Tree of Life to another place. If your Majesty agrees, I can try. If your Majesty doesn’t agree, I don’t have any good ideas.”

When the Queen heard Zhao Hai, she was stunned. Then, she frowned and said, ” “Sir, this Tree of Life is far too important to our elven race. I can’t make a decision right away. I’ll have to discuss it with my people before I give you an answer,”

Zhao Hai nodded. &Quot; alright. However, Your Majesty should know better than me what this means to the elven race, so I won’t say much. I hope your Majesty won’t cause panic among the elves. Also, Your Majesty, if you let me take the Tree of Life away, I’m 80% confident that I can cure him. It won’t take too long. &Quot;

When the Queen heard Zhao Hai’s words, she was stunned for a moment. Then, she nodded and said, ” &Quot; alright, don’t worry, Sir. I’ll handle it. Please. &Quot; Then, he led Zhao Hai out of the tree hole.

The two of them walked out of the tree hole. Zhao Hai did not board the voiceless bird. Instead, he turned to the Queen and said, ” &Quot; Your Majesty, I won’t stay here any longer. I’ll go to the front line to take a look. If you agree to let me treat him, just inform me with the messenger fish. &Quot;

“Alright, then I’ll have to trouble you, Sir,” the Queen nodded. Zhao Hai bowed slightly to the Queen and disappeared in a flash. The Queen immediately mounted the voiceless bird and flew towards the palace.

They didn’t go back to Shan Rucheng immediately. Instead, they entered the medium and showed him the images.

Shan Rucheng didn’t have much to do. Zhao Hai calculated the battle situation for the day. The demonic beasts in the team’s interspace had leveled up. Unfortunately, most of them had only reached level nine and hadn’t reached the divine level. Moreover, Zhao Hai had collected a lot of undead creatures. However, there weren’t many divine level undead creatures among them. Most of them were at level nine, and they had been upgraded by the interspace.

He had no choice. Most of the people he had killed today were the heavy and light cavalry of the Protoss. He did not know what was going on with these two types of troops. They might not have a high status among the Protoss, and their strength was very limited.

Besides, Zhao Hai also realized that the realm wasn’t the same as before. It wasn’t as easy to level up the undead creatures. He had to wait until the conditions were right. For example, the reason why he could level up his light-type undead creatures was because the realm had added three light-type godly items, including the Holy Codex. On the other hand, his dark-type undead creatures were only able to level up because he had taken in the demon race’s godly-level expert, thorny shadow. The fire-type undead creatures were only promoted because they had taken in huan hu and many fire-type divine-level experts.

According to Zhao Hai’s deduction, the realm’s current situation was due to the low number of undead creatures. The majority of undead creatures in his realm were Water-type, while the least amount was light-type. Since light-type undead creatures were rare, he only kept the three godly items, including the Holy Codex. The energy was enough to level up the light-type undead creatures in his realm. On the other hand, there weren’t many dark-type undead creatures. Therefore, after Zhao Hai kept thorny shadow, the dark-type undead creatures leveled up as well. There were a lot of fire-type undead creatures, so huan Hu’s energy as a God-grade powerhouse wasn’t enough to level up the undead creatures. He had to replenish a lot of fire-type God-grade powerhouses to meet the energy requirement for leveling up, and the fire-type undead creatures were considered to have leveled up.

It seemed like it wasn’t easy for him to upgrade all the other undead creatures in his realm. He needed a large amount of energy that was compatible with the undead creatures in order to upgrade them.

Although he had killed a lot of Protoss today, most of them hadn’t reached the divine level, not even level nine, so the undead creatures in the space didn’t level up. On the other hand, he had caught a lot of living magic beasts today. Those magic beasts were of very high levels, so the magic beasts in the space had all leveled up.

Although this was only Zhao Hai’s guess, he felt that he might be right. However, he still wanted to confirm it. Zhao Hai immediately called Cai over and asked about the situation of the undead creatures in the related space.

Sure enough, Zhao Hai got a well-prepared answer from Cai ‘er. It was almost the same as what he had guessed. If he wanted to upgrade the undead creatures to the divine level, he would need to add energy with the same attributes as himself. Moreover, ordinary energy wouldn’t work. It had to be related to the undead creatures, which was relatively dead energy.

It was just like the Holy Codex. Although they were godly weapons, they were still objects. The energy contained in them was dead, unlike living creatures like trees or grass, which contained living energy. These living energies were useless to undead creatures.

The reason why thorny shadow and huan hu could level up the undead creatures in the boundless space was because they were killed. After they were killed, the energy in their bodies turned from living to dead, which was why they could level up the undead creatures.

Zhao Hai finally understood why the undead creatures in the realm didn’t level up when bubbles joined. Although bubbles looked like a dead creature, she had her own intelligence. She was like a living creature. No matter how strong her power was, the undead creatures couldn’t use it. That was why the undead creatures didn’t level up.

Zhao Hai was getting impatient. It seemed like the only way to level up the undead creatures was to kill more God-grade experts with the same attributes as them. Only then would the undead creatures have enough energy to level up.

Sighing, Zhao Hai let go of the matter and turned to Cai ‘er,”Cai ‘er, can you analyze what is going on with that Tree of Life? Why did you become like that?”

Cai shook his head, ” young master, we can’t analyze this yet. We can only analyze it after we bring the Tree of Life into the space. &Quot;

“Then do you think the dimension can heal the Tree of Life?” Zhao Hai asked with a frown.

Cai ‘er smiled and said, ” no problem, young master. You’ve forgotten that the space can resurrect plants that have died less than a month ago. Healing the Tree of Life will definitely not be a problem. Moreover, looking at the appearance of the Tree of Life, it seems to be very powerful. If we can put it into the space, perhaps the space can be upgraded again. &Quot; josei

“I hope so,” Zhao Hai said with a bitter smile.

Zhao Hai turned the spatial screen to Yangping city. He wanted to see if there were any movements from the Infernals. There was still no movement from the Infernals, but their divine-grade experts were still increasing. Now, their divine-grade experts had reached 10000, which made Zhao Hai’s expression turn even uglier. The divine-grade experts of the Infernals were extremely powerful. Now that there were so many more of them, the divine-grade undead creatures that Zhao Hai had left in Yangping city were no longer enough to fight against the Infernals. Fortunately, he had sent some magic cannons and crystals to Yangping city. They should be able to hold out for a while, but they wouldn’t be able to hold out for long. When the time came, Zhao Hai would have to rescue them.

Now, the problem was that if the God race and demon race attacked at the same time, Zhao Hai would be unable to take care of both sides, and that would be the real trouble.

Zhao Hai didn’t have any good ideas in this situation. Although he had a lot of good stuff on hand, these good things could deal with one side easily. If two sides were to fight at the same time, it wouldn’t be enough.

Currently, Zhao Hai’s main force was the undead creatures. If the undead creatures United, it would still be fine. However, if they were separated, the Protoss and Nephilims would take them down one by one. Once the undead creatures were eliminated, Zhao Hai would lose half of his forces. At that time, he would have no way to deal with the Protoss and Nephilims.

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