Living leisurely in Tang Dynasty

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Li Tai was only in daze for a while, and then tears started falling. He was in shocked and felt wronged and cried smoothly.

Li Tai cried bitterly and hugged the Emperor expressing his objections because he is worried: “This son is not afraid to travel far away. I’m only worried that once I leave now, there will be few chances to meet father again. In the future, I can only visit once a year and this child is worried about everyone here.”

Seeing Li Tai crying so sadly, Li Er was touched. Such a sincere and filial child. His determination was a little shaken, but he remembered Li Yuanying’s words and suppressed the wavering feeling.

Although Li Yuanying and Li Tai are not very close, they were not enemies. His brother also often praises Little Round Ball from Li Tai’s household and talks about Li Tai’s health all the time with care. He knows that the Emperor favours Li Tai but he still speaks out. What is Li Yuanying hoping for? Nothing. Just out of consideration for both Li Tai and Li Chengqian, his nephews.

Because of this, Li Yuanying’s words touched the Emperor.

His Majesty patted Li Tai on the back: “You are also a father; how can you act like a child? You have to toughen up and be your child’s backing. Even if you have left, you can always bring your family to visit us every year for a short stay. I’ve pick the best men for you to help you manage your fief.”

Li Tai could hear the firm tone in the Emperor’s voice and knew that there is no room for change. Although he was horrified, he didn’t dare to object outright and could only cry saying that he is worried about leaving. He cried until His Majesty had almost lost his patience before leaving to speak to his wife about this.

After leaving the palace gate, Li Tai still couldn’t understand why the Emperor suddenly made such a decision. Just a few days ago they were talking about him moving into Wude Palace so that they could meet daily. Why did he have to leave to his fiefdom now in the blink of an eye?

Li Tai returned home with doubts and a bad mood and send for his confidantes to come and talk about this topic. The Emperor had already issue a decree, is there any more turning point? His fief is far away in Prefecture Xiang. All his plans and investments will be interrupted by the Emperor’s sudden decision.

All his confidantes were surprised too.josei

Who exactly had managed to influence the Emperor? With the completion of << Comprehensive Gazetteer>>, Li Tai’s reputation has risen and he is praised as a filial son and a virtuous prince among officials and scholars. Now they actually have bullets to compete with the Crown Prince but suddenly His Majesty wants Li Tai to leave?

The instigator, Li Yuanying went home and slept comfortably after persuading the Emperor. The next day was still a holiday, so he had breakfast with Lady Liu and told her some interesting things that happened the day before but left out his conversation with the Emperor.  

Li Xiang came running over in the morning looking for Li Yuanying to play and happily shared that Papa praised him yesterday. Since everyone was busy preparing for the imperial examination, the toddler had a day off and so came expressing his determination to play as soon as possible.

Yuanying naturally took his gang out to play. He even left the palace grounds to visit Prince Wei’s home and stole Little Round Ball. The group then went to sunflower garden to look at dragons.

Before Li Tai had figured out his problem, he heard that Prince Teng is here to pick up his son.

Li Tai had a flash of realization.

There are not many who can influence the Emperor and this b*stard young uncle is one of the ones who could. This guy is evil and had luck on his side. He has always avoided trouble even when others find fault with him but if he were to pit a blame on another person, they would have a hard time.

The last time young uncle mentioned something about “being fat is not good for health” and the Emperor advised him to eat less and walk more, so as not to gain more weight!

With Li Yuanying away at the Academy, the palace was a peaceful place. Now on the first day he is back the Emperor came up with such an idea. How can this have nothing to do with Li Yuanying?

Come evening time, Li Yuanying visited Prince Wei’s home again to return little round ball. Li Tai was waiting for him.

When he was informed that young uncle has entered the mansion, Li Tai invited him for a talk in his study.  

Little round ball was a little tired after playing all day, and fell asleep on Yuanying’s shoulder. Yuanying personally carried him back to his mother safely in one piece. Hearing that Li Tai is waiting for him in the study, he was quite shocked.

Yuanying could feel that Li Tai didn’t like him but since Li Tai is his brother and late sister-in-law’s biological son, he still cared about this fourth nephew very much. He sat down opposite Li Tai and asked in a friendly manner: “Is there any tea?”

Li Tai twitched his face and asked someone to boil water and make tea.

Yuanying took the initiative to speak considerately: “Qing Que, do you have something to say to me? If you have any questions, just ask. If you don’t have enough money, I can lend you.”

He thought about it. The only reason why Li Tai who cannot stand him is inviting him for a drink is because he wants to borrow money!

When Li Tai heard Li Yuanying’s “Qing Que”, he became even more angry. Is his direct name something that should be uttered so casually? This is a name reserved for his parents. Li Yuanying is just a son by a lowly Lady of Treasure. If not for the fact that he was the youngest child and brought up personally by the current Emperor, isn’t he nothing but just a mere little Prince of Teng?

Moreover, father had assigned all the prefectures and counties around Xiang under his jurisdiction. Li Yuanying only had one Teng Prefecture!

Li Tai couldn’t hold back and blurted: “I don’t have money?”

Of course, he is not poor. To support his writing career, His Majesty allowed him large amount of money every month. As much as the Crown Prince had, he was offered the same. The Crown prince had Hongwen museum and so Prince Wei was given a literature museum too. And this hall that he had was built earlier than Hongwen museum!

“I must have mistaken. I saw your face and thought that you wanted to borrow money but is too embarrassed to ask.”

If Yuanying was put in his shoes, he would disappear if he didn’t like the person, why would he force himself to meet up? If he had to do so, the it is surely to ask for a favour! Yuanying felt that he is a considerate and good uncle.

“Then what do you want me to do, Qing Que? Just tell me if you face any difficulties. I won’t laugh at you!”

Li Tai wouldn’t believe this nonsense.

If he really told him about his difficulties, this fellow would not only laugh at him but will also publicize it for the whole world to laugh along! Li Yuanying has been doing this since he was a child!

There’s nothing special. It’s just that there is one thing I can’t figure out.” (Li Tai)

Li Yuanying put on an expression of listening carefully.

“A few days ago, the Emperor said that he wanted to see me every day and asked me to move to Wude Palace. Today the Emperor told me to leave for my own lands.” Li Tai observed Li Yuanying’s expression while talking, “Isn’t it strange? How can a person change so fast?”

When Yuanying heard it, he understood. His Majesty felt that his argument was justified and is sending Li Tai away.  

Li Yuanying took Li Tai’s hand: “What’s so difficult to understand? He wants to see you every day because of the deep love between father and son. Asking you to leave to your own land, is the emperor doing so with a heavy heart so that you can learn to be independent and grow into a good prince who is upright and useful to the country and the people, and to be a good father to Xin Er! Brother would rather be sad and hope for a good life for you! A loving father’s heart!”

Li Yuanying was moved by his own words.

“Oh, putting things into perspective like this, this younger brother thinks that being a father is not easy. Children are the parents’ responsibility starting from the day they are born.”

Li Tai’s face turned numb.

This kid hasn’t even got married but is talking about raising children.  What nonsense are you talking about here?!

Seeing that Li Tai was silent, Li Yuanying couldn’t help asking: “Qing Que, don’t you want to go?”

Even if Li Tai didn’t want to, he wouldn’t tell Li Yuanying. He made the same statement: “Father was ill last year. If I go, I won’t be able to see Father every day. I’m worried.”

Yuanying felt that this argument did not make sense: “You are not a doctor, so what if you meet the emperor every day? There are imperial doctors for treatment, servants for the palace, ladies from the harem, Sizi, and Xiang’er for company. Nothing is lacking without you.”

Li Tai fell silent.

“If I were you, I would have begged to go. What’s the use of staying in Chang’an? Everything is found in Chang’an and you are not needed for writing or military might. How boring! Going out will be different. Being away, you can balance your own income and expenses, manage your own lands and do whatever you want. Train yourself up. Anyway, I have been persuading Zhi Nu to leave early.”

Tea is ready and the maid respectfully brought them to the princes.

Seeing that Li Tai was silent, Li Yuanying roughly understood why he wanted to talk to him.

“Some people see that you are loved by the emperor, and have move closer to you and encourage you to do this and that. Do these people value you? Not at all! Another day, if someone else is favoured, they will abandon you and go to that someone else ” He snorted, “I won’t make such ‘friends’, you can but don’t be crying in the future and find no one.”

Those who has status in Chang’an didn’t get it easily. No matter how high Li Tai’s reputation is, once he loses the favour of the Emperor these people will scatter like birds and might even step on you a few times while doing so!

In all honesty, Li Yuanying himself has random different ideas daily. He doesn’t believe that the Emperor’s favour will stay with the same person forever.  

Li Tai’s eyes were heavy, and his expression gloomy.

Li Yuanying didn’t care about Li Tai’s unfriendly eyes. He drank the tea in front of him slowly, then put down the bowl: “You don’t have to beat around the bush. It is indeed I who persuaded the Emperor. I think it’s better for you to leave.” He looked at Li Tai and slowly expressed his opinion: “Brother must think the same too, otherwise he wouldn’t let you go. He’s your father and the you are the one he favours the most.”

After speaking, Li Yuanying got up to leave.

Li Tai watched him walk away, feeling angry. He raised his hand to sweep away the untouched bowl of tea.


The teacup shattered.

The faint green tea splashed all over the floor.

Good to leave for the fiefdom? After leaving Chang’an, who will still remember Prince Wei? Who would still think that he can compete with the crown prince?!

All his hard work was in vain!

Notes from the author:

Little Prince: I don’t know why, but my fourth nephew is very angry every day ~ I can’t figure it out~ I can’t figure it out ~

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