Living leisurely in Tang Dynasty

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

With guidance on directions, Beili was quite easy to find. The children walked for a while and the sight suddenly became clear.

The façade of this place is much more refined than that of the Western city. The plaques hanging on its gate seems to be crafted by the hands of famous artisans unlike the ones in western city which were simply done just to attract attention.

Perhaps it’s because those living here are prominent figures- either officials or scholars, the streets in daytime were rather quiet.

Yuanying approached nearer and listened hard. He was able to hear faint sounds from bamboo.  These songs were soft in tune, very different from the ones that the Emperor likes to listen to but similar to what Yuanying’s father is fond of before his death.

It seems like this is a place to listen to music! Yuanying reminiscence about this music and led Xincheng and Sizi to strut together to check out the biggest and best shops. He wants to visit the biggest and the best one!

There were young girls leaning against the windows along the street. Seeing a rather young boy leading a few little girls into Beili from a distance, they became curious and push open the windows wider to lean out with a smile.

The children were used to attracting attention so they didn’t care about the gazes. However, Wei Shu and the accompanying guards felt that something felt very off.

Especially the accompanying guards who were adults with certain “needs.” Even those who have not visited red-light districts would have heard about it. When a bunch of men gathers together they are bound to discuss such topics sometimes.

Look at the posture of those around, I’m afraid that this place is not for children!

Gao Yang’s bodyguards were the most often scolded. After seeing the girls by the window, they felt bad vibes and thus pushed someone to notify Gao Yang: “Princess, I’m afraid we shouldn’t be visiting this place.”

However Gao Yang was not someone who listens to advice, she turned her head towards them and asked unhappily, “Why can’t we go? We finally manage to find this place!”

Looking at Gao Yang’s dark eyes, the guards didn’t know how to explain such a delicate topic to the royal children.

If it was such a place, how can the princesses visit it? But these young royals in front of them were oblivious. Logical, given that the eldest among the group Prince of Teng and Princess Chengyang were only ten.

The guard who was pushed out spoke bravely: “This is the place for grown men to listen to songs and watch dance performances, it’s best if girls do not visit.”

Gao Yang hated the phrase “boys are okay but not for girls” the most. As she lost her mother at a young age, she grew up wild in the palace. She’s actually a bit more naughty than most boys, or else she wouldn’t be known to have the same bad reputation as Li Yuanying the little demon prince.

“What kind of music is it that girls can’t listen to and what kind of dance can’t a girl watch? That’s illogical, so I’m  going!”

After she’s finished speaking, she waved her hands to the guards to back away. Then quickly urge Yuanying to pick a good place. She was going to see what was so special about the songs and dances that girls can’t watch!

Yuanying has never been afraid of causing big commotions but only despised doing the small things. Hearing Gao Yang, he immediately pointed toward a brightly decorated building in front of him.

“That store looks nice, big enough and stylish. let’s check it out.”

Gao Yang happily agreed.

Wei Shu and the three others naturally followed closely, looking at everything around them curiously. Sizi took a sniff and said to Yuanying, “It smells good here.”

Yuanying did the same and nodded: “It’s quite fragrant.”

He didn’t think that it was unusual. Whether it was Da’an Palace or Taiji Palace, he grew up among heaps of incense and fragrances.

The children approached the door of the “big shop”and someone immediately greeted him.

The other party was an old prostitute named Su Er Niang from Wan Cui Mansion. She was in her 40s and still had charm. She looked at Li Yuanying curiously and wondered how these little dolls who were obviously rich nobles ended up in Beili.

Observing that the children were nobles, Er Niang cautiously asked, “What is this young gentleman here for?”

Is he here to look for his dad? Er Niang has operated Wan Cui Mansion for many years and she has seen many absurd things including official wives bringing their children here to look for their husbands. But this time it was a boy with a few little dolls together. This was a first for her.  

Li Yuanying has never felt restrained by anything. Although he hasn’t been outside much, he acted like everything was normal.

“Of course I’m here to play. If you have anything interesting in this place, please tell us.”

Thinking back to when the former Emperor was alive,  he vaguely remembered that he likes the pipa and so the boy pretended to understand everything.

“Find a few people who can play the pipa for me and get dancers too.”

Li Yuanying’s little pretend was on point. Although Beili was a place where prostitutes gathers, the trade was very discreet. Since most patrons were scholars or dignitaries, they normally behave elegantly with proper etiquette, and rarely would there be brazen behaviors seen in public.

When Er Niang heard the boy’s instructions she was slightly taken aback in surprise but still reached out to accept his payment and asked that the ladies prepare to serve the group.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss. It is safer that certain fine details are not asked or revealed. She accepted his payment like she would with any other normal guest. After all, even if the identities of these children are special, they still shouldn’t put any blame on Wan Cui mansion. This is after all just a business establishment.

On the contrary, if they don’t accept the group’s payment and provide service, it might cause trouble!

The servers in the room curiously look at the group of children.  Seeing that Er Niang had gone to instruct the girls to make preparations, they stepped forward to lead the group into the best and most spacious room located on the second floor.

The children sat down and a few young women instantly filed in the gaps serving them delicate desserts and fruits.

The clothes on these women looked different from those worn in the palace. It shows off their bosoms and waists and it shows their graceful posture. Although their appearance might not be top-notch, they were young making them pleasing to look at.

Wei Shu’s heart skipped a beat as she realized that this place is obviously not just for listening to music and watching dance. This is probably the “land of wind and moon” [1]used to describe entertainment joints like brothels, nightclubs, or red-light districts, etc that are written in books!

Although Wei Shu often wears men’s clothes out, she still doesn’t think it was appropriate for her to visit such a place.

She looked at Li Yuanying beside her.

Yuanying wasn’t even looking at the women around but was instead looking with great interest at a bowl of green tea in front of him.

He then turned and said, “I drank this when I was a child, it was presented to my father by a man from the south. At that time I ate lots of barbecued meat and this drink aids with my digestion. But since lord father didn’t like it, no one had prepared it ever since, I didn’t expect to taste it here!”

Wei Shu: “…………”

Well, it looks like these girls dressed up beautifully for nothing.  

Li Yuanying mentioned this casually but the women around them were shocked.

Wan Cui Mansion has received many dignitaries but royal members were usually secretive when they visit. Furthermore, they will never arrive with little girls in toll and then carelessly mention “Royal Father”.

Someone quietly left to look for Su Er Niang.

Er Niang had been paying close attention to the unusual group and when she heard of this her heart raised to her throat.

This place has attracted a very important and incredible group!

Right now, she can only hope for the best and to entertain these VVIPs and send them off smoothly without causing any major hiccups!

“I’ll play the Pipa for them,” said the girl who was listening.josei

The girl’s name was Su Qi Niang, adopted by Er Niang since she was a child. Now she’s around 13 or 14 but has played the Pipa for 8 years. She’s the most known for talent in the mansion and has made the fewest appearances. In Beili she carries the nickname Lady of ONE encounter.

Er Niang knows all about Qi Niang’s stubborn personality and that she has never tried to win favors from the rich and powerful. Otherwise, it would have been a piece of cake for her to live in luxury if she desires it so. Qi Niang’s current offer is solely to help with the dilemma and to share the burden.

Er Niang thought for a while and warned, “Do not offend the nobles.”

Qi Niang nodded.

At this same moment, Yuanying was lobbying Wei Shu and the others to try the tea.

Tea is prolific in the south but people in the north do not drink much. Li Tang built his Empire starting from Guanlong and naturally had no habit of drinking tea.

Sizi and the others had never drank it before and they feel that the greenish-looking liquid wouldn’t be tasty. But seeing Yuanying drinking repeatedly, it started to look delicious and so they tried it excitedly.

Wei Shu tried a few sips and realized that the originally boring tasting snacks were turning out to taste just right after consuming them with tea. It was indeed a unique tasting experience.

As the group was discussing the wonders of this tea,  Qi Niang pushed the door and entered with Pipa in her arms.

Yuanying looked up and saw that the girl was beautiful with elegant aura. She resembles what the public would call a cardamon flower girl [2]In the Tang dynasty, cardamon flowers were used to describe girls around the age of 13 or 14, originating from poet Du Mu’s famous 7-word quatrain called <<Parting>>.  He didn’t care much about the girl still but was attracted to the Pipa she was holding.

This Pipa looks like a good Pipa.

After Qi Niang bowed in respect she started playing the pipa. The boy was even more convinced that the Pipa was a great one, if the former Emperor was alive, he would like it.

Seeing Li Yuanying stare at Qi Niang, Gao Yang couldn’t help but to nudge him.

The boy returned to his senses and shook his head to indicate that he was fine. He has a very good memory and was only five when his father passed. Until today he still remembers how the previous Emperor would pick him up and condone all his mischievous antics.

Yuanying wasn’t paying attention to Qi Niang’s playing but as soon as she is done he blurted out: “Will you sell it?” 

Qi Niang was left speechless by the question.

She looked into Yuanying’s clear eyes and didn’t know how to respond.

After she calmed down, she realized that the boy’s eyes were on the Pipa in her hand.

He didn’t want to buy her, he wanted to buy her Pipa.

Yuanying saw Qi Niang subconsciously grasped the Pipa and knew it was precious to her.

He then shook his head and said, “Forget it, you can keep it.”

Gao Yang was still very concerned about her friend so she approached Yuanying and asked strangely: “What’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t know why but as soon as I walked into Beili I started thinking about my late father. It reminds me of him, even more, when I see this Pipa. Father has always liked the Pipa and I thought about buying it for him. But after thinking, I think it’s better to leave the Pipa to someone who can play it, after all, father can’t play anymore.”

After listening to his words, the children gathered around him to comfort him: “Young uncle, don’t be sad!”

Yuanying hummed: “I’m not sad. People will die so why should I be sad?!” 

He was just about to ask Qi Niang to change her tune from melodious songs to something else but instead, they heard a loud commotion outside.

The group placed their ears to the door to eavesdrop and heard someone shouting: “You say it’s hard to book Qi Niang’s time but it seems that you are just looking down on me Fang Yi’ai! I’ll give you one more chance, go and bring her over immediately!”

Hearing the word “Fang Yi’ai”, Li Yuanying frowned and turned toward Gao Yang.

Although the engagement was not officially arranged yet, His Majesty Li Er has already agreed with Fang Xuanling to marry Gao Yang to Fang Yi’ai.

Gao Yang was also aware of this. She was very different from Cheng Yang who is soft-spoken and gentle. She’s someone with a feisty personality.

Hearing that Fang Yi’ai was making a commotion outside and trying to steal Qi Niang who was playing for them, Gao Yang immediately got up and confronted the second son of the Fang family: “Let me see,  who dares to snatch someone from our side!”

Fang Yi’ai stared at her like he saw a ghost.


↑ 1used to describe entertainment joints like brothels, nightclubs, or red-light districts, etc

↑ 2In the Tang dynasty, cardamon flowers were used to describe girls around the age of 13 or 14, originating from poet Du Mu’s famous 7-word quatrain called <<Parting>>.

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