Living leisurely in Tang Dynasty

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Smelling good food is just one thing. Those who were supposed to go out went out, leaving behind poor students who couldn’t afford food apart from those prepared by the cafeteria. They had to endure the hardships of eating 2 bland meals daily.

But you cannot not eat because you will starve and have no energy to study. Only those who were shameless enough to mollycoddle up to rich brats were able to get some edible food. Those humble ones could only eat what is provided. Not all of them think that those who befriend the rich brats were shameless “traitors” but they still couldn’t bring themselves to do the same.

The students complain in their hearts about the evil guy who is tempting them with food aroma  while walking. They were all stunned when they reached the cafeteria.

The original plain looking cafeteria is now neatly arranged and was decorated with many long shiny tables. Many thought they went to the wrong room. Upon inquiring, they found out that this is a new activity of the cafeteria. They were supposed to taste the food from FengThai Restaurant and vote for the best dish. This will be carried out for a hundred days to pick the best “hundred recipes”.

Today’s menu was done in a rush, so everything was done ad hoc. Everyone please go easy on the restaurant!

Taking another deep whiff, isn’t this where the delicious food aroma was coming from? It smells so good! Why is FengThai restaurant so gracious? Just looking at this meal, 2 protein and 2 vegetable. A balance nutritious meal! Luckily new year had just passed so even student from humble background had good meals and  they did not cause chaos. Everyone obediently lined up for food.

The cafeteria management needs to prepare food according to the number of  students as they used the best ingredients and did not want to waste. Therefore everyone who took their share had to mark their name on the attendance book. Everyone is to line up in accordance to their names. Those who can independently get food will not care about things like this as they are rich. Let them do whatever they want. If they wanted to eat in the cafeteria they have 2 choices – either eat the original menu or pay up. There is no free meal.

Hearing that they will have better food moving forward the students were overjoyed. They didn’t mind waiting in line or having to vote and all happily waited for their meal.

Some students had bigger appetite and were not full with just one serving. They asked for more plain rice even if the dishes they could not get more. The caterers smiled in a friendly manner and gave him 2 ticks. With that he gets 2 portion moving forward.

Big appetite student weren’t being discriminated against but instead got special treatment. He was moved and strike up a conversation: “I see that you are literate, why aren’t you studying but is a chef assistant?”josei

The youth was about 12 but had good work ethics. He smiled while answering: “My master allowed me to read so that I can be of used to the country. Now that his highness wants us to serve 2,000 students, this not only allow us to be exposed to the Imperial Academy but also challenge our ability in problem solving. I did not study well that’s why I’m tasked with the simple task of taking names. Otherwise I would be in accounting or management. That’s called getting real life experience.”

This statement was overheard by those lining up and they all started talking to the boy.

The youth then told them about his humble background, saying that just 2 years ago he was a beggar and it was all thanks to Prince Teng for taking him in and the Crown Prince for giving them good teachers for education. Their teachers were recommended by Kong Yingda himself. Therefore when they heard that the Academy had such an activity they all volunteered.

Do not look down on a cook. This is a prestigious job for people like them. Those who did not learn well do not even get a chance to take names.

The youths shared their story with pride and confidence. They didn’t look like the former homeless beggar that they were. After finishing, they continued on with the activity of taking names.

This conversation quickly spread among the students and most finally understood why the cafeteria had updated the menu. It is because Li Yuanying is studying here and found the food unsatisfactory and asked the Crown Prince to do something about it. They worked together, using their own money to make improvements to the Academy.

Even if not for other things, the owners of FengThai Restaurant will do their very best to provide Li Yuanying with good food. The boy is using his own money so no one would dare say anything about it!

Those who take from others had gentler hands. Those who ate this meal all went to talk to Li Yuanying. The tone and topics had a change of temperament. Many remembered that Prince Teng also created a library and all praises him that it was a great place.

Not everyone is lucky like them to be enrolled into the Imperial Academy and have access to the private library here. For those who couldn’t the public library is liken to a treasure trove!

As the topic went on, many started to look at Li Yuanying differently from the other rich brats. Those brats complained about the food here and quickly ask their parents to send them good food. Only those who mollycoddle up to them can get some decent food. Li Yuanying is different, he found the food bad so he worked with the Crown Prince to change the menu!  

Many students did their own calculation. Even though those who are foreign or had money or were friends with someone with money will not eat in the cafeteria, the remaining crowd were still about 2,000 people! How much money must he spend? No doubt he is the prince who could open up a library at this land of gold called Chang’an!

Many thought that Li Yuanying would go broke from this. They were happy to eat well but they couldn’t pick up the bowl to eat food and then put it down to scold the mother [1]meaning to receive help from one and then to criticize the same person and be a white eyed wolf [2]an ungrateful person.

Li Yuanying is still young and was born into a wealthy family. He had no concept of  money and thinks that it’s a simple task feeding the whole community wouldn’t cost much. But how can 2,000 mouths be a small amount of money?

As the masses had their discussion, they elected several representative to have a discussion with Li Yuanying about food.

Li Yuanying had a  happy dinner filled with both meat and vegetables, plus his favorite stewed tender chicken with taro; Fragrant and satisfying. As he saw everyone enjoying their meal, he felt good and decided to write back to his mother informing her that her chicken with taro recipe is well-loved, especially the girls who kept praising the dish. Yuanying also wrote that the teachers were great, Dr. Ma is funny, assistant teacher Jia is knowledgeable and when they teach the class is  lively and interesting and he likes it very much.

While Yuanying was sitting on his self-made bed writing letters, the representative came over and politely greeted him, asking what was the subject of his letter.

He didn’t know why these people were here but he likes making new friends. Seeing that they didn’t look like troublemakers, he invited them to sit saying that he was writing a letter to his mother to share about all the interesting things that he has encountered thus far.  

Sensing a filial child, the group were no longer hesitated and told the young boy their concerns: Simply put, they were worried that Li Yuanying would be left poor.

“No worries! My papa left me plenty of money and many properties and lands. These lands yield me much yearly. I spend much money in the palace in the past too, how can I be eaten poor? What’s the use of money if they were left idle, it will not grow on its own. Why not eat good food.” The boy happily shared his ideals with the group “I have always wanted to try the delicacies from foreign places, it is just that the palace restricts our interaction with the outside world. Now is a great time for me to explore new things.”

At first the group was worried that the boy was young and naive and didn’t understand the value of money. Now they realized that the little prince was a cub who didn’t feel bad about selling his father’s land. He has no qualms about spending his late father’s money.

But still the group tried to persuade the young prince to reconsider again. In fact, 1 protein and 1 vegetable dish is more than enough, there is no reason to have 2 of both.

Li Yuanying resolutely refused to agree. When it comes to his projects, he would never give in to terms easily. The plan is put in motion, how can we just make changes to it! If he simply change his promises without dignity now, then no one will listen to him in the future!

The group had no choice but to disperse.

Li Yuanying murmured to Tang Xuan: “How can 1 meat and 1 vegetable be enough to eat?”

“It is rare for ordinary people to have protein several times a month. 1 meat and 1 vegetable every day is already a godly meal.” (Tang Xuan)

Yuanying really had not eaten dinner in an ordinary family’s home. Even if it was Wei Zheng’s house, he would go over for fun occasionally but it was never for a serious meal. Hearing what Tang Xuan had to say, they boy asked many more things and realized how the other students were able to tolerate the bad food at school, it is because such meals were normal for them since childhood!

Li Yuanying said suddenly: “So that’s how it is.”

Tang Xuan raised another hurdle: “If you were to feed the students here everyday likely the price of goods will rise in Chang’an.”

Li Yuanying sat cross-legged and tried reasoning: “ No worries! If prices of protein rise then many farmers will be willing to raise livestock and poultry. Who is not tempted to make more money? Even if those who raises chickens or ducks are reluctant to eat the meat, they can always eat its egg. Many people will now be able to afford meat. We should not worry about high prices but should worry about low commodity cost creating scarcity. Even if no one knows how to rear farm animals, I can ask consultants to teach them from house to house!”

Tang Xuan felt that it made sense.

The two were talking excitedly and didn’t realize that a group had formed around them listening to their chit chat. When Yuanying mention “Send someone to teach from house to house” and before Tang Xuan could react to it, someone foreign asked: “ Do you know how to raise chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep?”

Who cares whether that statement came from a stranger, Yuanying is happy just to talk.

“No idea how to do it!”

“Then how are you going to teach from house to house?” (Everyone)

Yuanying then shared his story about how he took over Xiangcheng Palace from the Emperor. This place will now be used as a test ground to raise livestock and we can experiment with different methods. We try all alternative methods then narrow them down to the best ones that produces the best results. After all, Yuanying had already spend big money sending talents there and were only waiting for the weather to become warmer before he kick off his project.  

After the trial is completed, he will then be able to teach from house to house!

Yuanying also shared more about his own experience. For example, throwing money at people to brainstorm definitely work. One of his staff, Deng Qing invented cheap paper making. Soon they will be able to see new books printed on this new paper!

Only one thought grew in the mind of the people who heard the young prince talk. How much money did his late father left him?!

When Tang Guan came back, he saw a group gathering around Li Yuanying. Many humble (poor) scholars who usually refuse to hang out with the rich group were sitting and chatting with Li Yuanying. The usually deserted place was lively.

Tang Guan quietly burned the charcoal he brought back and did a silent jab with a sullen expression: “You don’t need to sleep, others have to sleep.  Don’t make everyone suffer punishment with you.” When he was talking, his eyes fell on Li Yuanying and Tang Xuan, obviously aiming this statement at them.

It was a first for Li Yuanying to sleep with so many people. True, it’s not good to disturb others. He took off his robe and got into his warm blanket but his mind was still very active and couldn’t fall asleep. He turned to look at Tang Xuan and his friend was not asleep either. He lowered his voice and whispered: “Is this Tang Guan usually so fierce?”

Before Tang Xuan could respond, Tang Guan’s angry voice came from the side: “Talking about people behind their backs is not for a gentleman!”

Li Yuanying turned his head and looked. Oh! Tang Guan’s bed is actually on his left!

Yuanying turned over and faced Tang Guan straight in the eye and asked very gentlemanly: “Are you usually this fierce?”

Tang Guan: “…”

Notes from the Author:

Little Prince: Am I very gentlemanly?

Little Tang Guan: Get out! Get out!


↑1meaning to receive help from one and then to criticize the same person↑2an ungrateful person

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